Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 245: Advantage game

"Strong armor!"

The Outer Golem could only use the power of the earth attribute Chakra to form a huge armor to barely block the blow.

"This cut is just to remind you. Now your opponent is me! Before defeating me, don't think about any crooked ideas!" Xie Chen flashed back again and said coldly.

"Arrogant!" He frowned. Although he didn't want to admit it, he was indeed at a disadvantage at this time. Xie Chen's current strength was a bit beyond his expectations.

If he continues to want to regain the situation elsewhere on the battlefield, it will expose Xie Chen more flaws.

"Oh? Then you will continue to try. Next time, I may not save my companion, but will kill you on the spot with a sword!"

I really dare not try with soil!

It has been a long time since Xie Chen was born. The evaluation of him is very diverse, but one thing is certain, that is, this guy never talks big!

In other words, he can do everything no matter how unbelievable it is!

"Hot Wheels!"

The chakras of the two attributes alternately radiate each other, using the "wind wheel" to make the fire bigger and more terrifying! Suddenly attacked Xie Chen, and at the same time, brought the earth and used the power of divine power, and disappeared in place.

"This kind of attack is useless to me." Xie Chen stretched out his right hand, and the Hot Wheels that seemed to destroy an entire village turned into nothingness in his hands.

However, Tai Tu came out from behind him at the same time, and Shenwei Shuriken shot at Xie Chen's back.

"Cut! If you don't crack your divine power space ninjutsu, you really can't beat you!" Xie Chen snorted, and just wanted to interrupt the counterattack against the Golem, and dodge first.

After fighting with Tai Tu several times, Xie Chen has been thinking about ways to defeat him, and he has a good idea.

His right hand can now consume all Chakra's power. If he can "touch" his body even for a moment, then he can also let him go to heaven and earth invisible!

However, this first step is the most difficult part.

Especially this soil is still extra cautious, if it is not done well, it will fall into his trap and hurt himself.

However, this is not a solution. Xie Chen suddenly glanced at the huge outworld golem, and a way emerged in his heart.

Use the technique of instant shave to stick and fight with him. In this case, the power of the earth is also greatly restricted. After all, he does not have a vision like white eyes. If he and Xie Chen appear at the same time, and he flashes again Behind him, at Xie Chen's speed, he was still in great danger.

Being approached by Xie Chen in this way, brought the soil and felt that his situation was getting more and more dangerous. When the time is long enough, being injured by Xie Chen will probably become a conceptual event. thought of bringing the soil here to make a decisive decision, and then flashed to the side of the outer golem, and a whirlwind formed immediately.

It was not the power of the chakras of the wind attribute, but the power collection of various chakras, all concentrated in the whirlwind in an infinite chaotic manner to form a shield for them.

With such chaotic power concentrated in the front, he wanted to see if Xie Chen even resolved this chaotic ninjutsu, which could not find a regularity!

"It's really a bit troublesome now." Feeling the power in the whirlwind, Xie Chen also felt a headache. "However, if you don't break it, you won't be able to continue to attack the soil behind. If this is the time He has a few more tail beasts, and it will be a big one."

Xie Chen also knew that his own side was gaining an advantage in other battlefields. If he succeeded, whether it was to kill a large number of Zhongren or kill a few elite ninjas in a surprise attack, it could affect the entire battle.


"Compared to playing a surprise attack, do you think you are the only one who can do it? My speed and attack power are still higher than yours!" Xie Chen sneered, and the **** formed Yanfengzhang again, toward the most conspicuous one. The giant snake slashed over!

"Shameless! Don't you dare to attack me head-on? What kind of a ninja in this way!" He was so rustic that Qiqiao made smoke, and couldn't help cursing.

"Hehe, it's ironic to say this from your mouth. If you are still hiding behind the whirlwind, then continue. Anyway, the influence of that thing is also mutual. Although it is not convenient for me to attack you, but you It’s even more inconvenient to attack outside. After I get rid of your subordinates, I'll besiege and kill you."


Several tail beast jade hit the whirlwind at the same time, cracking the chaotic power.

At the same time, Xie Chen, who was in a stand-up and wanted to attack Six Payne, immediately turned to Zhan Xiang Dai Tu!

And this slash was a carefully selected angle by Xie Chen.

Strength enhancement and other strength blessing skills are all used, and he cuts the soil with an unrelenting aura. It seems that he has already determined that the power of the soil is unable to dodge his own attack.

"Idiot boy! Too naive!" Of course, Tai Tu also felt that Xie Chen's attack was different from the past, but only when he was about to flash, did he realize that Xie Chen's angle is with himself and the outside golem. In a straight line!

And at this time, I was too close to the Golem of the Outer Dao. If he dodges directly, then Xie Chen's slash will not be reduced, and he will directly slash the Golem of the Outer Dao.

It's not like it can flash into other spaces in an instant, even if you want to put it away, it will take some time.

And although its power is strong, in such a short period of time, I am afraid that it can not form a defensive ninjutsu that can block Xie Chen's full blow!

I was too careless! I didn't expect Xie Chen to have this idea!

He only hesitated for a moment, and brought the soil to make a choice, using the divine power ninjutsu transfer to avoid Xie Chen's attack, and at the same time making the outer golem form a defensive ninjutsu at the fastest speed.

In comparison, of course, your own safety is more important. As for the Outer Golem, although it will be severely damaged, it will affect its own strength, but it is still just a tool. It can only be fully defensive, and the damage can be reduced as much as possible. ..


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