Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 218: Akai's support

After most of the giant snake appeared, he lowered his head and stared at their water curtain, his cold eyes seemed to flash with sarcasm, and then he shook his body and drew out the snake's tail to hit the water curtain!

The power of dozens of ninjas formed the water curtain, and it was impossible to prevent the giant snake's blow. With a bang, the entire water curtain was smashed, and a huge wave rushed towards them.

"What a powerful force! No wonder that Sasuke and Itachi were able to control it in the first place."

"Konoha ninja, attack it with the power of fire escape! Everyone spreads out the formation and must not be entangled by it!"

Countless fireballs smashed toward the most vulnerable head of the giant snake, and at this moment, two figures suddenly rushed over from a distance, and it turned out that Akai and Xiao Li had supported them!

"Reporting to Tsunade-sama, we encountered a sudden attack by the ninjas of Iwagaku Village, but they weren't our opponents at all, so we broke through easily. The two of us came to support first, and Neji and Tiantian are still behind!"

"Great, Akai Xiaoli, you two attacked its eyes with all your strength relying on the advantage of speed. At the beginning, Sasuke and Itachi should have defeated it by attacking its weakness."

"Okay, Tsunade-sama, this task is left to us!" Facing such a huge python, Xiao Li had no fear at all, instead only had a strong fighting spirit.

"Konoha Whirlwind!"

The two have exactly the same eyebrows, exactly the same clothes, exactly the same Konoha whirlwind!

The giant snake didn't put them in its eyes, but when they suddenly disappeared from his vision, they rushed directly in front of his eyes.

What the giant snake is most afraid of is that his eyes are hurt. Although he is very angry, he can only helplessly give up the attack on Tsunade and the others, constantly twisting his body to avoid being blinded by them. Eyes.

However, it did not expect that in terms of speed, the two ninjas in front of them were even more terrifying than Sasuke and Itachi before. Its fate is tragic enough. It appeared twice, and before they had time to show off, they were seen through their own weaknesses, and the speed of these people could contain their own weaknesses.

However, as a killer of Itachi, it is certainly impossible to be defeated in the face of such an attack. After all, Kai and Xiao Li harassed it but couldn't really defeat it.

And any war of attrition, especially the weaker side that relies on special combat methods to maintain the offensive, it is impossible to maintain this kind of war without making any mistakes!

Finally, the attacks of Akai and Xiao Li did not reach synchronization. The giant snake seized the opportunity to counterattack, and while suddenly avoiding Akai's attack, the entire giant snake's body began to spin, forming a snake tornado!

Kai and Xiao Li were so close to the giant snake, they were sucked in by the tornado in almost no reaction time! However, the giant snake's self-rolling carried a very astonishing smashing power, and the two of them could barely be able to support it with strong physical skills.

The problem is that this force not only affected the two of them, but also involved the ninja who was guarding Tsunade and others, and as the power of the snake tornado increased, so did its suction. The stronger, the more destructive.

Many masters, even those who are too strong at the Ninja level, have to deal with it with all their strength to resist this suction.

Moreover, those ninjas who were sucked into the tornado were not able to withstand the power of the tornado like Akai and Xiao Li, and their entire bodies were directly shattered and destroyed. And their broken bodies swirled with the wind at an extremely high speed, posing a great threat to the others in the tornado!

For example, Akai and Xiao Li.

Originally, they were in this tornado, relying on their own strength to resist the wind of the tornado, and ran along the direction of its rotation at their own speed, which was tantamount to slowing the strength of the tornado they received.

Such tactics still had a good effect, but when these "human" weapons appeared in the tornado, the two of them were in more and more dangerous situations, and they had to take the initiative to break the human weapons several times.

"That won't work, Xiao Li, later you will try your best to break free from this force. We will attack this giant snake back and forth. If we are dragged down like this again, we will have to die!" Akai shouted. Tao.

"Teacher Akai, the problem is that I can't get out at all now!" Xiao Li has tried many times before, but under this strong wind pressure, he can't flash far away from the giant snake at all.

Kai laughed, and suddenly the power of the eight-door golden lock was violent!

The six doors were fully opened, and Akai's speed and strength exploded several times. He suddenly applied a little force on the snake's body, and his body left the snake's body for a certain distance, and then suddenly rushed back in the opposite direction! And with a single punch, he obviously wanted to destroy the snake's body with his own power and the power of the tornado!

However, it was a bit reluctant to do so with his power. In the end, it only wounded the giant snake and gave Xiao Li a rare opportunity!

With the same eight golden locks, Xiao Li also opened the six doors, turning the whole person into a trajectory of power, and then blasted against the giant snake's body!


Although the trauma of the giant snake during the last contest between Sasuke and Itachi was not good, it usually does not affect its performance, and now it seems that it is completely tempered.

The entire defense was shattered by Xiao Li's big fist, revealing its real body, and Akai also rushed up again, under the blessing of the eight-door golden lock, with an amazing penetrating through people, and rushing towards its body. Past!


The appearance of the giant snake instantly collapsed a lot, but unfortunately, it was spinning at a high speed, and relying on this spin force to resolve a lot of attack power, it was not directly hit by Akai’s body. wear.

Silent roar.

There was a terrible sound wave from Zhang Da's mouth. Akai and Xiao Li didn't have much defense against such an attack, and they were stunned almost at the same time.

On the other side, Tsunade and others also encountered a second wave of resistance! ..


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