Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 181: Analysis of pockets

Unexpectedly, Xie Chen said so unceremoniously, Sasuke just wanted to continue to refute, but Itachi got ahead of them.

"Well, the strength of bringing the soil is indeed very strong. It is not a simple matter to solve him. What's more, their help will continue to appear in the future, but we no longer have any helpers, in case it becomes a war In the situation, it is not necessarily us who will benefit in the end."

"Itachi makes sense, Sasuke, stay calm!" Kakashi also persuaded.

"Calm down? It's really easy to say. It shows how comfortable you have been in these years, Kakashi, it's no wonder that your strength has not been improved. It seems that you have already used yourself to give up."

He said this a bit too much.

Regardless of whether he still hates Konoha Village, Kakashi used to be his teacher. With this attitude, Kakashi is no longer in his eyes.

Even if it was A Kai's temperament, he felt very angry at this time.

"Sasuke, don't forget that if it weren't for our timely support this time, the two of you might not be opponents!"

"What's the use then? Didn't I get the dirt and save my pocket in the end?"

Itachi said indifferently: "Sasuke, don't get excited, at least this time we have seen the killer trick of pocket. Next time he wants to use the same trick again, we can prepare in advance."

"Right, Itachi is right. Not to mention that we have wounded the snake this time. Even if they can summon the snake again, it might still be seriously injured. That would not be too scary." Red still wants to make a round.

"You are all wrong." Xie Chen faintly denied their analysis.

"Ah? We were wrong? Where was the mistake?" Hong said unconvincingly.

What they said just now fell in everyone's eyes. How could there be mistakes in things that are very clear?

"Do you think we have really seen the real hole card of Doudou? If that big snake is really Doudou's hole card, then why did you come to save Doudou with dirt in the end? Hasn't his hole card been hurt by you? Is it?" Xie Chen led the tunnel step by step.

"That’s because there are still a lot of ninjas who reincarnated from the dirty land? Don’t forget that we have not killed the previous generations of the shadows so far. In addition, there are still many elites under Dou’s ninja who have not used it. If you kill them, surely those people's reincarnation art will be automatically solved, right?"

"It makes sense, but the value of Tou to them has not reached this level. After all, on the frontal battlefield, the conflict between Akatsuki and the Ninja Army is also very fierce, and there is a possibility of winning or losing at any time. The biggest weakness is the shortage of manpower. At this time, do you prefer to run to support the pocket first? Moreover, although the pocket was defeated by you just now, you may not have the ability to protect yourself. It just involves a few things. It's dangerous."

"But it's also possible that someone who is very cautious about bringing soil, so you want to fully ensure that the bag can be smoothly separated from the battlefield, so you will come?"

"Haha, it wouldn't make sense logically. If he is really a very cautious person, how can he rest assured about the situation on the outer battlefield?" Xie Chen woke up with a smile.

"Yeah, what is going on? According to Master Xie Chen, is there any other tricks for that pocket? Since there are tricks, why is he useless?"

Xie Chen shook his head and said: "How can I figure this out. But what we see before my eyes makes me too suspicious, so I don't think it is a real trump card."

"I'm very surprised how you can make such a big name in such a short period of time with your strength. The last time I saw your strength, I was amazed. Now it seems that it is probably because you belonged to the wood. Ye, that's why they exaggerated your strength and made you a savior in this situation!"

"Vicious comment." Xie Chen didn't get angry, just rubbed his chin.

Of course, Hongdou has to defend Xie Chen: "That's just your own wild guess. Master Xie Chen, you said that the big snake in the pocket is not his real trump card. There must be other analysis?"

Xie Chen nodded and said, "That's right. What power does the big snake have and how it is summoned? Everyone has already seen it. You think that for it, it takes so long to hide and avoid the battlefield. If it weren’t for us to come here, I’m afraid he wouldn’t use it now."

"Yes, this is really strange. According to the situation just now, although the big snake has terrible power, its weaknesses are also obvious, otherwise it will not be injured by a few of us, unlike the outside golem, which leaves us without A little bit of a solution. At the same time, the pocket can already be used very skillfully. In this case, it would be good to take it directly to the battlefield. If they plan well, they might be able to catch us by surprise and achieve great results. "

"This is where my doubt lies. If this is the case, why didn't Duo not act according to this kind of effect that can achieve the maximum result, but instead be exposed here after we find the door, and be prepared for the future war? I? Thinking, just now when he discovered that we were coming to support Sasuke and Itachi, if he only wanted to escape, we couldn't stop him."

"Uh." After Xie Chen points out this doubt, it immediately makes people feel its obviousness. Even if Sasuke has the big prejudice in his heart, he cannot deny this doubt.

However, he also didn't want to understand the truth here. Is it true that as Xie Chen said, the altar of the snake was not his last killer move at all, and he himself was suspected of misleading the thinking of himself and others in this battle?

"Then, Mr. Xie Chen, according to your point of view, what is still hidden in the pocket? The dangerous situation just now has not been exposed?" Itachi glanced at Sasuke and asked Xie Chen directly.

Xie Chen shook his head and said: "This can only be guessed. There are only a few reasons. Either its relationship is too important and you don't want to be exposed at that time, or it is just to use that. A hole card requires special conditions, and he did not have the power to use it at the time!"..


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