Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 216: Desperate battle

"Mifune-sama!" Tsunade and Terumi Mei were taken aback. Although Tsunade can now perform simple treatments, this treatment definitely does not protect him to restore his hands!

In other words, in the future battles, the three ships will use one hand to fight against the opponent's two shadow-level masters!

"Let me come!" Although Terumi Ming hadn't recovered yet, he stood beside Mifune, "Mifune-sama and I will withstand their attack. Tsunade-sama, hurry up and regain your strength and try to heal us more. Second, if we can fight a war of attrition, we may not necessarily lose!"

"Well, you two must be careful and avoid fatal injuries as much as possible!" Although Tsunade wanted to rush up with them, he also knew that if the three of them were all up, the other party would fight with them instead. As long as Tsunade and Terumi Ming's injuries recur, they will have a chance to win.

Mifune checked the position of his broken arm. The technique of stripping the original world was very magical. There was not a lot of blood loss in his arm, and the muscles there were very smooth.

"Master Shuiying, you are behind this time, I will attack! You must never give Ohnogi a chance to perform this ninjutsu!" Mifune's expression became colder and colder, and the cold pill in his hand also revealed more A pressing chill.

In an instant, the body moves, the shadow remains!

Onoki and Raikage also have a certain understanding of the samurai's combat methods, knowing that in a short time they can suddenly rush a distance at a speed more terrifying than Raikage, accompanied by the terrible slashing of their blades, but now between the two sides The distance of is quite far, he will rush to kill now, I am afraid that he will be vented before he gets to his side?

With this idea, Oh Yemu directly greeted him with the technique of rock fist, and his idea was to wait until the speed of Mitune slowed down a little, then he would speed up immediately and hit him by surprise.

However, almost in an instant, the three ships rushed in front of him, and almost no time had passed!

The attack that oneself greeted is tantamount to a foolish act sent to the opponent's blade!

Oh Yemu couldn't even think about how this kind of thing happened. He almost resigned himself to waiting for Mifune's blade to pass through his chest and abdomen, cutting his muscles!


At this moment, a flash of lightning flashed at the corner of his eyes, and the Raikage behind saw that something was wrong, and stood up at the fastest speed and attacked Mizuno from the side.

However, Mifune did not dodge or dodge, and still wanted to slash the soil shadow directly under his own sword under this blow!

However, the arm that Mifune lost still played a role, causing his speed to be slightly affected, but such an impact was enough to affect the success or failure of speed masters like him and Raiking!

Mifune's entire body was hit by Thunder Shadow and flew out. Although his blade still hit Ohnoki, that kind of attack could only cause slight injuries to him.

The only consolation is that Terumi Ming on the other side suddenly got into trouble and sprayed Raikage with his acid water. Although he did not completely break through his thunder armor, it also greatly consumed his defensive power.

Tsunade rushed up to catch Mifune, which not only avoided Raikage's possible pursuit and kill, but also healed him as quickly as possible."Thank you! The little girl from the Water Country, you can’t stop now, you have to keep attacking!" Just as I felt my body recovered a bit, Mifune completely ignored her. The full blow failed, and he killed it again.


The name is so old-fashioned, but Ohnoki and Raikage IV will never underestimate this blow because of its name. Mitsune has proven with facts that their strength can absolutely be their opponent, and under certain circumstances, they may even be killed by his sword.

"Earth shield technique!" Onoki directly erected an earth shield, trying to use these defensive ninjutsu to consume his power first, but Terumi Ming on the side was not eating dry food after all, and directly broke through this earth shield with a water column. Clear the way for Mifune!

"Asshole! Do you really think we will be afraid of you?" Lei Ying's hot temper was aroused.

Just now he suffered a loss in the first match between him and Mifune, but now he has received heavy blows one after another, and has even broken his arm. He once again confronted him head-on, and he should have the advantage.

Two almost invisible figures crossed in mid-air instantly.

Lei Ying looked at her lower abdomen in disbelief, the armor of thunder was completely broken, and an astonishing scar appeared there, and the blood was flowing.

He could not believe that Mifune had no intention of defensive in the face of his own heavy blow, almost changing his trick with the idea of ​​life-for-life.

Although he can be sure that Sanchuan is now suffering more severely than himself, his current injury has not been encountered in decades.

Mifune slowly inserted the knife in his hand into the ground and firmly stabilized his body.

If Raiking’s lower abdomen was stabbed by his blade, then his body was exploded by his fist, and he could even see that his internal organs were damaged, if it weren’t the Thunder-attributed Chakra Focusing on his body, the internal organs have even been thrown out!

However, even after suffering such a serious injury, Mifune still stubbornly supported it and did not fall. With a single knife, he frightened Oh Yeki who was about to move behind!

"Master Mifune!" At this moment Terumi Ming and Tsunade couldn't care about any tactics anymore, and wanted to rush to help Mifune at full speed.

However, when a sword slashed past, Mifune blocked their way forward with air slash.

"Don't worry about me! Even if you come to rescue me now, I can't survive my current injury. Take this opportunity and run away quickly!"

"Master Mifune!"

"Go! Don't make my sacrifice meaningless!" Mifune roared, and rushed directly at the Raikage who wanted to stop them.

"Let's go!" Although Tsunade was extremely unwilling, he also knew that Mifune's words were the most realistic. If he couldn't take advantage of this opportunity to escape, then all three of them would be buried here! ..


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