Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 246: Hidden means

The disappearance of the soil did not shake Xie Chen's minute, such a change was originally within his expectations.

The magic sword casts more quickly, reaching its peak power in an instant. A sword light that is faster and brighter than lightning flashes. The outer golem reluctantly formed a wind shield and was instantly smashed, and a shocking line appeared on its body. Wounds.

Although the Outer Golem has amazing self-healing ability, it can't recover under such an attack. Countless Chakra power leaks from the wound, seeming to be in danger of losing control.

"Outside Golem!"

Take the soil and immediately use ninjutsu to control the power of the outer golem. Otherwise, if it can't control its own power with the current injury, I am afraid that it will explode on the spot. In that case, I will be completely ridden after so many years of preparation. , And unlimited monthly reading will also become a huge joke.

Xie Chen was about to continue his attack, when three shadows suddenly appeared from under the ground.

Although these three ninjas were just shadow ninjas, their power far exceeded all the shadow ninjas Xie Chen had encountered before.

Their strength is so strong that they can be affirmed that they have reached the level of the shadow level just by feeling. The three of them worked together, even Xie Chen couldn't care less.

"Fire escape! The flame of breaking light!"

"Wind escape! Ten thousand cuts!"

"Earth escape! The technique of trapping!"

The ninjutsu of the three black shadow ninjas is even more bizarre, which is simply the ultimate manifestation of the pure chakras of fire, wind and earth.

With Xie Chen's power, these three types of ninjutsu could not be resolved at the same time.

When he was about to perform the technique of instant shave, Xie Chen found that his feet were difficult to move, and even the instant shave was affected.

It seems that these three black shadow ninjas are assassins prepared with soil. They want to appear suddenly when their battle is the fiercest. If their instant shaves are restricted, their attack will be the ninjutsu with soil. If you fall into a very passive position, you may be defeated if you don't do it well.

But the current situation forced him to use these three ninjas in advance, otherwise, the one who failed would become him.

Xie Chen stretched out his right hand to dissolve the power of the Light-Splitting Flame, but then ten thousand slashes rushed towards Xie Chen from all directions.

"Strengthening defense! Magic shield!"

Since it was impossible to dodge, Xie Chen simply smashed all the Feng Slashes that attacked above and behind him with the power of the magic sword, and concentrated his full effort to defend against attacks from other directions.

Dangdang's voice is endless.

The power of those wind blades turned out to be pretty good, and finally broke his mana shield. However, Xie Chen still failed to really hurt him in front of Xie Chen who had activated the defense enhancement.

"Somewhat capable." Looking at the scratches on his body, Xie Chen's eyes flashed murderously. The right hand touched the ground to dissolve the trapping technique. The next moment, Xie Chen appeared behind the three of them.

With only one sword cut, the nearest ninja who used Fire Drain Ninjutsu was cut and turned into black light and rose into the air.

"Kill with every effort!" Facing such a loss, Tai Tu didn't feel distressed at all, and coldly gave the order.

The two black shadow ninjas did not have any fear or fear, and rushed directly towards Xie Chen.

"Cut, trouble!" Xie Chen used his speed to the extreme, swinging the magic sword.

The strengths of these three Sombra Ninjas are all similar. Although the two of them were prepared and resisted for a while, they were unavoidable to follow in the footsteps of their companions.

"Okay, your hole cards have now been wiped out by me. What are you going to do next?" After killing the three shadow ninjas, Xie Chen turned again to face the soil that had controlled the injuries of the outer golem.

"Hehe, I have to admit that I have run out of cards. In terms of strength, Xie Chen is indeed above me."

"Live, it seems that your head has finally become more active. Could it be that you are ready to give up your plan?"

The appearance of taking soil became even crazier: "What a joke! Why should I give up? Do you think it is enough to defeat me? Do you think that no one else is on the same path as me?"

The ninjas of the Ninja Alliance Army around them all heard inexplicable, and they only felt that this was probably because the fate of bringing the soil could not accept the failure was crazy. And they are about to face a victory.

But Xie Chen had a warning sign in his heart! It seems that the thing I worry about the most has happened!

"Have you seen it? Master Xie Chen has already gained an advantage over the land, let's not fall behind!" Hinata and the others were most concerned about the battle situation on Xie Chen's side while dealing with Liu Dao Payne. They saw that the outside golem was injured. , The Sombra Ninja prepared with soil was killed. They also felt that victory seemed to be near.

With both hands together, Hinata controlled the beast road that was about to be summoned by spiritism in his own aura, making him unable to move. Afterwards, he slashed madly and cut him into two pieces on the spot.

As for Hell Road, they had already been defeated earlier.

At this time, Penn no longer has the ability to continue fighting, as long as the remaining four are resolved, then they can directly kill Penn.

On the other side, Xie Chen's slash hit the unsuspecting giant snake.

——Actually, it's useless even with defense, Xie Chen's attack is too fast and its size is too big.

The power of this blow actually cut through the terrifying defensive skin of the giant snake, causing it to instantly lose its balance and fall to the ground.

Of course, Naruto would not let go of such an opportunity, and directly used the vortex pill to blast the giant snake's wound, with the powerful force destroying the giant snake's body from within.

The giant snake directly changed back to the appearance of the snake altar.

When Sasuke and Itachi saw Naruto's success, they also increased their offensive against Dou.

Just wait for Naruto to withdraw his hand to flick back and forth, it shouldn't take too long to defeat him.

However, Dou was aware of his situation and their attempts earlier.

"Hmph! Do you think this can defeat me and break our plan? You haven't seen the truly terrible things. Now let you open your eyes again!"

Dou immediately rushed towards the altar of the snake, rushed between the three people to stop him, and absorbed all the snake patterns on the altar of the snake into himself! ..


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