Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 196: The second match with Payne

"Shen Luo Tianzheng!" Tiandao Payen directly stretched out his hand, pushing out with a huge force, and Xie Chen, who was rushing towards him, was pushed out.

"Damn! I've learned this kind of perverted ability again. I said, can't we make a discussion? I can tolerate your other skills, can we not use this plus that to make you?' 'Resurrection' technique. How about we fight it upright?" Xie Chen stood up from the pile of sand where he fell in embarrassment.

"I really don't know how Taito ranks you as the most terrible enemy. Can your mind be normal? What an upright contest, we are ninjas! People who want to win by all means! "Tian Dao looked at Xie Chen coldly, showing no interest in his proposal.

"It's a headache right now. Hey, how can I rush in front of you?" Xie Chen patted the dust on his body, and suddenly disappeared from the place in the next instant!

"Shen Luo Tianzheng!"

Payne's reaction was not slow, and he immediately realized that it was wrong, and his ability to perceive the surroundings was increased to the strongest. The first moment Xie Chen appeared, he found his position and used ninjutsu to push him out.

However, this time she appeared intentionally, and deliberately led Payne to use his ninjutsu to fight back, but the moment he raised his hands, he disappeared again!


A slash was suddenly cut out from behind Hungry Ghost Road.

Of course Xie Chen knew that such a simple blow would not be able to kill him, but his tactics were very clever. As long as he inserted into the six Penn, then the Heavenly Dao would suffer a great deal from using Ninjutsu like Shinra and Tianzheng. Scrupulous, because it is definitely a ninjutsu that does not distinguish between enemy and me.

The two Penn avatars attacked at the same time, countless weapons attacked Xie Chen, and he could feel that the attack from the other side had a powerful mental power!

This kind of power is the most difficult to dodge. Xie Chen can't simply leave with an instant shave: "Strengthen defense!" At the same time, he stretched out his hands to resist this attack!


Shura Dao's attack did not break through his hand at all!

Just the contrast of the power of the technique makes people totally unacceptable to this possibility!

On the other hand, the power of the human world is powerful spiritual power, and it can even extract the emotions and memories of others. However, at this moment, his very difficult to prevent attack hits Xie Chen’s right hand and quickly became invisible, and there is no way to thank you. Morning has any impact!

What is especially troublesome is that there is only this kind of power in the human world, and physical skills are only equivalent to the most common Shangren. If he changes the attack method, it will definitely make Xie Chen fat and beat!

"What's the matter with you two! Can't you take him with both sides?"

Penn’s thoughts are interlinked, but the way of attack on the human realm cannot even be sensed by them. Therefore, to others, the human realm seems to be just in a daze.

"Hey, it looks like your companion is a little anxious because he can't get his hands in!" A sharp light flashed in front of Xie Chen's eyes, and he made a crazy move!

He didn't use his instant shave to find a better attack position, but moved around in a random manner. He played against all of Penn's Six Paths at the same time. It seemed that he didn't use Penn's strengths to the limit, but he felt uncomfortable. .

"Are you showing contempt for us?"

Hell Road immediately used rebirth to regenerate and summoned a huge head of Yama, seemingly ready for his companions to suffer huge damage.

Xie Chen immediately became vigilant in his heart.

At this time he saw Tiandao raise his hands again, but the target was not aimed at him.

"Earth burst into the sky!"

The powerful gravitational force and the surrounding objects gathered Xie Chen to a certain center in mid-air, and even if Xie Chen used the power of instant shave, he couldn't break free from this center, and he couldn't gather here densely. The debris that came completely escaped.

It's just that the consequences of Tiandao's move were serious, and even his companions were attracted, as if they wanted them to be the same as Xie Chen.

"Hehe, aren't your bodies connected? If you really kill them, then you yourself will be greatly damaged, right?"

Tiandao said coldly, "Just for you as an enemy? It's not worth it!"

Suddenly, the Heavenly Dao simultaneously used the power of the Vientiane Heavenly Yin to pull out the Hungry Ghost Dao and the Human Dao that were sucked into the air and were about to integrate with the big ball!

"Now, just explode yourself!"

This kind of ninjutsu use also had a very big impact on his Earth Explosive Star, and it was easy to tear his Earth Explosive Star and let Xie Chen escape.

Therefore, even though the human realm hadn't been far away yet, he immediately chose to burst it!

"Boom!" The huge ability leaked, and even the Penn clone standing around was greatly impacted. One can imagine how traumatic Xie Chen was in the center.

"Hehe, I said earlier, you should also bring your own companions in, condense and burst into the stars, so that there is still a chance to hurt me."

Just when Tiandao felt unable to kill Xie Chen and at least hurt him, a voice that he least wanted to hear sounded from behind him.

"The two ninjutsu tricks with completely opposite powers just now gave me a little gap, and I am very embarrassed that my instant shave power does not require the seal at all, and the activation time is shorter than the power of the earth. Yeah!"

"Don't be arrogant there!" Shura Dao suddenly changed, and directly turned into a three-headed six-armed "monster", and forced it towards Xie Chen with intensive attacks.

And the human world that was affected by being too close was thrown into the mouth of the Hades summoned by the **** road, but this was not to "destroy" him, but to gather amazing energy in it, let He is resurrected and can be directly thrown into the battlefield!

Now that everyone fought for a few rounds, it was equivalent to returning to the place where each other was! ..


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