Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 23: passive

"Oh, I didn't expect you to have this trick! Sasuke, you finally learned Jiraiya's tricks. It's impressive." Although Jiraiya was still a young man in their prestigious era, but, At that time, he had already revealed the power of the Immortal Technique, so the two of them still understood a little bit.

"Of course, I'm a disciple of Jiraiya! You two old guys, you have been dead for so long, so you don’t want to stay in the ground, and then jump out to make trouble. I don’t know if we just deal with it. Is Akatsuki already struggling?"

The next three generations of Tuying heard that Naruto actually talked to the second generation of Tuying, with blue veins jumping on his forehead, but now he can only pretend not to hear it, and he will do his best to deal with these two bigwigs.

"Hehe, kid, I really like you a little bit, but it is not our intention to meet in this way. For the person who used the power of rebirth, we cannot resist his orders. Now we can only hope you His strength will not let us down, use his own strength to purify or trap us!"

"Enough! Your temper is so easy to talk, explain to them so much what they do, if they are weak, even if they die in our hands, it will not be wronged! Earth escape! Water realm!"

Countless floating sand drifted from nowhere. The appearance of these floating sand not only blocked their vision, but even their sensing ability was affected.

The second generation water shadow is still very clear in their "perception" world, but none of them knows where the second generation earth shadow is now!

"Uh!" Kakashi's painful grunt came from the side.

"Ms. Kakashi, how are you!" Naruto yelled anxiously, but he didn't dare to move, for fear that the second generation Tukage would seize the opportunity and become his prey.

"It's okay, Naruto, defend with all your heart, don't care about the people around!" Kakashi's strength is still good, the second generation of Tukage's raid did not defeat him, and it can remind Naruto of precautions.

"Oh, I didn't expect you to use such rascal ninjutsu on the younger generations as soon as you got started. Even I couldn't do anything with you at the beginning. I can only deal with you in extreme ways. Hehe, do you think these young people can do the same Do you deal with it?" The second generation Shuiying didn't rush to join the attack, but teased the second generation Tuying.

"Leave me alone! If you are really amazing, then you will always be there to watch! I can get rid of these young people without you!"

The second-generation Shuiying Ghost Lantern Huanyue smiled bitterly and shook his head: "How could it be possible that the control power of that pocket is too powerful! Young people, be careful! You slide!"

Although they could still directly sense the position of the second-generation Shuiying, his speed suddenly increased, leaving them no time to react.

Fortunately, the target of the second generation Shui Ying's attack turned out to be Akai.

At the critical moment when his attack was about to touch Akai, he even moved away with his astonishing speed, so that most of the Ghost Lantern Moon's attack was removed!

"Huh? Your physical skills are amazing!""Thank you for the compliment, but now I still want to beat you. And you don’t need to worry too much. The younger generations have grown up now, and we will use our strength To you our highest tribute! Konoha Cyclone!"


A Kai's counterattack turned out to be faster than the Ghost Moon Magic Lantern that used oil sliding!

On the contrary, he caught Guiyue Lantern by surprise and almost suffered a big loss.

"It's so strong, hehe, I am very interested in you now, Tuying, the few people will leave it to you first, I have to concentrate on dealing with this guy. Water balloon art!"

A stream of water blasted towards A Kai, and their forward movement was almost silent. When the line of sight was affected, A Kai did not avoid them all. However, he didn't seem to suffer any harm after being caught in these currents, unlike Terumi Yan's ninjutsu, which was very corrosive.

However, when Akai didn't care and thought it was just some boring tricks, he found that he could not stabilize his figure.

The bottom of his feet seemed to be extremely slippery, and he almost lost the friction between him and the ground. In addition, he rushed too hard and immediately plunged himself into a very passive situation!

"This, this situation is wrong! You can't attack me at this time, because that would lose the passion for this duel!" Akai shouted.

"Hey, this technique is also my own power. I defeated you in a fair manner. What can't be done. Look at it! Water escape! Water iron cannon art!" With the help of Akai, he can't control his own movement. , Ghost Lantern Huanyue stretched both fingers forward together, and bullet-like liquid was shot from the tip of the index finger, and the penetration force was very strong, even with Akai's body, it could not be blocked!


Also because of limited vision, Akai was unable to effectively dodge at all. He was shot four times in an instant, and both of his shoulders were shot through. Although he would not completely lose his combat capability, he must have a great impact on his strength. influences.

On the other hand, Naruto and Kakashi's situation is not great.

Naruto's strength has been greatly improved, but there is no way he can track the position of the second generation Tu Ying under such circumstances. Although Kakashi summoned his police dog squad with spiritism to crack the technique of no-slashing, the strength of the second-generation earth shadow concealment technique is obviously still higher than that of no-slashing, reaching the situation of nowhere to find.

Therefore, the two of them can only take precautions there calmly, to see when the second generation Tuying can reveal their flaws and let them counterattack.

"Soil escape! The technique of covering the nest!"

The second generation Tuying seemed to understand their plan. After a tentative attack on Kakashi, they stopped fighting in close quarters, but instead set off a piece of the surface where they stood! Let their bodies no longer stand firm, let alone maintain that impeccable defense state. The two are in danger at the same time! ..


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