Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 180: Fall short

Doudou stared at Red Bean fiercely, only then did he realize that he had overlooked a crucial element in order to release the King Snake.

In the previous battle, the self-mutilation just now made him badly injured. Since he can't suppress Adzuki beans in strength, of course he can't make her snake escape power for his own use, and it's impossible even to control her curse. .

Now he can no longer exclude the red bean from the battle, and has made her one of his enemies!

——According to the information he got, although everyone present had a good relationship with Xie Chen, this red bean was a member who received special training from Xie Chen in the early days!

"The snake explodes!"

"The snake explodes!"

Although the red bean uses the same ninjutsu as the pocket, the speed of Haojieyin is surprisingly fast. On the contrary, it completes the knotyin faster than the pocket that has lost an arm!

The two big snakes, their bodies intersected, burst into bursts because the red beans were excited first, so the place where they eventually exploded was relatively closer to the pocket.

Both of them were retreated by a burst of qi at the same time, but the trauma to the pocket was obviously heavier, and the red bean directly suppressed his injuries, and immediately attacked the pocket once again!

"The big snake is led by your right arm, the strongest power of the big snake pill. As long as you kill you, it will definitely shrink back into the altar of the snake again! Take it to death!"

"Hmph, I won't be knocked down by you so easily!" Tou was furious, but he knew that Hongdou had seen through his biggest weakness in setting up the altar of the snake. Faced with the attack between her and the Itachi who was chasing behind, he must You have to deal with it with all your strength, otherwise you might be killed on the spot!

"Into the ground!"

After careful evaluation, the pocket immediately turned into a serpentine shape, but this time I didn't want to attack any party, but dived directly into the ground!

"Hehe, do you think you can escape by hiding underground?"

"Snake Shadow!"

"Fire escape! The fire and the sun burn!"

Red Bean summoned a snake shadow, and Ferret immediately sprayed out a ball of flame attached to the snake shadow, and cooperated with Red Bean tacitly to continue to attack the black hole.

Poor Dou didn't expect that their pursuit came so quickly, they were forced out of the ground, and at the moment they rushed out, Red Bean and Itachi's ultimate move immediately hit!


At this moment, Dai Tu suddenly appeared beside Tou, watching their attacking tactics solemnly. "Itachi, I'm sorry, now this person still has the value of his alive, I can't let you kill him directly!" As he said, he brought his right hand to the shoulder of his pocket. The two disappeared in place at the same time, and the attacks of Red Bean and Itachi also failed.

On the other side, the big snake that was under siege suddenly burst into chakra power, but after driving away Kakashi and others, its body kept shrinking, and finally turned into the first altar of snakes. , Retracted into the ground.

"Take the soil! You dare to protect the pocket! Do you want to die here?" Itachi obviously knew the existence of the soil. At this time, seeing that he had rescued the pocket at the most critical time, he couldn't stop it. Keep calm, staring coldly at the dirt and pockets flashing in the distance.

"Hehe, I have a good temper. When can you give me orders? Itachi, our people have already gathered here. If you don't want to face the conflict with Akatsuki, then stop now! "

"Dreaming!" Sasuke's temper exploded immediately. Activate Sasu's power again, transform into a bow, and shoot an arrow to take the soil!

"Hehe, I admit that Sasuke is very fast, but it is naive to want to hurt me by your speed."

He disappeared in place again, bringing the soil did not mean to confront them head-on, but he made up his mind to dodge with his pockets, and no one could easily catch them.

"Asshole! Don't run away if you have the kind, and compete with us head-on!" Sasuke missed several attacks, and at this time he couldn't help but feel agitated.

"Hehe, it's not called a kind, it's silly! Huh?" Dai Tu suddenly showed a surprised figure, and her figure disappeared several times in a row, before flashing an amazing red light.

"Master Xie Chen! Have you eliminated the reinforcements of the Xiao organization?"

Xie Chen said indifferently: "Temporarily killed the few people in front, haha, this time the Xiao organization has paid a lot of money, and the experts even find it a bit tricky. But this time you must be in pain."

Tai Tu's face changed drastically. From Xie Chen's words, he could hear that he had killed all his pioneers in such a short time!

The strength of those people can't be clearest by themselves. At the beginning, I calculated it by myself. With their strength, it was definitely impossible to defeat Xie Chen, but at least it could entangle him, and at the worst, at least he could protect himself.

Unexpectedly, Xie Chen's attack is now even more fierce than when he was against himself!

"I don't have time to fight with you this time. Next time, you won't have such good luck!"

After that, the soil can only be evacuated from the battlefield at the fastest speed with the bag, so as not to be entangled by Xie Chen again. Although he was confident that he could escape under the siege of all of them, but he couldn't guarantee that he would be able to take the pocket smoothly. If someone unexpectedly killed the pocket, he would have come for nothing this time.

"Master Xie Chen, why don't you want to keep them." Seeing the two figures flashing further and further, Kakashi and others still felt very unwilling.

"Hehe, what is there to keep. No matter what, we won this time, that's enough. If you are too greedy to win, and even want to complete the effort, then they may find a gap to fight back. If among you It’s not a good deal if someone died in battle."

Sasuke also eliminated Suiza's state of being able to behave, and snorted coldly: "Do you underestimate us by saying that. Even if the opposite Uchiha takes Kei, we at least have the ability to protect ourselves. And in our current state." , It is impossible to support for long!"

To Sasuke, Xie Chen didn’t show any politeness: “It’s the same as you’ve played with Uchiha before. How much do you know about his strength? Just aiming at your careless mentality, it proves that I just The decision is right!"..


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