Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 4: Girl hitting her arms

It's just that there is still an upper limit for a single brush. Although those who exceed Xie Chen's level are too much to deal with, they can't break the monster's defense with the weapon in his hand, and can't cause damage at all.

Therefore, Xie Chen entangled with an elite for a while and became familiar with the body method, and then immediately moved away from its sensing range.

In short, the first time I entered the game world is a great harvest.

I pulled out the task panel and checked his attributes. Xie Chen was surprised to find that his attributes are almost the same as in the game? Except for the demon's body and the scale Hejiahe, who was unsealed, they were still in a sealed state.

Xie Chen silently closed the panel and called O'olas, but there was no response.

Although I would like to ask O'Olas what is going on and why his abilities are also in a sealed state in the real world, there is nothing he can do if O'Olas doesn't take the initiative to appear. I can only keep it in my mind silently, waiting for the next time O'Olas appears, and count it together.

Putting the induction helmet aside, Xie Chen yawned and turned to sleep.

The meeting always passed quickly. When Xie Chen opened his eyes again, it was already noon. Walking on the street, Xie Chen looked bored at the shops on both sides, trying to find a restaurant that looked more pleasing to the eye, but it seemed that they all looked the same...

Suddenly, Xie Chen felt that something was rushing towards him. When he was about to dodge sideways, his mind moved slightly, and he stood still and did not move.

"Oh!" A girl with short hair ran into Xie Chen's arms with a bag. Then he was knocked back a few steps and was about to fall, when Xie Chen wrapped his waist.

The girl stared at Xie Chen in a daze, a little dazed, not knowing what she was doing now.

Xie Chen smiled and said softly, "Miss, are you okay." The girl in front of me had only shoulders, and she seemed to be a cheerful personality, but now her mouth opened slightly because of surprise, her cheeks were pink. , It seems indescribably cute. Although he is a little younger, Xie Chen, as a lo*ic*n, likes all kinds of cute girls.

However, the girl in her arms was taken aback, her eyes blinked, and then she realized that she was now being held in her arms by a strange boy, and she immediately stood up as if she was scared, her face flushed. Then he bent down and apologized to Xie Chen: "Yes, I'm sorry. I was too careless, I'm so sorry!"

Xie Chen took a small step forward and pulled the girl up and said, "It's okay, but you didn't hurt anymore, did you?"

"Huh?" The girl shook her head quickly, "No, no."

"That's good, but your bento..." Xie Chen looked at the ground, and the girl opposite suddenly remembered, and suddenly turned her head: "Ah, my bento! Really... ...." The loss that could not be concealed in the voice. There are two bento boxes scattered in a bag on the ground. The lid of the box has fallen off because of the fall on the ground, and the food inside is naturally hard to escape. Some of them have been scattered. On the ground.

The woman squatted down quickly, trying to tidy up, and muttered at the bottom: "Ah, what can I do, my brother and I’s lunch, do I want my brother to be hungry? I’m so useless... ."

Xie Chen also squatted down beside the girl and reached out to help her tidy up the lunch scattered on the ground. The girl smiled gratefully at Xie Chen and said, "Thank you."

"No, I should say something is wrong. I was thinking about things at the time, so I didn't see you running over. Otherwise, I can give in in advance so that your lunch will not fall to the ground. "Xie Chen smiled.

The girl stood up, still blushing, lowered her head and said, "It's not your fault, I was too anxious."

Xie Chen touched his chin, and a smile flashed in his eyes: "Well, in order to be like you, how about I invite you to dinner?"

The girl waved her hand quickly: "You don't have to be like this."

"It's okay, it just so happens that I also came out to buy something to eat, just a meal, otherwise I will be uneasy." Xie Chen continued to persuade the girl in front of me in a gentle tone, and I could encounter it when I came out and around Such a cute girl, really lucky.

The girl still shook her head and refused: "It's really unnecessary. I'll just buy another lunch later."

Then Xie Chen raised his eyebrows slightly, and looked at the girl with a smile in his eyes: "You don't seem to bring anything other than a lunch box, so..." How do you buy it? Although the latter words were not said, Xie Chen's eyes had already expressed this meaning.

Originally, the girl was a little embarrassed and a little confused by his eyes. Then she heard Xie Chen's voice. She was taken aback for a while, and then looked around her body, only to realize that she was too anxious to come back from school. I only brought a lunch box and left everything else in the activity room.

Her mouth opened slightly, and the girl didn't know what to say. When Xie Chen saw this, the corners of his lips rose, and he smiled and said to the girl: "It seems that fate arranged me to invite you to dinner, so don't refuse."

"This, but..." The girl unconsciously twisted her hands with the bag, her face flushed, "But my brother is still at home waiting for dinner, I..."

Xie Chen suddenly understood. It turns out that the girl in front of him has an older brother? Hey, I don’t know how this brother is doing. It looks like it might not be enough to invite a girl to dinner today, but it's a worthwhile trip to get to know it.

The thought flashed through his mind, Xie Chen tilted his head for a moment, then reached out and patted the girl's head, and said, "In this case, I will pack two copies for you and take them home. , My name is Xie Chen, hello." My heart sighed silently that the hand feels really good, and then took his hand off.

The girl moved her lips slightly, and slowly said, "Hello, I'm Tonggu Naoha. Xie Chenjun, are you Chinese?" The girl tilted her head slightly and asked. ..


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