Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 5: Kiriya Naoha

"Yes, but my time in Japan is not short." Xie Chen smiled slightly.

"It turned out to be like this, I was still thinking that Xie Chenjun's Japanese is really good." Kiriya Naoha suddenly realized.

Xie Chen looked around and suddenly said, “Let’s go there, it looks pretty delicious.” He pointed to a shop not far away, it should be a ramen shop.

Tongya Naoha nodded: "Ah, the reputation of that store is indeed very good, and the boss is also a very good person." After seeing where Xie Chen pointed out clearly, Tongya Naoha smiled and said, then followed Xie Chen walked over together.

As he walked, Tonggu Naoha hesitated for a while, and asked, "Xie Chen-jun, what do you do?"

"Huh?" Xie Chen raised his hand and touched his chin, then curled up the corner of his mouth to look at Suguha, "I am the man who wants to be the devil."

With a "pouch", Tongya Suguha smiled, and then quickly covered his mouth. She really didn't expect that Xie Chen, who seemed so reliable, would give such an answer to Secondary Two, but the person who helped her with such a smile seemed not very good, so she immediately covered her mouth to prevent laughing again.

"Why, don't you believe it?" Xie Chen raised his eyebrows, but what he said really couldn't be more truthful, but unfortunately no one believed it. Seeing Kiriya Souha's smiling eyes, she knew what she thought.

Shaking his head, Xie Chen pretended to be sad and sighed: "Hey, you didn't expect Suguha to laugh. Could it be that what I said in your eyes is unreliable?"

Tongya Suguha's eyes were slightly upright, and his smile became nervous and embarrassed: "No, it won't be like this, it's just..."

Seeing the nervous look of Tonggu Suguha, Xie Chen suddenly laughed. The slender and beautiful palms directly rubbed the head of Tongya Suguha: "Okay, just tease you. Now, let's go in."

Tonggu Zhiye bit his lower lip, and said in a slightly annoyed voice: "Really..." Seeing Xie Chen walked in in front, he exhaled and adjusted and followed in.

In fact, Xie Chen, who was walking in the front, suddenly remembered the identity of the girl who followed, Tongya Suguha, isn't it the sister of Sword Art Online's protagonist Tongya Kazuto? It seems that I still like the male lead. A hint of interest flashed in his eyes, although it was so, but he became more interested.

When I walked into this shop, I found that there were so many people. Looking at the menu, Xie Chen lowered his head and asked Zhiba: "Suoba sauce, what do you want to eat?"

I didn't expect that the first time I met Xie Chen, he would use such an intimate call to call himself, but seeing Xie Chen's natural expression, he still didn't refute. Without going to the menu, he said directly: "Ordinary ramen is good."

Xie Chen didn't speak, nodded, then picked up the menu and looked at it, and asked, "Are there any taboos in Zhiye sauce?"

Tong Gu Souha shook his head: "There is no one."

Then Xie Chen said to the uncle who came to greet the shopkeeper: "Uncle, come and pack the noodles." The finger pointed to a kind of ramen on the menu that seemed to be full of fragrance.

Tongya Naoha wanted to stop it, but Xie Chen reached out and stopped what he wanted to say: "Hey, don't object to Zhiba sauce. How can ordinary ramen be so delicious?"

"But, it's too expensive." Tongya Souha shook his head, "This is inappropriate."

"There is nothing inappropriate, it doesn't make any difference to me, you know." Looking at Xie Chen's smiling face, Tongya Naoha felt that he probably met the legendary local tyrant.

Soon three portions of noodles were packed. Handing two of them to Tonggu Suguha, Xie Chen asked: "Okay, go back to eat. Do you need me to send you?"

Kiriya Suguha shook his head: "No, thank you for your ramen, then I will go back first."

"Be careful, don't run away." Xie Chen raised an eyebrow and smiled.

Tonggu Zhiba's ear roots reddened: "Ah, I will be careful and leave." Xiang bowed and bowed before turning and leaving.

In the middle, Tonggu Suguha couldn't help turning his head, but found that Xie Chen's figure had disappeared. She was a little bit disappointed in her heart. She ended the club activities today and then came out with the bought lunch from school. Because it was a bit late, she was anxious. I didn't expect to encounter such a thing, but luckily I met Xie Chenjun. Good people.

Brother should have been waiting for a long time now, so hurry up. Tonggu Naoha pursed his mouth, and slightly speeded up and walked towards the house.

Pushing the door open gently, Kiriya Suguha shouted, "Brother? Brother has eaten, and today's ramen is delicious. Brother?"

Seeing that no one answered at home, Tongya Naoha frowned slightly, then put the bento on the table and walked upstairs.

Walking outside of the room of Tongya Kazuto, that is, the elder brother of Tongya Naoha, he slowly opened the door. Sure enough, Tongya Souha frowned, "My brother has forgotten the time when he plays games again, really."

When she was worrying about how to get her brother to withdraw from the game, Kirito's eyes on the bed slowly opened. The excitement in the eyes of Kirito who had just woke up hadn't faded, and he murmured: "Finally at level ten, you can go to the first-tier boss by working harder."

Then he sat up and took off the sensor helmet, turned his head and saw his sister Souha standing at the door, and the dissatisfaction in his eyes was clearly visible.

"Brother, you play the game again and don't pay attention to the time. Wouldn't it be that you just slept for a while and then entered the game again? Really, brother, you should pay attention to your own body." Suguha said dissatisfied and a little worried.

Kirito smiled: "Ah, Suguha, is there anything?"

Suoba pursed his lips: "I have eaten, get down quickly." After speaking, he turned and left.

Kirito responded, and then gently placed the induction helmet on the head of the bed, patted it twice, and then left with a smile on the bottom of his eyes and a few easy shoes.

In fact, when Tonggu Zhiba looked back, Xie Chen was still not far away, placing a hand on her chin and watching her slowly leave. ..


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