Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 190: Fight for the mission

With her fighting style, she didn't have to be so risky. You must know that if Bai Jue really had any ninjutsu that could trap her at the bottom of the box, then she would be in a very dangerous situation.

But she knew this and still had to take this risk, the purpose was to force Bai Jue's various ninjutsu.

She also thought that Sasuke and Itachi might have been lurking around now, so in this way, let them know more about Shiraze's ninjutsu.

At the same time, this can also make Bai Jue uncomfortable and make mistakes that should not be made. As long as Sasuke and Itachi can catch such mistakes, it will greatly increase the possibility of them completing the test!

"Wood whirlwind!"

Several Baijue avatars were joined together hand in hand, and countless wooden thorns sprang out from their bodies. At the same time, they spun quickly and rushed towards Hinata!

"White eyes! The gossip spirit sealing technique!" Hina Tian flicked both hands, gathering the surrounding air, and instantly forced their wood whirlwind.

With a stroke of her right hand, the clone of Bai Jue that suddenly appeared behind her was easily broken by Hinata.

"Hateful! It's just a little girl from the Hyuga family, who dares to be so arrogant in front of me!" Bai Jue has lost her usual calmness.

For a long time, he was only performing reconnaissance missions. This was the first time he took a group of ninjas in frontal combat, and he faced Hinata with absolute advantage.

However, after playing for a long time, he has achieved his current record. After he returns, he will definitely be despised by other people in the organization, and it will be hard to ask for resources in the future.

Therefore, the situation forced him to adopt some adventurous tactics. A dozen clones were all gathered together, and they were about to launch another powerful ninjutsu. Suddenly, a black shadow flashed in front of them at an astonishing speed!

"This, Sasuke!"

Bai Jue looked at the sudden appearance of Zuoqi in horror. At this moment, he knew that he must have fallen into some of their traps!

Now is no longer the time to consider whether he can defeat Hinata, he must escape here as fast as he can!

And when Sasuke appeared, Hinata tacitly did not continue to attack Bai Zetsu, so as not to give others a word in the future, but instead attacked the surrounding Ninja with all his strength.


Sasuke instantly activated Susano's state. With a wave of the Chakra's knife in his hand, a dozen Baijue phantoms in front of him were beheaded.

But at the same time, the four Bai Jue immediately rushed towards the ground. As long as he could sneak back to the ground, his chance of escape would be greatly increased!

"Want to escape? How could it make you wishful!" Another figure also appeared on the battlefield, and of course it was Itachi.

He has been with Bai Jue for a long time, and he has a good understanding of his ninjutsu and tactics, and he has been wary of this trick from the beginning.

With his pupil power, four black flames were emitted, igniting the four Bai Jue clones.

This is not Amaterasu Flame. Although its power is smaller, it is more than enough to deal with these Bai Jue clones.

The four Bai Jue were all just clones. It seemed that he had already guessed that Itachi was lurking around, so he deliberately tried it first.

"Monthly reading!"

Itachi found that his attack was completely unsuccessful, and his expression was not discouraged, so he directly activated his pupil power, and simultaneously activated illusions against the remaining Bai Jue on the scene.

"With your current strength, how long do you think you can last? Wooden escape! Da Sen Pile Art!"

Numerous wooden stakes emerged from the ground, it looked like he had created a forest by himself, forcing Itachi to be unable to activate the moon reading technique with all his strength, and could only dodge in a slight embarrassment.

Sasuke immediately rushed to support.

Although the ability to write round eyes is not afraid of the opponent's numerical advantage, it is even possible to use their use as an aid to escape. But the enemy he faced at this time was definitely not in this list.

Those wooden stakes seemed to not cost chakras at all. After they all emerged, they retracted back, and after Sasuke also entered this area, they appeared again!

It's hard to imagine how Bai Jue managed to command such a large wooden stake.

However, such an attack in front of Sasuke and Itachi who possessed the power of Susao was still too weak!

The two exchanged glances. Itachi also cooperated with Sasuke after activating the power of Susao Naka, and slashed in the same direction at the same time. The powerful Chakra blade easily cut through countless wooden stakes, and they almost all started. Not to weaken the effect of the two slashes.

Especially, although Mu Dun Ninjutsu can make trees grow quickly, such a large piece of wooden stakes can't grow back in a short while. In this way, they got a fairly large area of ​​safety, without worrying about Bai Jue's sneak attack.

"Wood whirlwind!"

Seeing that this kind of attack was useless, the few Bai Jue who had been freed from Hinata's gossip spirit gathering art revolved again, but this time the target of the attack was changed to Itachi.

The reason why he didn't choose to attack Sasuke was because Sasuke's speed was too fast. If he dodges intently, he was just wasting Chakra and time.

On the contrary, although Itachi is proficient in illusion, but this trick of his own uses the power of physique, the least afraid of is illusion.

This attack did not seek to really hurt him, as long as he could be forced away and given a chance to dive into the ground, he would achieve his goal.

"Wood whirlwind?" There was a sneered sneer at the corner of Itachi's mouth, his hands quickly formed a seal, and a huge fireball came out from his mouth, even covering the few Baijue clones.


After the flames passed, those Bai Jue clones were all burned to fly ash.

The successive losses made Bai Jue a little flustered.

Although there are so many copies of themselves, they cannot be clearly distinguished in a while, but if they find their own body before bringing the soil and the support of Penn and others, then the trouble will be great. what! ..


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