Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 217: Giant snake reappears

Until Tsunade and Terumi Mei escaped to a safe enough distance, they could still see Mifune desperately attacking Ohnoki and the fourth generation Raikage, completely blocking their way to pursue Tsunade and others regardless of their lives.

"This hatred, we will definitely retaliate!" Although their hearts were full of betrayed anger, Tsunade and Terumi Ming knew that they had no money to delay now, and rushed towards the periphery at the fastest speed.

Fortunately, in order to avoid making Tsunade and Terumi Ming suspicious, they did not arrange more masters on the periphery, and everything proceeded according to Tsunade's arrangements.

In their opinion, under the two sneak attacks, the winning rate of this battle is absolutely 100%. The fact is also true, but they did not expect that the guy Mifune did not stand on their side when the situation was wrong, and instead fought for his life. Also save Tsunade and Terumi Mei.

At present, Tsunade is still the commander of the ninja coalition army. If she is allowed to escape, her appeal is not generally strong, even if she is under her own land country and mine country, she may be summoned by her.

After all, they also knew that once the things they did this time went out of the clubhouse, they would definitely be criticized by thousands of people, and it would definitely not help them stabilize their forces and absorb other ninja coalition forces.

So, strategically speaking, they have already failed!

"Tsunade-sama, what's the matter with you? There are ninjas from the country of earth and the country of Thunder launched a surprise attack on us!" The two Konoha's Shinobu saw them greet them, but now they have responded, but The external situation is obviously not optimistic.

Of course, the strength of Tukage and Raikage is not stronger than the three villages of Konoha and the Samurai Army of the Iron Kingdom, but they take advantage of the surprise attack. Many elite ninjas are unable to fight back. I was killed by them.

Tsunade had already figured out the whole situation at this time. He was not overly excited, and calmly said: "Assemble all the ninjas that can be assembled. We must first ensure that they are not dissipated by the enemy. As long as there is such a fortress wandering around, then You can absorb more ninjas who have not been attacked by them to join in."

The ninjas certainly wouldn't question Tsunade's decision, and they couldn't think of a better way.

Fortunately, out of instinctive trust, Tsunade arranged a lot of Konoha's masters around their Five Shadows, so they gathered a lot of masters in a short period of time, which was considered a stable position.

"Everyone! Now Dokage and Raikage are plotting to split the Ninja Alliance Army, and want to put us to death, depending on the scale of their launch today, this conspiracy has been planned for a long time! Fortunately, the Three Ships of the Iron Kingdom desperately cover it, but , He confronted Ohnoki and Ai with his own strength, and he won't hold on for too long. We must rush out as fast as we can!"

"Assault towards the base of Shayin Village!"

"it is good!"

Everyone agreed in unison, the momentum is still very amazing. In addition, the ninjas in the land and thunder country suddenly saw Tsunade and Terumi killed out, and did not receive news from Ohnoki and Ai. They thought they were The mission failed and the morale dropped. They were completely overwhelmed and rushed out in a rush.

Until then, Ohnoki and Raikage, who had solved Mifune, arrived here. Seeing the situation before them, they knew that their subordinates did not stop Tsunade and others. They were so angry that they wanted to give these useless subordinates. Kill it!

"Well, Lei Ying, now is not the time to care about them, hurry up and integrate our forces to chase after them. Maybe there is another chance to stop them!"

On the other side, after rushing out, Tsunade immediately contacted the base of Shayin Village. Now they must keep there in order to stabilize their position and take the initiative, otherwise they will lose their foothold, their numerical advantage will not be able to play, and they will face the crazy pursuit of the land of thunder and the land of earth!

Fortunately, when Tsunade contacted Nara Shikuhisa who had been stationed at the base, Tsunade was still able to control the situation. Although Tukage and Raikage also arranged a team of ninjas to carry out a sneak attack on the base, but because of his vigilance and reasonable response, the other party paid a heavy price. Now they can only show off outside, and it is not enough to attack again. The base was attacked.

"Great, Lujiu, before we return to the base, everything there is begging you. In any case, the main base can't be lost!"

"Understood! But, what's your situation with Tsunade-sama? Isn't it particularly critical? Do you want us to send ninjas to support you!"

Tsunade contacted Konoha Village and Wuyin Village again, and he was relieved after knowing that they were also completely safe there.

Although many of the outer teams are from the country of the earth and the country of Thunder, Tsunade has already assembled a very powerful ninja force, and most of their teams are scattered. The advantage of numbers alone is Enough to crush them, therefore, those ninja squads retreated after seeing most of Tsunade, so that they could gather more ninjas and form a stronger momentum.

However, just as they proceeded more smoothly, a huge black shadow suddenly rose into the sky right in front of the team, blocking their way!


Fortunately, the movement it made was large enough to let the ninjas behind the team know that a strong enemy was blocking them, so they quickly stopped by themselves. Otherwise, just a sudden stop at such a high speed can make Their whole formation was in chaos.

"That seems to be a giant snake! Could it be a pocket! They are already secretly colluding with Akatsuki!" Terumi Ming reacted very quickly.

"Now is not the time to care about their relationship. I seem to have heard Master Xie Chen mention this giant snake. It should have been formed by the altar of snakes. It is very powerful. If we are not careful, we are very likely. They will break our formation!"

"Understood, Foggy Village, buffer its power with a wall of water!"

The twenty ninjas in the Hidden Misty Village simultaneously used the power of water escape to form a huge water curtain between their formation and the giant snake. ..


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