Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 197: Xie Chen's counterattack

"It seems that you have also improved during this period of time, or did you not give full play to the special preferential treatment you gave me last time?" Although Xie Chen was almost killed by the Earth Boom Star just now, there was not the slightest nervousness in his tone. On the contrary, there is a kind of very unbeatable meaning.

"Huh! Don't forget, you didn't fight with all our strength last time, and this time, when the six of us gather, even one of the five ninja villages can be overthrown, let alone you are only one person! "

In this regard, Xie Chen could only "haha".

"Why, don't you believe it?"

"Of course I believe it, but you seem to be mistaken about one thing, that is, it can be overturned by my strength. Therefore, your strength has a fart advantage over me!"

As soon as Xie Chen's voice fell, his body disappeared again, just to escape another mental attack from the human world.

Moreover, Xie Chen used his own "elimination" power as a shield, and unexpectedly flashed around him without being affected!

"not good!"

Payne Liudao was shocked at the same time. They all knew that the physical skills of the human world were the worst. At this time, Xie Chen was approached by Xie Chen, maybe he would really kill him!

"The Wind of Death!" The closest to him is Hell Dao. Of course, he also knows the weaknesses of the human path, so he used his strongest attack method to deal with Xie Chen!

This kind of attack is not a simple wind escape, because it is neither a wind blade nor a wind roll. It seems to be just an ordinary body wind. However, Xie Chen was "immersed" in this wind, but he felt a kind of power. It seems to pierce his skin.

However, it is not to penetrate something into your body, but to **** something out of your body!

Of course Xie Chen wouldn't let him succeed. He turned around and ran directly behind the human world, using his body to isolate the wind of death.

The World Dao wants to get out of his way and break his tactics, but his physical skills are indeed far from that of Xie Chen. It's okay to stay still, but Xie Chen uses it to block Tian Dao's attack on him. route!

"Hehe, I didn't expect that there is such a weak point among your six realms. This is an unexpected gain. Alas, you should be the realm of the world. Don't go in such a hurry, and play with me for a while."

"Psychic art! Crow Slaying!"

Brute suddenly stopped his figure, and immediately squatted to the ground, holding his hands on the ground.

It has bypassed the human realm, and can summon spirit beasts directly from a long distance!

The four Scarlet Crows flew out of the void suddenly, and the target went straight to Xie Chen.

Their mouths seem to be different from those of ordinary Wuya. Although they have never touched, Xie Chen can still feel the fierce power that seems to be able to cut everything!

Xie Chen snorted coldly, and did not use the power of the instant shave to avoid being taken by the attacks of other Penn six paths. Instead, he used his full speed to dodge. It seemed that he was feeling the power of such an attack from the animal path .

"No! He wants to isolate us from him in this way!" After watching for a short while, Payne suddenly understood Xie Chen's intentions.

These crow-slashing attacks couldn't hurt Xie Chen at all, but because their attack speed was too fast, others had to dodge farther in order to avoid being injured.

Originally, in this case, there was still a humanoid attack that could play a role, but I don’t know what method Xie Chen used to prevent it from being affected by the humanoid attack!

Animal Dao immediately withdrew his summoned spirit beasts, at the same time, Heaven Dao, Hungry Ghost Dao, Animal Dao, and Shura Dao attacked Xie Chen from four directions at the same time.

And they have chosen the angle long ago, so that they can cooperate with each other to the maximum, and will not become obstacles because of each other's attacks.

Xie Chen stopped joking at this time, showing a solemn expression, using his strongest skills to respond.

"Strengthened strength! Enhanced defense! Increased reaction speed! Magic sword, Elegy of disaster!"

Faced with attacks from four directions at the same time, Xie Chen also had to use the power of the magic sword to deal with their attacks.

"Weird wrist rocket!"

"Water escape! Bubble chaos!"

"Absorb Chakra!"

"Shen Luo Tianzheng!"

The four of them used their powerful ninjutsu at the same time, and the human realm in the distance exerted all their sensing abilities. If Xie Chen used the technique of instant shave, then he would be aware of it for the first time.

Moreover, because the Six Paths of Payne are in common sense, he can let the other five people know the location of Xie Chen at the same time without making any instructions!

"Hey, it's amazing, but you guys are attacking too concentrated!"

Faced with such terrible pressure, Xie Chen suddenly smiled, stretched out his hands, and used his "elimination" power with all his strength.

Although the attacks in these four directions were powerful, they all used the power of Chakra's movement. In the face of Xie Chen's elimination power, no one was spared, and Xie Chen could not be injured at all.

Even if Payne was indifferent and ruthless, he couldn't help being stunned.

They didn't expect that Xie Chen could block all their attacks at the same time without dodge!

Especially this "simultaneous", it embodies Xie Chen's almost perverted power!

"You first step back and use your power to attack the south at the right time, and I will attack!" Payne understands that Xie Chen has such power, so even if they attack intensively, it will only be more conducive for him to use this power to resolve their attacks. , So make an informed choice immediately.

Among the Six Ways of Payne, the strongest is of course Heavenly Dao. He mainly restrains Xie Chen, and other people can form a flanking attack or force Xie Chen to make a timely attack when he is in a hurry, in order to maximize their power.

However, Xie Chen did not intend to give them this opportunity!

"Dot-line magic eye!" An invisible thin line connected Xie Chen and one of Penn's weaknesses, and at the same time two red lights appeared on Xie Chen's fingers!

"Huo Dun! Yan Feng Zhan!"

Compared with the power of Crow Slasher, the fire escape can cut everything..


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