Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 8: Join the team

Tiabello looked at the black-haired, red-eyed man with a cold expression, and thought for a while and asked: "This is your first time in the maze? The route here is very complicated. Do you want to join us?"

Xie Chen refused: "No, I will do it myself." Tiaberu was slightly disappointed, but this result was also expected, after all, Lone Rangers didn't like to act with others.

Tiabelu just took a chance to try, and if he could observe his battle closely, he might learn something.

"Then I have a map in it. The routes of some areas of the maze that I have explored and understood for some time are on it. I will pass it to you." Tiabeilu opened the inventory, selected the map, and sent it.

Xie Chen did not refuse and accepted the map. Then asked: "When is the strategy war?"

"In three days, before the action, there will be a unified collection of messages, but it's better to have time to get in before." Tiabeiru replied.

"Okay, I see, see you in three days." After saying that Xie Chen waved his hand and left.

Tiabeilu didn't respond much, and the red-haired boy spoke: "Hey, Captain, this man is so arrogant, his attitude is really bad."

"That's right, it's so cold, really." "Are all the masters like this?"

Tiabeilu stopped their discussion and said: "It should be a lone ranger. It's good to agree to join us. As for the character, I can feel that there is no malice. Okay, let's continue hunting."

After speaking, he took a group of people and left this place. At this time, Xie Chen had already come to a closed door.

If Tiabello and the others saw it, they would be extremely surprised. Because, behind this door, is the guarding boss of the first pass.

Xie Chen touched his chin with his right hand, looked up at the door, and said, "I don't know who is better than this BOSS?"

It turned out that Xie Chen actually wanted to single out the boss. If this idea were to let the rest of the players know, he would definitely feel that Xie Chen was telling a joke and had a delusion.

Because in terms of the fighting power of the BOSS, it is higher than all players, and there are four long HP slots, not to mention the guards who are higher than the elite monsters and the final combat power doubled. .

Xie Chen naturally thought of this, but he was not afraid of the combat effectiveness of the BOSS, because even if its combat effectiveness was strong, what good would it be to not touch himself? The more troublesome is the Guards, it is really annoying to keep pestering you.

So Xie Chen shook his head, turned and left the gate. "Forget it, I will come again in three days anyway. I can evaluate it by looking at it with my own eyes. I don't want to ask for trouble now. It's better to practice my magic with this time, so I can unblock it quickly.

For the past three days, Xie Chen has been turning around on various maps, and naturally met many people, but he didn't care about the surprised expressions of those people when they saw him cleanly solve the monsters that need to be teamed up. What he cares about is himself Ten percent of the seal has been unblocked, the magic power that can be used has increased a lot, and various skills can be used. With this integration, Xie Chen's combat power has reached an extremely high level, at least there is no problem single-handedly facing the boss.

Clicking on the attribute panel, Xie Chen researched the extent of his current strength.

The Demon Sword is still being sealed, probably because of the current low level. Elegies of calamity, origin of evil, magic weapons, arrows of darkness, control of calamity, and space jump. These more powerful dishes have just been unblocked by less than 5%. Even if they are used in death, they are not of much use. .

The rest of the power enhancement, magic activation, flame fist, war trampling, silence, etc. have been unblocked by 10%, and if they are used, they can already cause considerable damage.

However, Xie Chen looked at the two skills of silence and spell denial, and the corners of his mouth twitched, no one here would use magic, even if it was completely unblocked, it would be of no use.

In fact, Xie Chen has discovered that his magic power is gradually increasing with the passage of time, and is gradually integrating into the system of this game. Let's put it this way, the ability Xie Chen had before was like a bug, but now this bug is gradually integrating with the system, making this bug a part of the system.

But until the complete integration is successful, this ability cannot be used, otherwise it will be immediately discovered by the system, and then driven and attacked.

Therefore, Xie Chen now almost completely relies on his own sword skills, except for occasionally using instant shave and some mental skills, and gradually integrates various sword skills in the process of dealing with monsters. Slowly practicing from the lowest level in this way, and re-consolidating the foundation, is not a small gain.

In a blink of an eye, three days later, Xie Chen came to the agreed place according to the message sent by Tiabeilu, a large open space not far from where the boss was.

There was originally an elite monster here, but it seems that it has been solved. Since the refreshing time is relatively long, there is no problem with the collection here.

At this time there were already many people inside, sitting or standing, gathering together and talking.

Xie Chen walked in slowly with a long sword on his back. Someone noticed inside, and some of them showed strange expressions. Who is this person and why haven't they seen it before?

Tiabeilu turned his head and saw Xie Chen who was coming here. He stepped forward to greet him and said, "Ah, Demon King, you are here."

Xie Chen nodded, looked around for a week, then looked at Tiabello and asked, "What do you want me to do?"

Tiabeilu walked inside with Xie Chen and said: "That's it. We divided the members of the Raiders into several teams and alternately stepped forward. But the powerful combat power like Demon King is divided into separate groups. The plan is like this..."

Xie Chen stood aside and nodded as he listened to Tiabelu's plan for this time. The plan this time is similar to the plot Xie Chen knows, but it is still somewhat lacking. Therefore, if it were not for this time, he would still fail. ..


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