Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 230: Raikage's death

However, now he has the only chance!

Lei Ying is standing in front of everyone at this time! If he wants to make the opponent lose the intent to fight again, then he must rush to the front of the ninjas behind, or he must cut him under the sword before he retreats behind the ninjas!

"Quick shave!"

Xie Chen disappeared in countless interlocking lightning, and the next moment he came out, he would have flashed behind Lei Ying.

However, Lei Ying knew him very well. He had been wary of this trick a long time ago. When Xie Chen wanted to attack Lei Ying, the thunder armor instantly covered his whole body, and at the same time the more terrifying thunder and lightning struck Lei Ying directly. come.

Xie Chen was shocked, knowing that Lei Ying had done this for no purpose, and instead of directly attacking, he slightly distanced him, and at the same time, he would not be able to get out of his grasp with speed.

His decision was still very clever. The thunder and lightning struck Lei Ying's body but did not hurt him. Instead, the power borrowed by him "reflected" those lightning power!

They are not trying to form a so-called "grid", but all gathered into an unprecedentedly thick electric pole, rushing straight to Xie Chen!

Given the distance between the two of them, coupled with the time of thunder and lightning, Xie Chen had no time to dodge.

Fortunately, Xie Chen opened a distance in advance, so at least there is something to do!

"Magic armed! Defense enhancement! Magical shield!" Xie Chen used all his defensive ninjutsu without hesitation to shake this terrifying huge thunder pillar frontally!

"Master Xie Chen!"

Even if they had confidence in Xie Chen, seeing such a large thunder pillar, they couldn't be sure whether he could really resist it.


However, no matter how their will changes, they can't stop the fact that Xie Chen has been struck by a huge thunder and lightning, let alone interfere in the power contest between them!

Numerous anti-shields and shields appeared in front of Xie Chen, welcoming Chongji from the huge lightning.

However, the magic shield was destroyed in an instant!

With such a terrifying power, even Xie Chen has rarely faced such terrible offensive power even after a long battle!

However, the magic weapon on his body still resisted the shock of this wave of electricity in a short time. However, it is only temporary! His chest felt more and more hot, and even the splashing electric light made Xie Chen feel painful.

However, I could feel that the power of thunder and lightning ahead did not show any signs of attenuation.

Snapped! Even Xie Chen's magical weapons were already torn apart, and Xie Chen could only rely on his physical defenses to resist the attacks of thunder and lightning!

There was no defensive means in between. Xie Chen felt the burning and paralysis of thunder and lightning with his body, but with the strengthening of his strength, his defensive power could still be maintained.

Now, it is a contest between his Xie Chen and God's Will, to see if God's power is stronger or he Xie Chen is more tolerant!

All the ninjas on the scene saw this scene. They even nervously forgot to continue their attack, as if they could only watch the contest between Xie Chen and God.

And this victory or defeat also determines their victory or defeat in this whole battle!


The last burst of shocking explosion, the dazzling light rushed straight into the sky, after such a strong light, they could not even see Xie Chen's body, it seems that he was turned into fly ash under the strong thunder and lightning!

"Master Xie Chen!"

All the ninjas on Konoha's side yelled, hoping to hear an echo from Xie Chen, so that at least they could confirm Xie Chen's safety before his sight was restored.

However, there was no response.

Everyone's hearts couldn't help but sink, but the ninjas of the land of the earth and the land of thunder immediately cheered. In their opinion, they already had a chance to win.

Although Raikage and Tukage are still in danger now, although Sasuke and Itachi here are still not beating, Hinata, none of them is easy to be replaced, but they do not have the amazing power of Xie Chen! Not even his intimidation!

As long as Xie Chen is removed, they will be able to resist their surprise attack this time, and they will even be able to counterattack back in the future, kill Tsunade and others, and unite the entire ninja coalition army in the name of Thunder Country and Earth Thunder.

With the morale at that time, the Akatsuki organization that had suffered a great loss could be killed in one go!

However, when they were heading towards No More Killing and the others to counterattack, everyone's sights returned.

Suddenly, a few ninjas saw a scene that shouldn't have appeared at all from the corner of their eyes. When they turned their heads to confirm in disbelief, they all screamed!

When the others heard the call, they immediately followed their gaze and looked in that direction.

"This, this is absolutely impossible!"

"Master Raikage!"

Xie Chen, who should have turned into fly ash under the thunder pillar, is standing behind Lei Ying, and his magic sword penetrates Lei Ying’s chest. His thunder armor is completely defensive under Xie Chen’s magic sword. The effect is to be worn directly!

When Xie Chen was absolutely impossible, it was also the time when all of them had the best intentions, killing one of their two biggest goals.

And this is not only half of the goal achieved, but more importantly, the morale of the ninja in the kingdom of Thunder collapsed instantly!

These ninjas were divided into two groups. One group became furious and rushed to Xie Chen desperately, trying to get rid of the **** who killed them, but the other group turned around and ran away!

In their view, there is no hope for this battle, and they have no goal of continuing to fight, so what are they doing here? Is it pure death?

And this is exactly what Xie Chen and the others hoped for. Although the ninjas who escaped caused the formation they formed to collapse immediately, but the ninjas who had lost their minds and attacked them were not much better. On the one hand, they were also taken away. Formation, on the other hand, such them are just cannon fodder! I can't threaten myself at all! ..


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