Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 22: The second generation water shadow and the second generation earth shadow

"Layered attack!" Itachi winked at Sasuke, and he rushed up to Oedu first, but Sasuke understood it, and immediately followed him.

"Monthly reading!"

The actions of Itachi's connection seal were omitted, and illusion was used directly. Although bringing soil can be transferred to the divine space for physical attacks, it is impossible for illusion arts, unless his whole person disappears completely in front of his own eyes, then his grasp of this space will be very slow, and they can temporarily control the The vigilance of the soil was given to Kakashi Naruto and the others, and he carried out a surprise attack on the ninja behind the soil.

Of course, Tai Tu also knew the shortcomings of his own ninjutsu, so he stood there directly resisting the illusion of Itachi, and seemed to rely on his own willpower to overcome the influence of illusion.

Of course, Itachi couldn't ask for his posture, and he smashed it with Susano's huge fist without stopping!

Unsurprisingly, at least not completely affected by Moonreading. At the critical moment, he was able to transform most of his body into a divine space to dodge, letting his attacks fail.

However, Sasuke's slash was followed immediately!

The purpose of Itachi's monthly reading just now was not to make him ignore his attacks. It is impossible to achieve the goal with such an intensity of illusion, but it can make him have a certain deviation in the speed and angle of Sasuke's attack!

——Itachi really can’t crack his divine power, but every time Taito dodges with divine power, he only accurately transforms a part of his body into the divine power space. This creates an unnecessary risk for him. If the enemy's attack is "wrong", then his dodge method will be ineffective. Sasuke's attack can still directly attack those parts that have not been transformed into power!


Cut off with a sword, but Sasuke and Itachi were completely stunned.

Almost all of the body with soil remained in this space, but the part that was cut by Sasuke was accurately transformed, without being injured by Sasuke at all!

how can that be!

Sasuke still has absolute confidence in Itachi's illusion, but the facts now make them realize that bringing the soil seems to be able to overcome the influence of Itachi's monthly reading in some way like Xie Chen!

But now they have no time to regret. After flashing the attack of the two, bringing the soil did not give them a chance to breathe, and immediately launched a counterattack!

"Shenwei Black Jade!"

Two tail beast jade that could only be used by the tail beast appeared in his palm. Although their size was much worse than the real tail beast jade, no one would be stupid to doubt its power!

Moreover, the earth-carrying control of these two tail beast jade is nothing more than that. Throwing them at Sasuke and Itachi respectively, the two black jadees disappeared directly into the void, as if they were transformed into another space by the earth-carrying jade. in!

"Sasuke, get out of the way!" Itachi yelled and reminded Sasuke that he didn't dare to delay any, and went straight to the side. Sasuke also came to his senses at the same time, knowing that Daito had transformed the two black jade into a supernatural space, so that they could not see the black jade attacking them and dodge.

"Hehe, do you think you can avoid it?"


As soon as the words with the soil fell, Itachi's right leg suddenly exploded, and the black jade still had the power to chase. Although Itachi had escaped from the straight line between the soil with the soil, it was still blown by the black jade. Fortunately, there was Susano's power protection, and he didn't directly blow up the whole leg. However, the power of Susano's was also greatly weakened, and it was not enough to exert the full power of Susano.

Sasuke didn't dare to be careless, his body didn't dare to stop, he could only dodge non-stop to avoid the black jade in another space!

"Haha, it's a pity that your route will be constantly twists and turns, but I can control my black jade to attack in a straight line!" With a sneer, Heiyu suddenly returned to the world again, and with Sasuke The expected route was completely different, but appeared behind him!

In other words, Sasuke, who is now dodging, is tantamount to voluntarily hitting this black jade!


After the qi burst dissipated completely, Sasuke's body disappeared! It seemed that he could not withstand the power of black jade and was blown into flying ash!

"Not good!" But Taito didn't dare to think so, a bad feeling arose in his heart, his body quickly turned into a phantom, and Sasuke's slash was escaped dangerously and dangerously!

"I almost forgot, you still have the power of the big snake pill, you can summon a giant snake in a different space to block this blow for you. I didn't expect that I calculated your brother, but I missed your trick. !" When Dai Tu appeared again, he had already left the two of them, showing his scruples about their strength. It also showed how dangerous his situation was just now. If he hadn't reacted quickly enough, he might have been lucky enough to be beaten by Sasuke's slash.

This is a dangerous situation that no one except Xie Chen can get him into. Although Itachi's strength has been greatly weakened as a result, it also makes the soil even more reluctant.

In other directions,

"Water escape! Big bubble ice prison technique!"

Dozens of colored bubbles collided back and forth in front of them, slowly rising, looking beautiful, but Kakashi did not dare to have any feelings of appreciation. If they were really touched by these bubbles, they would be forced Inhaled into these colorful bubbles, it is difficult to break out.

And the fireball technique he had just done was unable to crack these blisters, and showed their power.

Facing their dead opponents, the second generation of Water Shadow and the second generation of Earth Shadow teamed up, they would never dare to have any extra thoughts, they could only solve them first!

"The art of immortals! Spiritualism!"

Naruto immediately summoned dozens of toads from the fairy world, and they attacked the colored bubbles with their tongues. The strange thing is that after they came into contact with the colored bubbles, the blister cells could not **** them in, instead they were broken by their tongues. ..


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