Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 229: Win or lose

Hina Tian and others also looked at Xie Chen strangely, wondering what assassin power he wanted to use.

They had been with Xie Chen for a long time, and they didn't expect what kind of assassin he had that could immediately eliminate Onoki and Ai under the current circumstances. But seeing Xie Chen's confident appearance, it's not just talking big.

"Don't be intimidated by him. Now we still have most of the elites who can endure. He can't pose too much threat to us." Oh Yemu and Raikage are indeed veterans with many years of combat experience, and Xie Chen has not said a word or two. Just bluff me, calmly remind the surrounding men.

"Remain calm and protect the two adults in the middle. The other party has a small number of people anyway, and we will definitely be able to repel them!" The ninjas all cheered up, as if this would increase their strength to the same extent.

"Soil escape! Whirlwind dust burst!"

Two tall and thin ninjas performed ninjutsu at the same time, and the interlocking forces formed a terrible cyclone that would kill anyone who dared to rush inside. A defensive zone that seemed impossible to exceed was formed.

"With the current situation, do you still think we will only break through in one direction? Use all your defenses."

With the sudden outbreak of Sasuke and Itachi, Xie Chen and others have more manpower for attack. Forcing the land of the earth and the land of thunder to deploy more ninjas on the front line, this is equivalent to weakening their depth in disguise!

No matter how powerful defensive ninjutsu they deploy, they will be penetrated by a single blow against opponents like Xie Chen. If there is not enough support, or enough cannon fodder, it will not be able to stop Xie Chen.

"Magic sword! Elegy of disaster!"

A sword pierced the heart, that huge dust storm was completely resolved under Xie Chen's magic sword, and there was no more stirring power to stop them.

Moreover, the castration continued, directly stabbing the ninja behind.

Those ninjas in the land of the earth did not expect Xie Chen's offensive to be so fierce, and immediately there were two elites who became the soul of the sword.

On the other side, if you don't cut it again, it's a big blow. With himself as the center, the giant blade formed a blade storm. Unless his strength is stronger and faster than him, no one can dare to stop him from the front.

"Attack from a distance!"

The ninjas of Thunder Country can only stop him with long-range attacks. Several people work together to form a huge pillar of lightning. However, Hinata used the gossip inverse spirit technique in advance to restore the ninjutsu of these people. It was resolved before it took shape, but because of the use of such a huge ninjutsu, they delayed the time to escape, and turned into a rain of blood under the blade storm of not cutting.

You have to know those who are elite-level Shinobu, when will they kill multiple people at the same time like cutting vegetables.

Think of themselves when they used to call the wind and rain, and now they are also likely to be killed like their own companions like a miscellaneous soldier and a miscellaneous soldier, and their fighting spirit will be suppressed again.

"O Yemu, you should restore your strength first, I'll take it!" Raikage was furious, knowing that he had to find a way to improve his performance, otherwise even these elites would be in danger of being crushed by the opponent's impact.

"Hometown of Thunder!"

Lei Ying rushed to the front quickly, gathering Chakra all over his body. With him as the center, thunder and lightning continued to descend around him, it seemed that he had become a lightning guide!

"Oh? It seems that Raikage also has his own housekeeping ninjutsu. Thinking that this will buy you time?" Xie Chen coldly snorted, not letting them go to the risk, and rushed forward.

Those thunder and lightning seemed to have eyes long, and they were chopped so densely, but they did not hurt Lei Ying himself. Instead, they all slashed towards Xie Chen.

Even when Kakashi realized Raeche, the thunder and lightning he faced were not so terrible and dense.

In the face of such lightning, the so-called "even lightning can be cut off" is simply a joke!

However, Xie Chen is really going to cut through this thunder array now!

The power of the magic sword is fully displayed. With the strengthening of the reaction speed, his surroundings are full of sword light, but it is extremely accurate to aim at every thunder and lightning that smashed from the sky.

"This!" Lei Ying looked at Xie Chen in horror.

Although he is still far away from himself, his goal has been destroyed by his performance.

He wanted to use this to boost his own morale and also buy them more time. However, Xie Chen's performance continued his myth.

He is synonymous with invincibility in everyone's minds, whether it is Konoha, Thunder Country or Ninjas. How can they have fighting spirit when fighting against such a character.


At this moment, there was a loud noise behind them, and only a piece of "meteorite" fell from the sky and hit the direction of Sasuke and Itachi who were blocking the reinforcements.

"Haha, another group of reinforcements are coming. Have you seen it? Our numerical advantage is being played out. As long as we can hold on for a period of time, there will inevitably be more forbearance to rescue them, and then we will be able to encircle them. Here! Hold on, everyone!"

"it is good!"

What Ohnoki said was not a false statement, but actually saw someone using their soil ninjutsu to fight back against Sasuke, so morale naturally rose. Behind Lei Ying re-formed the formation at a faster speed.

Xie Chen's brows frowned slightly, not because of their reinforcements, which was originally expected in their plan, but the renewed strength of these ninjas was the biggest variable.

It is relatively easy to kill both Onoki and Raikage at the same time. If you count so many ninjas desperately resisting, it would be more reluctant. What's more, I also hope to protect them as much as possible, and select elite ninjas who are not so loyal to the two to add to my ninja coalition army to strengthen the strength against Akatsuki.

If you kill them all, it might drive a large number of ninjas to the opposite side. ..


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