Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 231: Onoki's madness

"Magic sword! Elegy of disaster!" Xie Chen saw that the third wave of reinforcements had appeared, and the pressure on Sasuke and Itachi was increasing. Akai and others had to actively support them. If the delay becomes longer Long, then they might really be forced to evacuate.

And these ninjas who rushed up can undoubtedly conclude that they belong to Raikage’s diehards, even if they are kept, they cannot be used for their own use. In this case, killing them will not hurt!


Xie Chen moved to shave instantaneously, and at the same time the magic sword waved, the two ninjas at the front could not react enough to be killed on the spot by Xie Chen.

"Lei Dun! Wushuang Lei Wang!"

Although the ninjas behind were eager to avenge Raikage, they did not lose their minds, at least they still had a strong fighting instinct!

"Cut! Haven't you all tried it before? You can't stop me with a thunder net like you!" With a wave of Jian Guang, the thunder net was cut into two directly.

"Yun Dun! The technique of total retreat!"

"Everyone is attacking with all his strength. In this kind of ninjutsu, he can't see anything at all. As long as we attack all, he can never block anything with such a dense attack network!"

With the agitation of the first few ninjas, everyone seemed to have discovered a way to defeat Xie Chen, and they all displayed their strongest ninjutsu attacks.

However, they forgot that Xie Chen had no choice but to see them through this layer of ninjutsu, which also meant that they could not see Xie Chen's movements either!


Suddenly a ninja felt a rush of heat shed on his body. Reaching out their hands, they realized that it turned out to be warm blood!

"Xie Chen has arrived by our side, everyone blocked him!"

However, just before his reminder, Xie Chen had already shifted his position, and many of the ninjas attracted by his cry were killed by him.

If you want to add all the strengths of everyone, Xie Chen's value should still be inferior to the sum of so many ninjas, but Xie Chen can fully utilize his strengths and will not just fight with them. Instead, they choose the weakest place to attack, and try to get the best result before they reflect their position and attack direction!

"Oh, you really deserve to be Lord Xie Chen, let's not froze, take advantage of the present, directly tore through their defensive strength, don't forget, there is another target!"

As soon as he said that he didn't cut it, he broke through directly under the blade and was either dead or injured.

Originally, the strength of not cutting is much worse than Xie Chen, but his breakthrough ability is very strong, and because of the unauthorized actions of the Ninja of Thunder Country, their formation is in chaos, and it is impossible to organize an effective defense. There are even contradictions in the ninjutsu between each other, but they hurt their companions!

Under such circumstances, how could they not be the opponents of Hinata again!

"The trend is over! Could it be that God has stood by Xie Chen's side?" When Oh Yemu saw such a scene, his heart was already cold.

His biggest ally is dead, even if he can escape today's catastrophe, what can he do? Could he be able to counterattack just by relying on the moraleless men of the Land of Land?

Not to mention that with their current state, they really may not be able to survive.

In that case, fight with them!

Oh Yemu, who had been scheming for a long time, was also excited at this time. If today is the day of my own death, then it would be better to fight to the death, at least the will of the land can be remembered by the world!

"Xie Chen, don't cut it again, Sasuke, don't you all want to kill me and then hurry up? Come at me now! Let me see what kind of strength you have that can take my life!"

"Hehe, old guy, I have to admit that this is the most courageous time since I met you, but you only have this opportunity to perform!"

Without a cold cry, he handed over all the enemies from the surrounding area to Hinata, and he slashed Ohyeki with a single blow!

Originally a good plan was turned into a shameful betrayal because he and Lei Ying thought too much about their own interests! This is irreparable to how much courage he showed. No matter how sad he is now, he can't forgive such a villain!

"Huh, mindless fool!" Onoki raised his hands gently in the face of the blade that was not cut again, but raised his hands gently: "Dust escape! The technique of peeling the original world!"

If you don't cut it anymore, you just feel that your big sword is breaking up in front of you, and there seems to be a strange force that turns them into an atomic state! No matter how powerful his chakra is, it seems that he cannot dissolve this force!

"Don't cut the lord again! Be careful!"

Countless ice surfaces are formed in front of oneself, but they cannot be decomposed directly after too much time!

"This is, the original world stripping technique, the strongest ninjutsu of the second generation of Tuying!" He suddenly reacted without cutting, but his dodge was still a step too late, and half of his arm was unexpectedly affected by his ninjutsu. Separate!

There was a roar, but at this time, if he didn't cut it, he had to take into account his injuries and couldn't attack Ohnogi.

"Hehe, but so, dare to break through my place of death and release Xie Chen and the others. This is what you deserve!"

"Enough!" Xie Chen had already broken through the last Raikage's ninja. Seeing that he would not be cut anymore, he rushed towards him without delay, "You dare to hurt me in front of me. Brother, consider the price you will pay first!"

"Xie Chen, do you think you have really beaten Ninja Invincible Hand? Give me a slap in the face!"

Some of Tuying’s subordinates were his diehards. Hearing Oh Yemu’s command, they all rushed up, not asking for hurting him, let alone surviving, as long as he could be entangled for a moment by Oh Yemu’s order. enough!

Xie Chen frowned slightly, but he didn't respond to their pounce. Instead, he moved the dot-line magic eye, and the goal was directed at Ohyemu!

On the other side, a crazy look appeared in Oh Yemu's gaze, and his hands were raised again, regardless of his subordinates in front of him, he and Xie Chen were to be dismantled together with the original world peeling technique! ..


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