Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 214: Betrayed suddenly

"Chidori!" Kakashi and the others are old in fighting. How can they make the opponent so easy to achieve their goals? They immediately used the Chidori to reverse them and rushed to deal honestly. If they chase after the same situation, they will be sure. Someone will meet Kakashi's impact head-on.

"Huh, do you copy the ninja Kakashi? I heard those young boys keep mentioning you, but I didn't expect that the actual ability is not bad. You are lucky this time!"

A ninja with long arms and legs suddenly fell from the sky and stopped them all at once. Although Kakashi's attack was not successful, the same attack also failed.

"Konoha Whirlwind!"

A Kai and Xiao Li's passionate voice sounded. They were all good at physical skills. They had already moved when the last ninja appeared.

"Boom!" "Boom!"

Two shocking vibrations sounded. Although the opponent was a famous ninja who was reincarnated from the filthy soil, and his strength was very strong, but now he is facing these most elite ninjas with careless thoughts. Of course, the consequences are of course not even thinking about it. Knocked to the ground and made up a fatal blow with Naruto and others behind.

"Everyone should pay attention. The fact that they can meet their ninjas of the dirty rebirth level here shows that the opponent has a strong strength here. When we choose to break through, we must be careful not to get out of touch before and after, and not to chase too deeply. I understand. ?"


He suddenly agreed. It was obvious that Xie Chen's words had already worked on their hearts, and they had already taken the crisis very seriously.

"Okay, everyone keep going!"

This time this time is essentially different from the previous operation of destroying the three forts. At that time, they had a clear target, but they could only be roughly determined in a certain area, so this time they still need to conduct a certain degree of search. . It’s just that from Tsunade’s point of view, it’s easy to find their hiding place in such a "small" place with the ninja united forces dispatching such a big battle, but they didn't expect that such a thing would take off. Their formation and cooperation with each other give each other a chance to take advantage of, and at the same time, they also give their "owners" a chance to take advantage of!


Almost at the same time, Xie Chen suddenly saw the entire battlefield tumbling, and countless ninjas on his side were buried in the ground by this sudden earthquake and waves, and the chance of survival was very slim! "This was done by the ninjas of the country of the earth! Why did they make a surprise attack on their companions!" Everyone quickly realized what was happening now, Naruto was angry Burning authentic.

"No, it's not just the ninjas of the land of the land, but the ninjas of the land of thunder are also attacking the ninjas of Konoha, the land of water, and the land of the wind!" Hinata looked at it intently and was surprised.

"It's not the time to analyze their motives. We must rescue them immediately!" Xie Chen's brain flashed. What I couldn't figure out these days seems to be completely explained now, but he suppressed his anxiety and began to distribute Their counterattack, "Although our three villages and the number of people in the Iron Nation have an advantage, the raid just now has caused a chaos on our side of the ninjas. Now they are all at a disadvantage. Can we do it at the fastest speed? Saving the disadvantages will determine our fate in this war! Go!"

Everyone knew that in Xie Chen's order, it was equivalent to abandoning those companions who were trapped in the earth and waves. However, everyone knew that it was an extraordinary period, so no one spoke against Xie Chen's opinion and acted separately. Up. And Xie Chen himself rushed towards the direction of the Five Shadows Joint Operation at full speed.

If Ohnoki and Raikage really intend to split, then they will naturally not let go of Tsunade and Terumi, I hope they are still alive now!

"Mifune-sama, what are you doing? We are friends." Onoki looked at the powerful enemy in front of him with a gloomy expression, while the fourth generation Raikage standing next to him was confident and obviously quite satisfied with the plan. .

"I should ask you this sentence, right? Why did my friend suddenly attack some of my friends? Why did you carry out this raid? Now I want to know what your idea is! Become so frantic!"

In terms of distance and friendship, Mifune should have been on the side of Onoki and Raikage Ai, but he has his own insistence. If these two old friends really choose to abandon their principles, then Mifune will have only one. People will do their best to help these two friends recover!

"Mifune, we don't want to do this either, but we are not even colluding with the Xiao organization. We have already discussed this action. The purpose is to weaken Xie Chen's strength!"

"What? You care about Konoha, the shadow of the sand, the shadow of the mist, and the power of the samurai of our Iron Kingdom called Xie Chen's power! When did I return to Xie Chen's command!" Mifune's anger suddenly burned. Just yelling at him.

"My old friend Mifune, don't be so excited. I promise you that our people will show mercy to your samurai in the Iron Kingdom when they take action. As long as you stand on our side now, shout to your samurai. If you let them give up resistance, then we will naturally not hurt them anymore."

"Fart!" Mifune put his hand on the position of the waist knife coldly, "Now Konoha and Sain are all allies of our Iron Nation, and you are the ones who raided my allies and betrayed our alliance. , Do you think I will still be with you! If you give up the butcher knife in your hand now, then I can also let you go for the sake of the previous friendship!"

Terumi Ming and Tsunade, who were injured by the raid behind them, were finally relieved when they heard Mifune's words.

Raikage and Tuying attacked them suddenly before, causing them to be hit hard at the very beginning. If it weren't for the three ships to rescue, then the two of them might have been killed. ..


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