Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 182: reconciliation

"Well, it's also possible that the two reasons exist at the same time. If we can understand why the hole card cannot be used directly, then we have mastered the way to limit his power. Sasuke, I wonder if you can help us in this regard?"

"Help you?" Sasuke sneered, "Why should I help you. Our grievances with Doudou are our own business, and your business has nothing to do with me!"

"Sasuke." Kakashi stepped forward and said in a serious tone, "Don't be arrogant, this time is also a reminder to you. No matter what the pocket cards are, he is much more difficult to deal with than Danzo. With the two of you, don't talk about the hole cards that the pocket hasn't revealed yet, I'm afraid he just summoned the big snake and you can't handle it."

"Sasuke, before you left Konoha, the purpose was to improve your own strength and also want to avenge your family. Now, Osaki Maru is dead, your strength has increased to a sufficient level, and Danzo etc. People have been killed by you. Since the main messenger who wanted to destroy the Uchiha clan is dead, your anger should be calmed down, right?"

Sasuke was silent.

Xie Chen continued: "I don't care if you have any relationship with Konoha and Konoha's people, I just need to make you understand that cooperating with us is at least the most beneficial way for you. Itachi, although you are betraying Konoha Shinobu has been out for many years, but as long as you promise that you will not join forces with Akatsuki against the Ninja Alliance, then I can ask Konoha to withdraw his wanted for you."

Itachi said indifferently, "Do you think I care about the wanted order?"

"This is not a question of whether you care or not, but the current situation has reached such a critical moment. It is no longer an era when each village was in its own right. If you want to participate in this war, then you must choose a side. Neither the Akatsuki organization nor the Ninja Alliance will tolerate the emergence of a third-party force that transcends both sides. Therefore, even if it is as powerful as a pocket, it must choose to form an ally with Akatsuki."

"Then what if we don't participate in this ninja war?"

"That doesn't make much difference. After this war, the entire ninja world will no longer be the time when the villages were in their own hands. It will definitely be dominated by the Ninja Army or the Akatsuki organization. , Unless you hide in a deep mountain forever and never show up again, you will be endlessly hunted down as Konoha's rebels."

"Are you threatening us?" Sasuke faintly showed signs of action.

Xie Chen said indifferently: "I'm just telling you a fact that is about to happen, and after Xiao Organization wins, you probably won't even have the chance to hide in the mountains, because they will use unlimited moon readings on the moon. Will live in the illusion they created!"

Although Itachi's expression is still cold, but his eyes have loosened.

As the "rebel" Itachi, who was originally ordered by Danzo to kill his own tribe, did not dislike them much after joining the Akatsuki organization. It was not until he learned about this unlimited monthly reading plan that he found that he and Akatsuki were in the conception. Totally out of place.

Coupled with the various changes that occurred afterwards, he and his younger brother Sasuke came together again. Just for Sasuke, he would never allow Akatsuki's plan to succeed!

However, the reality is like what Xie Chen said, if you want to defeat Akatsuki's plan, you can only choose to cooperate with the Ninja Alliance.

What's more, from his heart, it is better to cooperate with someone like Xie Chen who is strong and has a direct style of acting than to cooperate with the previous Five Shadows.

In that case, not only will there be resistance in his heart, but more importantly, he does not have much confidence in the strength of the Five Shadows!

"Okay." Without waiting for Sasuke to argue with them again, Itachi agreed to Xie Chen's condition first, "However, don't want me to bow my head with the current Hokage. The pre-persuasion work is all left to you. We wait for your good news."

Xie Chen rolled his eyes.

This is how I get used to it, making it seem like I am begging for them to come back. Also do all the preparations.

However, Xie Chen didn't say much when seeing the expression of relief from Kakashi and others.

No matter what they say, they have had grievances for decades, and it is not easy for Itachi to let go. It's a big deal to work hard.

Besides, my goal has never been for Sasuke Itachi and Konoha to work together perfectly, as long as they don't bother each other.

The biggest risk is that Sasuke may be unable to control his emotions and let the idea of ​​revenge gain the upper hand again. However, this risk is controllable. Looking at Naruto and their enthusiasm, as long as Sasuke is willing to come back, he should be able to take him My heart melts. And they will definitely follow Sasuke "inseparably", he shouldn't have a chance to vent his mood.

"Well, how do we contact you after Konoha's problem is resolved?"

"The area where we are located is sixty miles south of Shayin Village. As long as you appear on the peaks there, you will definitely be able to see you from our position."

Itachi did not directly state their location, obviously he was a little wary of Xie Chen and the others, but this kind of thing was not anxious. Trust is also gained step by step, rather than falling out of thin air.

Sasuke and Itachi are instructed not to show up near the battlefield these days to avoid misjudgment by others.

If on the eve of this kind of reconciliation, they and the Ninja Army cause a new **** crime, it would be a big joke!

After separating from them, Xie Chen returned to the headquarters of Shayin Village without any delay.

This battle has been delayed for too long, and the ninjas who are constraining on their own side should also start to withdraw their troops. If they don't leave, bringing the soil will definitely not bury them in the ocean of the black shadow ninja with the slightest pain.

However, when they returned to the village and brought back the same news about their contact with Sasuke and Itachi, Xie Chen realized that he had thought of this matter a bit simpler. ..


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