Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 192: mission accomplished

"No!" Although Bai Jue succeeded for a while, he suddenly lost his heart when seeing Itachi.

Although he is haunting him now, he seems to have ignored Sasuke on the other side!

It turned out that this was their tactic. Although Itachi's action just now was unexpected, but it was not a real ultimate move. Sasuke was responsible for their ultimate ultimate move.

Moreover, because Bai Jue was too shocked in his heart, he turned his head and looked in Sasuke's direction without even thinking about it.

this process! He forgot to mobilize all the clones to act together!

In other words, at this moment, Bai Zetsu who turned his head to look at Sasuke was his body!

"Finally, you panicked too!" Sasuke sneered and rushed in front of him. With his speed, he could definitely suppress Bai Jue.


Bai Jue's reaction was quick, and he immediately formed a wooden shield around him with the power of the wooden escape. In order to block Sasuke's attack, he still underestimated Sasuke's attack power!

"Suzoneng Raeche!"

Sasuke's speed increased to the limit, and he used Raeche in the state of Susano!

Its power has more than doubled!


The huge wooden shield was directly broken through, and the remaining strength was not eliminated, and even hurt Bai Jue's body!

"Block him!"

Where can Bai Jue manage to hurt Itachi now, and now he must block Sasuke, there is no longer any barrier between him and Sasuke!

However, if they want to support Bai Jue, they have to take back their wooden vines, and it is too late to support the main body after they take back!


It was another iron fist, and it was still an iron fist that was so powerful that it was so powerful that Xie Chen in the distance felt pain for Bai Jue.

However, his body structure is different from ordinary people. Even if he was subjected to such a terrible attack by Sasuke, he was able to withstand it, and he didn't even vomit blood.

However, for Sasuke and Itachi, this is still a good result, no matter how abnormal his body is, it is impossible for Suzuo to attack without injury. With two more attacks like this, Sasuke and the others will be able to complete the task.

"Ah! How dare you hurt me!" Bai Jue's eyes turned red, and it was obvious that he was completely irritated, who had always been indifferent.

Now he knows that if he shrinks like he did before, then he will really be finished!

With the body already recognized by him, he can only fight with them!

"Muluo Whirlwind!"

Several wooden thorns stretched out, but they were dexterously flashed by Sasuke. However, Bai Jue's attack was not limited to this. He quickly spun around himself, forming a small wood whirlwind. But its attacks are more concentrated, and the threat to Sasuke is greater.

"Monthly reading!"

Faced with such an opportunity, Sasuke was not prepared to give up. Not only did he fail to evade, but he also used monthly reading for this Bai Jue's body!

His illusion is not as good as Itachi, but now it only needs to be used on one person, and it can also make him fall into hallucinations for a short time.

And Sasuke, even directly with Suzuo's strength, resisted this wave of attacks from him.

The powerful defensive force was also broken, and Sasuke spewed out a mouthful of blood, but Sasuke ignored his injuries and grabbed Bai Jue with a punch.

Although Bai Jue succeeded in injuring Sasuke, his rotation speed involuntarily turned, and Sasuke caught him straight!

"This, this is impossible!" Bai Jue fell into Susao's grasp, fully aware of his situation, and could not help but let out a desperate roar.

The surrounding Bai Jue clones also attacked here with all their strength.

Unfortunately, it is too late!

Sasuke ignored them at all, the power of his whole body was gathered on the palm of his hand, and Bai Jue's body was squeezed out!

"Complete!" Xie Chen frowned.

Although Sasuke and Itachi have killed Shiraizu now, things are not over yet.

The avatars of Bai Jue around were copied from him, not his avatars!

Even if Bai Jue's body died, they could still attack on their own. In the current state of Sasuke and Itachi, they may not be able to rush out alive.

Even the attacks of those few Bai Jue clones, Sasuke may not be able to survive this round!

"Grow your eyes! The gossip technique of sealing spirits!"

At this moment, Hinata suddenly flashed nearby, and without hesitation used his own field control ninjutsu, trapping the few Shizutsu who was attacking Sasuke.

"Hehe, Hinata, this little girl is still cold and warm." Xie Chen smiled bitterly and shook his head. It can be seen that Hinata was still staring at the battlefield when he was competing with the shadow ninjas just now. Yes, just want to be able to intervene in their battle at a critical moment.

Otherwise, she could not appear so timely.

Counting it all, she only made her move after Sasuke killed Bai Jue's body, so she didn't break the rules she had set.

"Haha, well done." Since even Hinata took the shot, Xie Chen didn't need to keep his hands. He directly killed the black shadow ninjas and the rest of Bai Jue who had besieged the past.

"Well, is it considered that we have completed the mission this time? Is there anyone in your Ninja Army who can say that ours is not?" Sasuke Mingming has been seriously injured, but he still has to stand up forcibly and look at thank you proudly. morning.

"Hehe, take care of your own injury first, it's all like this, be careful to leave sequelae that affect your strength!"

Although Xie Chen spoke harshly, he rarely agreed with Sasuke in his heart.

It is precisely because of such toughness and pride that he can continuously improve his strength in a short period of time and finally reach the current height.

"Master Xie Chen, just let it go. It is not easy for Sasuke and the others to do this. Our previous plans have failed several times." Even Hinata couldn't help but say something for Sasuke.

"When did I say that they were not qualified. Okay, solve these enemies, let's go back and tell Naruto them the news!" ..


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