Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 213: The last battle?

"Xie Chen, what did you call us here all of a sudden? I still want to rectify the Ninja Army, and kill them directly at their base in a short time." Tsunade was suddenly pulled into a secret cave by Xie Chen. And Kakashi and others came together.

"What I am most afraid of is that you and Terumi Mei also have this mentality. In your heart, Akatsuki is already vulnerable to a blow, and only what you can harvest is left."

Tsunade was taken aback and said in embarrassment, "Of course it is not. If Akatsuki is so easy to deal with, we would not have suffered so much before, but it is precisely because of this that we have to take advantage of the absence of Penn Six. At the time, he will attack with all his strength and strive to solve the main force of the Xiaoxiao organization before he recovers. Otherwise, even if the Five Shadows are all dispatched, it will not be easy to defeat them."

Naruto was also a little puzzled: "Master Xie Chen, what are you worried about, tell us directly."

Xie Chen sighed and said: "What I am worried about is the first two victories. The Xiao organization deliberately let us. They just want to win us these few big victories. When we are careless, they will make the final Counterattack."

"Ah? Counterattack? The question is, what hole cards does Akatsuki now have to help them counterattack?" Tsunade, Kakashi and others have also experienced a lot of battles. They must have thought about this problem. I was fooled by the simple arrogance of soldiers. "If they were able to operate in this way during the Second World War, but they lost a huge amount of strength in the two wars. Now even if they want to shame us, I am afraid. You don’t have this strength, right?"

"Actually, this is what disturbs me the most. You can think about it. Although the Six Ways of Payne were injured by me, they didn't completely crush the six clones. If they really feel that it is the most critical time, at least It should also send some avatars like Heavenly Dao Payne to help the battle. How can you watch your own strength suffer so easily?"

"This..." Tsunade and others couldn't explain this. It would be unbelievable to say that Akatsuki's command had only this level.

"It is precisely because of this that I am convinced that this battle may be their goal. And I haven't guessed their last resort. So I didn't directly raise it at the Five Shadows Conference, but put Tsunade and Terumi Ming found here and discuss with you in private."

Tsunade no longer had an expression of disapproval. Instead, he was very serious: "Then we can at least remind Konoha and the ninjas of Wuyin to pay attention to their offensive rhythm. In any case, we will reserve some reserve teams. The big deal is to get less results. But if there is an unexpected situation on the battlefield, at least we still have time to react."

"Hehe, really worthy of Tsunade, my purpose is here. Dokage and Raikage just say hello. They are willing to keep some reserve team, but if they don’t listen, then Let them charge and get into battle." Xie Chen agreed to Tsunade's temporary preparations.

Although Tsunade and others agreed with Xie Chen’s views, in the current atmosphere, they couldn’t delay the attack for a long time. In addition, they also had a fluke mentality. This time it might be true. They will defeat Akatsuki as they did in the previous few times. In that case, they can truly determine their absolute advantage.

With this kind of psychology, on the third day, they attacked again, divided into more than ten troops, and aimed directly at the main base of the Xiao organization.

I have to say that Shikamaru and other staff members also spent a lot of thought on this attack. First, the army is divided into more than ten lines, which can prevent the opponent from focusing on defense, and at the same time, several lines can take care of each other to avoid the fate of being defeated by each.

Under such circumstances, unless Akatsuki's real strength is above them, it is impossible for them to win this battle.

Xie Chen once again asked to be separated separately, did not act with any one, and this time they rushed to the front as soon as they set off. The purpose is to step on the road ahead of time, so that the ninja coalition army that rushes up from behind will not be hit hard.

"Swipe!" A line of Kuwu flashed past, aiming at Xie Chen who had just emerged from the instant shave.

Knowing that he had run into a master, Xie Chen didn't force a breakthrough. He stepped back, and at the same time he smashed this Kuwu into powder with a punch, so as not to pose a threat to Hinata and the others who came after him.

"Haha, the strength is good, you really deserve to be the prestigious Lord Xie Chen during the war."

A young man with soaring muscles stood up fiercely. The attack just now was obviously from him.

"Since you know my name, you dare to stand in front of me alone. I really admire your courage!" Xie Chen stood at the forefront of the team. As long as he dared to attack, he would definitely Will teach him to be a man!

"The guy who dared to speak big in front of me, I admire you even more. Boy, if you retreat now, we don't have to attack you."

"You?" Xie Chen noticed his words, and gave Hinata a wink to make her pay attention to the surrounding movement.

If this sentence is regarded as his unintentional mistake, it means that there is more than one blocking him around, and there must be other people lying in a secret position.

"Haha, that's right, this time our brothers are already gathered, you accept your fate!" The strong man finished speaking, and rushed towards Xie Chen. He hadn't arrived yet, he brought it up with his tremendous power. The hurricane had already hit Xie Chen.

And among the enemies hiding around Hinata, the four figures also rushed into the crowd at the same time. Their tactics are like this. With their "higher and more bizarre" strength, they insert themselves among the enemies, taking advantage of their return. Before he could react, he gave them a big hole in their stomachs.

Now that the four people appear at the same time, it shows that they are also aware of the seriousness of the situation and want to separate their personnel in this way. ..


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