Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 6: Met with the protagonist

"Is Kirito’s younger sister? She is really a girl with perseverance. I don’t see many gaffes today. A nice girl I meet is someone who has something to do with the protagonist, tut. Speaking of which, there are a few people around Kirito. The girls are all pretty good." While thinking about it, he nodded, Xie Chen wondered if he deserves to be the protagonist of this world. Peach Blossom Luck can be compared to him.

Carrying the ramen and returning to the place that could be called "home" for the time being, I settled the lunch at will and praised that the taste of ramen was good. He went back to the bedroom and re-entered the game.

As soon as I logged in, I found that I was still where I was leaving. Here is on a hill that is not low, and you can see a green grass, dotted with flowers of different colors, and occasionally a few trees appear.

But the wolf-like wild monster that was emptied by Xie Chen yesterday has long since re-emerged. The strength of these wild wolves is relatively high in the first layer, and the exploded experience is relatively more. If you want to come soon, there will be many leveling people here.

Yesterday when he was offline, it was more than three o'clock in the morning, and it has been eight or nine hours now. The fastest one who wants to upgrade has reached the highest level that this layer can reach.

While there was no one to bother him, Xie Chen didn't rush to go to other places, but lay down on the spot, leveling, this kind of thing is easy for him. And this is a closed beta. For him, the game is just a trial run, and it doesn't take much effort.

Speaking of it, although it is a game world, the scenery inside is countless times more beautiful than the outside world. From Xie Chen's perspective, only the sky and the white clouds floating on it can be seen. Spreading to the distance, the color of the sky gradually changes from deep to light, until it turns white.

Looking at the blue sky, an idea emerged in Xie Chen's mind. After thinking for a while, the corner of his lips raised a smile: "Since this is a virtual world, it should be constructed from data, although there is no entity. Know what it would look like with the dotted magic eye?"

After speaking, Xie Chen's gaze suddenly became sharp, blue-pink light radiated from his eyes, click the magic eye, start!

Suddenly the world in Xie Chen's eyes became very different. The original bright colors of the sky, clouds, and mountains were instantly dimmed, and the main body of the world became the dots and lines criss-crossed like graffiti that appeared above.

This is the ability of Xie Chen's dot-line magic eye, which can trace the causal relationship between things, and the result of all things is death, which is death. These lines and dots in Xie Chen's eyes are the weaknesses of this world, or the dead spots.

What surprised Xie Chen was that the dots and lines in the entire game world were very few compared to what he had seen before on other things, only a few strokes. This means that the entire world constructed by Kayaba Akihiko is already a perfect world with very few weaknesses.

The light in his eyes suddenly disappeared, returning to the original red. Xie Chen smiled and said, "Yes, after all, whether it is true or not, this is a world." After speaking, he slowly closed his eyes, and suddenly he took a nap.

After I don't know how long, Xie Chen's keen mental power sensed that someone was coming here in the distance, and slowly opened his eyes. The strong sunlight hits my eyes directly, squinting uncomfortably. Xie Chen just sat up and looked in the direction of the coming person. is a tall and thin young man with black hair over his ears, wearing equipment similar to Xie Chen, carrying a long sword, and firm black eyes.

Xie Chen knows this person, or anyone who has watched this anime should know this person.

Sit up slowly, Xie Chen narrowed his eyes and watched Kirito slowly run over. Approaching a certain distance, Kirito's speed slowed down, and he was surprised to see Xie Chen sitting on the hill. He didn't expect that someone was already there, and it seemed that he had not been there for a short time.

Slowly stopping, Kirito looked at Xie Chen hesitantly. Xie Chen didn't get up, but smiled and stretched out his hand to say hello to Kirito.

Seeing the people on the hill saying hello to him, Tongren was a little surprised and hesitant, and then smiled at Xie Chen and nodded. Seeing that Xie Chen was no longer doing anything, he turned around and passed in another direction.

Kirito's figure drifted away, until it became a little fuzzy before stopping. There is an area where wild wolves come and go, and a place for leveling. It seemed that Kirito's combat power could rank in the forefront among all the players, and the sword Xie Chen on his body could only burst out of an elite monster in the forest area on the other side.

With Xie Chen's mental perception and eyesight, Kirito's current movements seemed to appear in front of his eyes. When Xie Chen saw clearly what Kirito had done, he couldn't help but raised his eyebrows slightly, his eyes leaking a bit of appreciation.

"It didn't take long to discover this terrain and be able to use it. It really has some strength." It turned out that after Kirito arrived at that place, he soon discovered a somewhat different terrain, which was relatively short. Small hill with a tree on it. On the other side of the hill, the **** is steeper, and it is at the border of those wild wolves' cordon.

Xie Chen sat there leisurely, watching Kirito carefully lead a wolf, and then leaning on this tree to deal with the wolf, relying on agile posture and quick and steady attacks, it didn't take long to solve it. After losing the wolf, he sat down to rest, regaining his energy and blood.

Then it went round and round. Actually this kind of process is very boring, but Kirito doesn't seem to think so, but repeats this behavior again and again, carefully never relaxing.

Except that one of them once again attracted an elite monster, which caused Kirito to waste a lot of time. When the wolf was exhausted, a violent wolf paw slashed across his back. He lost more than half of his blood. But in the end, the wolf was solved, although it was a bit difficult.

But it was not without much gain, Xie Chen saw Kirito put on a higher-level sword and a black coat.

At this time, Xie Chen seemed to feel that it was almost the same, so he got up from where he was and walked away. Kirito, who was sitting there to rest, was shocked. Hasn't he left yet? But what are you doing sitting there for almost two hours?

Kirito couldn't help feeling strange looking at Xie Chen's leaving figure. Is this someone who travels exclusively in the game world? ..


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