Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 212: Potential uneasiness

This kind of performance is completely inconsistent with the strength of Dou. Although he was defeated last time against Sasuke and Itachi, he has fully demonstrated his strength during that battle.

Don't say whether he has other stronger hole cards, just because of his strength at that time, he has a battle strength with Xie Chen, how could he just retreat after just a flip?

Xie Chen couldn't understand his intentions for the time being. It would not make sense to say that there was a contradiction between Dou and Xiao's organization that caused him to work hard. If Akatsuki's organization is defeated by the Ninja Alliance, Dou will definitely end up miserably!

Because of the existence of these doubts, although his retreat was helpful for his side to solve the second fortress, Xie Chen still had no place to be happy after the war. He could feel that something he was worrying about had already happened, but from which direction the potential crisis would strike him!

"Master Xie Chen, this time we can say that we have won a big victory. Even those Sombra Ninjas have been eliminated a lot. Even if the other party can constantly supplement Sombra Ninjas, it can't be so fast. How do you look at your expression? I'm not happy." Of course, Hinata and the others could see Xie Chen's face and asked curiously.

"I'm wondering if there is any assassin for the organization and the pocket in the end. Now they only have the existence of the barrier of the first fortress. As long as we break through here, then we can directly kill their base, there It has been managed by Akatsuki for many years, and even if Taito himself can escape, the black shadow ninjas there will definitely be wiped out by us. If they want to gather such a huge force, it is definitely not in ten or eight years. It can be done. And we can pursue and kill him with all our strength. Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for them to easily abandon the first fortress."

"Hehe, Lord Xie Chen, you are worried that we will be arrogant and careless, don't worry, the theme of the Five Shadows Conference this time is to avoid arrogance and dryness. We can't be too careless because of the current success. Therefore, we are winning the final decisive victory. Before, I would not be too excited."

Xie Li shook his head slightly. This is easy to say, but according to his observations, many ordinary ninjas feel that the future battle situation will continue to develop like today, and the most difficult is like the last war. However, they cannot change the fact that they will succeed.

Now that the facts have proved that their tactics of attacking with full force while Payne did not recover were successful, the Five Shadows Conference soon passed the decision to continue their operations. They will use the same tactics to attack the first fortress again. If this is removed Drop, then they will have a full advantage of geographical advantage!

If by then, the Six Paths of Payne have not recovered, then they can declare with complete confidence that they have won this battle. The rest is just entering the era of hunting down the head of the few Akatsuki organizations.

As a result, the results of this operation are smoother than those of the Second Fortress!

This time I didn’t even show up, I could only fight back by bringing the dirt and those filthy ninjas to reincarnate, and Xie Chen blocked all the second-generation shadows by himself, and Naruto took it without any pressure. The special dispatch team with Earth Shadow entered under the first fortress.

Facts have proved that their destructive work is not worse than Xie Chenlai's. Taking advantage of the number of people to full play, it is easy to destroy the earth-based Ninja Array within those walls, and it was smashed into ruins by Sakura's violent fist. And this time belt soil also retreated without hesitation.

"Oh!" If the previous victories have made them extremely happy, but because the experience of the strength of the organization has made them most vigilant, then this continuous smooth victory has been completely Let them get drunk!

From their point of view, the Akatsuki organization is at the end of the battle. They only have a so-called base to maintain their facade. As long as they launch raids like these two times, they must be completely defeated and lose their master. In the case of the base, even if it is as strong as taking soil, it can only be anxious as a dog in a family.

If it is said that in the last big victory, many people were able to maintain their senses, then this time, no one will doubt that they can win the final victory. Regardless of the method used to calculate the strength of the two sides, without the Six Ways of Payne, Akatsuki is not an opponent of the Ninja Alliance.

Some ninjas even set up a public altar with a joking mentality, and directly placed the portrait of the Six Paths of Payne. "Wish" he still hasn't recovered until now and even finally couldn't stand the attack of Master Xie Chen and died. Although this can only be regarded as a spoof, it can also reflect everyone's relaxed attitude.

"Directly kill the base of Xiangxiao organization and uproot them!"

"Victory will belong to our ninja coalition army!"

"Master Xie Chen, you are our number one hero!"

"Long live!"

Excited cheers from all schools reached Xie Chen's ears. Seriously, even he wanted to put down all doubts and throw into the excitement of these people. He even wants to directly defeat the Xiao organization tomorrow, so that they can solve all the problems, and look up this lucky master who knows them well.

However, Xie Chen's instinct reminded him that there are still invisible crises lurking around, as long as he takes a wrong step, it will be over. It's just that he can't tell anyone around him this feeling.

Except for not cutting it again, Bai and Hinata, everyone knows that Xie Chen is worrying too much. Even some ninjas in the kingdom of the earth and the kingdom of thunder feel that Xie Chen deliberately said this to highlight his own importance. Sex.

After all, this victory showed that even if they didn't rely on Xie Chen's strength, the ninjas of the land country alone could complete the task.

These people automatically ignored the fact that Xie Chen was involved in the rebirth of ninjas in this battle!

Now even Xie Chen couldn't stop their triumphant thoughts. All sorts of triumphant things happened in this atmosphere, although, they can't even say that they have won! ..


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