Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 7: Tiabello

Xie Chen called up the map, looked at the route, and then quickly left along the path, using instant shave to save time.

Soon he came to the labyrinth area, there are not many people in it now, after all, the average level is still less than ten, it is still a bit risky to challenge the BOSS here.

But it can’t be said that it was not. Two hours ago, the people with the highest level had already started to team up to try to break through, but unfortunately, they did not succeed, but they also got some information from the boss.

The name of the BOSS is LlfangTheKoboldLord, a tall horned bull monster with an axe and a small buckler. After the fourth HP slot is reduced to red blood, the weapon will be replaced with a machete. By his side, there is a bodyguard named RuinKoboldSentinel.

In the first attempt, because the rhythm between the mobs and the boss was not adjusted, the three HP slots of the boss were not even consumed. For the second time, I changed and adjusted the coordination method, but stumbled in the red blood. The results of both times were almost all groups destroyed.

After all, it's still in the closed beta stage, no matter how many times the character has died, he can be resurrected, and at most he will lose experience or durability. So even if the level cannot be cleared once, there is nothing to destroy all the members, just start again.

Currently, players are preparing for the third customs clearance battle. Xie Chen walked alone in the maze, and many mobs on the road were easily solved.

At this time, Xie Chen turned a corner, and a humanoid monster appeared on the road ahead, with double horns on his head, short stature, and a name called "Gwami", with two HP slots next to him. , Is facing him at this time.

"Good luck, I even ran into an elite monster." With a sharp smile, Xie Chen rushed over with his sword without hesitation.

This is when Gwami noticed the movement behind him, turned around and picked up the heavy hammer, and forced Xie Chen to rush over. The long sword slashed on the hammer, bursting out a dazzling light. Then the sound of weapon confrontation and Gwami's roar in the passage continued one after another.

A group of people passed by at this time and was attracted by the sound inside, so they walked towards the place where the sound was made. Just after turning the corner, they saw Xie Chen fighting with the elite monster.

"Captain, look! Isn't that the elite Gwami? That person is so strong that he can brush it by himself?!" A red-haired boy said to a man beside him in surprise.

The person known as the captain stretched out his hand to signal, which meant that the red-haired boy should be quiet, not to disturb others in the fight, and then said: "This person is so strong." His eyes also flashed with surprise and a bit of joy. If you come here, the probability of clearing the level will be much greater.

At this time, Xie Chen had fought against Gwami for dozens of rounds, and the long sword struck it from time to time. One HP slot had been emptied, and the remaining one was only half.

"That's right, it's really an elite monster with a name, is it quite different from the combat effectiveness of the cannon fodder?" Xie Chen narrowed his eyes and saw that the pilot's long sword was picked up at the right time. After that, Xie Chen turned his feet, a circling backhand with a sword, the elite monster behind him let out a weak roar, HP quickly emptied, turned into broken light spots and slowly dissipated, becoming Xie Chen's experience value and money.

To the people behind Xie Chen's neat skill, there is only one word, "master". As soon as he turned around, he saw five or six people standing behind, looking at him excitedly, still talking about something.

Seeing him turning around, these people became a little commotion. Among them, the handsome man called the captain walked over to Xie Chen.

Xie Chen raised one eyebrow lightly and inserted the long sword into the scabbard on his back, waiting for the person opposite to come over.

"Hello, this is Tiabello." As he spoke, he reached out his hand.

Xie Chen looked at the stretched hand and didn't make the same move. He just nodded and said, "Devil."

Tiabello didn't care, and naturally withdrew his hand. It's just a look of confusion on the face, and after thinking for two seconds, I reacted: "Ah, hello... Demon King." Although the name is strange, it is in the game after all. There are both, and it is not uncommon for a name like this kind of second.

"What's the matter?" Xie Chen's mouth curled slightly, and he looked at these people.

Tiabeilu explained his intention to Xie Chen: "That's it. Now we have found the first-tier boss, but we have tried twice and still failed. We are currently preparing for the third strategy war, so I want to ask if you would like to be with us."

"That's right, it turns out that you have all started for the third time. Isn't it good?" Xie Chen smiled slightly and said with his hands in his pockets.

"Thanks for the compliment, your Excellency, your skill is extraordinary, if you can join us, I must be able to pass this Raiders this time, so..." Tiabeilu continued to persuade.

"Okay, I promised, when?" Xie Chen touched his chin and agreed. He just remembered who the person in front of him was, Tiaberu, who died in the first-level clearance battle not long after he appeared. He is also a closed beta player because the current character image is set by himself. So there was no match at the moment.

So Xie Chen agreed without thinking about it. After all, the people participating in this battle should be the group of people with the highest level of combat power. It is not bad to look at the difference between the strength of the one who is now sealed.

Unexpectedly, Xie Chen agreed to his invitation so quickly, showing a look of surprise, and then said: "That's great. How about adding a friend first?" The finger slid out of the panel and operated a few times, Xie Chen's A friend request appeared earlier, "Tiabelu asked to add you as a friend, do you agree?"

"Add a friend to facilitate contact." Tiabeilu said with a smile.

Xie Chen couldn't comment, and chose to agree, so the first friend appeared in his friend column.

Tiabeilu caught sight of this detail, and he was even more sure in his heart that this man named Demon King was a lone ranger, otherwise how could such a strong person have never heard of it? ..


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