Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 191: Body bait

"Mu Dun! Direct stabbing!"

The rest of Bai Jue lined up together, risking being wiped out by them again, forming a relatively dense formation.

Another reliance on doing this is that he has already seen that Hinata has "give in" himself to Sasuke and Itachi.

Whether she is afraid of misunderstanding or having problems with each other, it shows that she doesn't need to worry that she will give herself the "Gossip Spirit Gathering Technique" again from behind.

Of course, Bai Jue had his intention to take such a big risk.

The attack speed of this direct stabbing is very fast, and coupled with such a dense mesh-like attack method, it is difficult to completely dodge it even with the strength of Sasuke and Itachi.

Especially this kind of attack does not end with a single piercing, this kind of wood escape power is deeply embedded in their bodies, so they can retract the wood thorns from the direct piercing to attack again at any time!

"Sasuke, how are you doing." Itachi saw an attack just now, and Sasuke obviously didn't flash a wooden thorn, but he didn't know the condition of his injury.

"Fortunately, this Bai Jue didn't use the avatar technique, how could there be so many? Even with the writing wheel eyes, I can't see which one of his real bodies is!"

Hearing Sasuke’s voice, Itachi was full of anger, knowing that he was still relying on the armor of Susano to block the blow, and a little relieved: “There must be only one real body among these people, but The other clones were not created by ninjutsu, but real people with real bodies and chakras. This is also a plan that Akatsuki has been carrying out, which is to implant various chakras in Baijue’s body, and then pass the human body Research is done in large numbers."

"Reproduced?" Sasuke was surprised suddenly, "In other words, even if these Baijue are clones, they can still act on their own after their bodies are killed by us?"

"Yes, this is the reason why our writing wheel eyes cannot see through his clone. But since we can't see through, then we don't have to see through! Bai Jue's strength is not the top in our Akatsuki organization, compared to Payne. It's a big difference, so we can directly destroy all his clones with our strength!"

Sasuke nodded cautiously: "Are you trying to stab him against him?"

"Yes. But in that case, I will greatly reduce my defensive ability. Someone needs to guard me against a possible counterattack in vain. This is up to you."

Sasuke didn't hesitate, and immediately nodded and said, "Well then, just go in according to your tactics. Be careful!"

"Hehe, are you talking about a dying last word? It's a pity, we once imagined to win Itachi you and your brother over, but we didn't expect that you still chose to walk with your own annihilation."

"Shut up!" Itachi seemed to be stimulated by Bai Jue's words, and the whole person suddenly became furious.

"Huh? You seem to be unwilling to listen to my words. Or did you stabbed you to wipe out the sensitive history of your own people?" Bai Jue specially sprinkled salt on his wound.

"You are looking for death!"

"Hahaha, I really want to see this time, who among us will die first? I forgot to tell you, if you die, I will let the bag reincarnate you from the dirty soil, and then use your body to personally Kill your brother! Ha, I think it must be a very exciting scene!" Bai Jue’s remarks are already vicious. As expected, Itachi could no longer remain calm. Although he didn't curse back, his eyes were already full of anger!

"Mu Dun! Direct Attack!"

After Bai Jue was proud, he immediately launched another attack while Itachi was undecided.

Dozens of dense wooden thorns pricked towards them at the same time. This time, Itachi, who was irritated by Bai Jue, no longer dodges with all his strength, but wants to rely on the strength of his Suzuo to resist!

Bai Jue was overjoyed. In his impression, Itachi was not a person who was easily irritated. It seems that Sasuke is indeed the weakness of this indifferent man!

He does not expect that a single attack will be able to destroy his Susao energy. However, with this intensity of attack, he believes that Itachi's Chakra will not be able to sustain it several times, after all, Susao itself needs to spend a lot of money. Chakra.

However, when he thought that the attack was successful and took back his wooden thorns, he found that Suzano of Itachi suddenly stretched out his huge palm and grabbed a large piece of wooden thorns!

And the power he recovered happened to be borrowed by Itachi, and rushed towards his dozens of clones!

Bai Jue made a decisive decision, so that half of the clones slowed down the recovery power, and at the same time accelerated the recovery of some of the wood thorns. After completing the recovery of some wood thorns, they immediately killed them again. The Xunou Zuohu caused harm.

However, with such an obvious tactic, it is of course impossible for Itachi to be unprepared. Just when the wooden thorns were about to stab Itachi, he found that he could not be found.

Without any gestures, Itachi's pupil power moved with all strength.

Although faced with as many as dozens of Baijue, his moon reading technique can still make them be affected by illusion in a short time.

And itachi is fighting for himself with this instant power!

Although Susao Nohu was very large, Itachi was already very close to them, and he drew directly to their side with this opportunity!

——Unfortunately, there are too many of these white absolutes, and the dense array they have formed is too wide, so that they can't completely pass through.

However, the Itachi at this time was also enough to cause great damage to them, a huge fireball was burned, and nearly ten Baijue clones were destroyed.

But it is a pity that there is no Bai Jue's real body in there, and itachi, who is in the air at this time, must also face the anger of Bai Jue to counterattack!

"The prison of despair!"

All the Bai Jue avatars turned, and at the same time they sent out a wooden teng and entangled in Itachi. And its speed is not much slower than the straight stab just now. Under the entanglement of such an advantageous number of wooden vines, Itachi couldn't extract his body at all, and could only be entangled by them.

However, at this time, Itachi's face didn't look worried at all, but a smile appeared. ..


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