Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 258: The battle is temporarily down

"Good luck for you this time!" Dou suddenly muttered to himself softly.


"Haha, do you want to avenge your brother? Come with me if you have the ability." Dou suddenly gave up the attack on them, and "escaped" in a certain direction.

At least Itachi understood that. Even if he made enough provocative moves. However, it was just dealing with Uchiha Madara's actions.

"Too lazy to care about you, it's more important to treat Sasuke first." Itachi was not interested in acting with him, so he flew back holding Sasuke directly.

In fact, I have been thinking about it a lot, and now Xie Chen and Uchiha Madara are at the most critical moment, he is not in the mood to be distracted and pay attention to other battlefields!

"Dot and line magic eye!"

Xie Chen rushed towards Uchiha Madara at an astonishing speed, but at the same time, his state seemed to be still, and the whole person fell into a void. The nine-tailed beasts in front and Uchiha Madara’s clone were basically He disappeared from his vision, and the only thing he could hear was Uchiha Madara.

"Dead Slash!"

It is another kind of forbidden technique, this time it is the combination of Xie Chen's forbidden technique with slashing and dot-line magic eye!

Suddenly, an astonishing light flashed in Xie Chen's eyes, as if he had seen something magical that others could not see.

And his slashes came out without hesitation!

This time in midair, there were no more slashes like the last blow, and they were slashed toward multiple targets at the same time. Instead, an extremely huge force was gathered, which seemed to cut the entire world into two.

As the real target of the attack, Uchiha Madara felt even more profound. Although there was no basis, he could feel that Xie Chen's attack was aimed at his own weakness!

Although the possibility of analyzing his own weaknesses under so many attacks and strong enemies is almost zero, hasn't he said it himself? His so-called dot-line magic eye can see through his own weakness and can issue a fatal blow against it.

However, even so, Uchiha Madara has no retreat. If he retreats and flees just because of Xie Chen's attack, then he doesn't have to fight Xie Chen!

"It's you who died!"

Nine-tailed beasts and Uchiha Madara's clones attacked at the same time.

Uchiha Madara had a little more thoughts this time, and let his two clones rush to the front to meet Xie Chen's first offensive.

His own clone can be destroyed, but the nine big-tailed beasts themselves have other uses, and Xie Chen must not be killed. Sure enough, those two clones couldn't block the power of Xie Chen's blow, and they disappeared instantly. However, the nine-tailed beasts changed their attack direction, and the powerful tail beast jade exploded beside Xie Chen!

The powerful Qi wave even Xie Chen in his current state could not really ignore it, and his attack was slightly missed!

However, this half-cent difference is a huge difference.

boom! Xie Chen and Uchiha Madara’s attacks slammed into each other, and both were hit at the same time!

Xie Chen's entire body seemed to sink inward, which shows the strength of Madan. And Uchiha Madara had an astonishing wound on his body.

However, because Xie Chen's slash missed half a point, he didn't hit Madara's key point, so although his injuries were serious, there was no real danger to his life.

"Master Xie Chen!" Tsunade is now facing a shadow-level master who is reincarnated from the dirty soil, unable to do it, but Silent and Sakura have already rushed to the vicinity and saw Xie Chen's wounded and collapsed fly back, and rushed to catch him. Got him, and started treatment for him as soon as possible.

Although Uchiha Madara on the other side is less injured, he is not treated like this. Especially since he still needs to control the Nine-Tailed Beast, the pressure is even greater.

"This kind of power can actually hurt me." Uchiha Madara's eyes still looked incredulous.

Nine-tailed beasts, plus himself, have an overwhelming advantage no matter how they look, but in the face of such advantages, Xie Chen still analyzes his own weaknesses and can fight back desperately.

What kind of monster is this!


Why do such monsters appear in the ninja world? This is completely out of my calculations many years ago!

He turned his head and looked at it again, except for the pockets where he did not know where he was, he did not have an advantage in his eyes and on all the battlefields, and the best was just a balance of power.

Especially on Penn's side, with the exception of Heavenly Dao Penn, they have all been destroyed by the others!

Although he didn't know Payne, he knew that he was one of the strongest combat powers that he could take over. In this kind of battle, although he had a slight advantage over Xie Chen, he was really not suitable for continuing to fight.

"Bring the soil and put away the nine big-tailed beasts. This time we defeated Xie Chen and conquered the nine-tailed beasts. The gain is not small."

Although he was right, for Uchiha Madara, it was definitely not the result of his contentment. The reason why he said this was obviously because he knew it was difficult to go further now.

"Give my order and retreat temporarily!" Uchiha Madara is not the leader of Akatsuki now, but he took it for granted when he said this.

And of course others will not question his words.

"Want to go? I'm afraid it's not that easy!" Don't cut it with a cold snort. Although the injury on his body is already very serious, he still raised his decapitating sword again and cut it straight towards Tiandao Payne who wanted to retreat.

On the other side, Shiro and Hinata also cooperated with him to attack.

Although the power of Tiandao Payne can push away one of them, the combined attack of the remaining two can definitely keep him!

"In front of me, what tricks do you want to play!" Uchiha Madara was dissatisfied with today's loss. Although he didn't have any pity for these "men", this was the power that represented his Uchiha Madara, but he was beaten like this and faced the danger of failure.

Madan who arrived in time immediately picked up the wood escape technique.

Several wooden roots formed wooden thorns, and they entangled them to stab the hearts of the three of them! ..


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