Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 259: wake


"Grow your eyes! The Fist of Sealing!"

"Ice Escape! The Art of Ice Mirror!"

After Xie Chen's various combat-type special trainings, the three of them didn't panic even when facing the legendary Uchiha Madara's attack, and calmly used their own ninjutsu or counterattack or defense.


In the end, the three wooden thorns neither entangled them nor stabbed them.

Uchiha Madara looked at them with a little surprise. To him, even Momoji's name is relatively unfamiliar, not to mention Shiro and Hinata, at best, he can recognize Hinata's white eyes.

But these three junior characters were able to block their own attacks separately. Could it be that Penn would suffer a big loss in their hands.

Uchiha Madara suddenly realized that the enemies he was about to face this time far exceeded his previous imagination. Even if he really defeated Xie Chen, these young people would not have a good deal!

However, he will not be affected by these distracting thoughts. Now if he decides to get rid of them is not a good choice, it will make his injury more serious and cause him to recover later than Xie Chen, then the gain is not worth the loss. .

"Fire escape! Sky flow fire descending technique!"

Grabbing the Heavenly Way Penn, Uchiha Madara directly summoned a piece of ninjutsu like a meteor shower with a wave of his hand, and smashed it toward the center of the battlefield regardless of enemy or us!

"Uchiha Madara!"

Tsunade and others almost burst their eyes. No matter how terrifying Uchiha Madara's trick is, they at least have the power to protect themselves, but it is not necessarily true for ordinary ninjas.

In the face of such a devastating range attack, the probability that they can block it is too low, and what makes them desperate is that such ninjutsu is too strong, they can't compete with it at all!

The shadow-level ninjas who were fighting Tsunade saw this kind of ninjutsu and turned around without hesitation, but the shadow ninjas and ordinary ninjas were not so much better, and they absolutely did not have it at the place where the flint fell. The possibility of survival!

"How to do!"

"All ninjas, all gather their strength and use defensive ninjutsu, to see if they can fight against these flints!" It would be useful to not even believe the person who greeted them like this. In the face of such ninjutsu, even the star bursts into the sky. It's just kid's stuff. How can their ninjutsu be useful!

However, they are even more unwilling to die like that without doing anything.

Faced with such a terrible flint, they really felt their own weakness and powerlessness.

At this moment, a figure flashed in front of them. Although the severe physical injury made him almost unable to stand upright, seeing this figure still made them feel at ease.

"Master Xie Chen!" "That's Master Xie Chen!"

"What is he going to do? The current Master Xie Chen is still injured!"

"All back!" All the voices stopped, and everyone watched Xie Chen's movements blankly.

Including Uchiha Madara and the others are the same. Although they are already retreating, if Xie Chen can be seen directly buried under this rain of fire with his own eyes, he will immediately change his mind and launch a full attack on the Ninja Army!

At this time, Xie Chen suddenly raised his right hand, and the whole body looked so tall. People can no longer tell whether this is their mental illusion or the fact.

However, regardless of their subjective feelings, those flints fell without any obstruction.


Xie Chen fully displayed his insight into the entire ninja world, and the origin of those flint power was clearly displayed in front of Xie Chen's eyes.

Then, other people saw a scene that they could not believe, that such a powerful Flint Rain was also resolved by the power of Xie Chen's right hand! Such a large area was not hurt by that force, and all the ninjas above were unharmed!

"how can that be!"

Although I have seen the technique used by Xie Chen with my own eyes, the previous attacks were still attacks on the relatively concentrated tail beast jade, but now it is a large area of ​​flint rain, how terrible this Xie Chen is!

However, the strength of the Ninja Army has not been greatly damaged, and Xie Chen has not been buried in the flaming rain. It is now who can recover stronger combat power first. It is not the time to act with them, otherwise he must be in the first place. He rushed to kill Xie Chen, an enemy he couldn't see through.

"Master Xie Chen!" Hinata and the others knew that although Xie Chen showed his power, saved so many ninjas and completely resolved the terrible flint rain, Xie Chen's power consumption must be amazing.

Sure enough, when they rushed to the front, Xie Chen could only show a weak smile, and then fell straight back.

"Hmm." Xie Chen felt his head swell and hurt, and opened his eyes uncomfortably, but what caught his eye was no longer the scene of the battlefield, but a very comfortable room.

"It looks like the battle is over, Uchiha Madara didn't kill another carbine after all." Although his head was very uncomfortable, Xie Chen understood the current situation instantly.

"Master Xie Chen, you are awake." Hinata and Bai were probably responsible for taking care of Xie Chen, and rushed in when they heard something inside. It happened to see Xie Chen waking up while rubbing his head.

"Ha, looking at the way you are worried, do you think that this little injury can make me fail? Don't worry, I'm not that vulnerable."

Hinata and Shiro rolled their eyes.

At that time, he was attacked by a number of tail beasts, and he also confronted Uchiha Madara. If he were replaced by someone else, he would have died with no scum, but it was just a small injury because of his ominousness.

"Okay, I know Master Xie Chen, you are the most powerful, but no matter how powerful you are, you must take care of your injuries. Now that you wake up, please drink the medicine quickly." While talking, Hinata took a portion of the decoction. Put it in Xie Chen's hands.

"Oh, this kind of thing is useless, right?" Xie Chen shook his head helplessly, but drank the soup medicine. ..


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