Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 9: Strategy war, start!

Xie Chen didn't point out the shortcomings, but quietly nodded after listening. "In that case, I am one of the main attacks, free to play?"

Tiabello nodded: "It's almost like this, you can make your own judgment based on the timing based on the basic plan."

Xie Chen smiled slightly: "It seems that you really value me."

"I've seen your strength, and I believe it will be sufficient to deal with that situation." Tiabeilu smiled.

Xie Chen squinted his eyes slightly. This man has a really good personality and he has abilities. If he didn't die too early, he should have a place in SAO. If he meets him by then, he won't be able to save him. impossible.

During this period, many people rushed over one after another. Seeing that the number of people is almost the same, Tiabeilu began to verify the number.

"Assemble, let's have the last practice combat!" Tiabeilu clapped his hands and shouted.

When the people around heard Tiabeilu's voice, they all gathered together, and it was obvious that they were standing in several small groups, ranging in number, and the total number was about forty.

"Are team a, team b, team c, team d, team e all here?" Tiabello looked around for a week and asked loudly.

The following teams all answered that they were all here.

Tiabello nodded: "Okay, now let's do the last practice." Draw the sword and point to a place not far away, "Where will the elite monster be refreshed before long, and practice combat with it as the target. Attention, Change the weapon and grasp the attack power well."

Xie Chen raised his eyebrows, and he didn't expect that they would come up with this method to practice coordination. At this time, a blue light flashed not far away, and a tauren about two meters in shape appeared. The weapon in both hands was very similar to the guarding boss. It seems that the selection of this elite monster as the object of practice is not unreasonable.

As soon as the tauren appeared, he found numerous enemies, his eyes widened, and he rushed towards the sky with a roar.

"It's now! Go!" Tiabeilu shouted and rushed forward first, followed by Xie Chen.

The silver long sword greeted the black giant axe on the front, making a "clang" sound, and the giant axe was swung away. The team behind saw the time to keep up in time, and greeted the giant axe that was swung over again. The other team surrounded the tauren and started attacking, and the health bar of the tauren began to drop.

Then it is constantly shifting positions, resisting, attacking, and cooperating in an orderly manner. Xie Chen wandered in it, making up a gap from time to time or looking at the right time to stab at the vital point. Naturally, he didn't actually pierce in, just touch it and leave quickly. Otherwise, even if he changed a low-level weapon, he would suffer heavy damage under Xie Chen's sharp attack.

Looking at the tauren who finally fell to the ground, Xie Chen felt a little pity for him. He could die happily, but he was crushed to death by so many people bit by bit, and he was aggrieved to the end.

"Tsk tusk" shook his head twice, and Xie Chen changed the weapon in his hand. Speaking of this low-level sword was given to him by Tiabelu, otherwise he really didn't have it.

A dark green rapier appeared in his hand, and he thrust it back into his back, and then Xie Chen stood still and leaned against the wall.

Tiabello came over and made a gesture to him: "It's done well, Demon Lord. Now we will be more confident."

The corner of Xie Chen's mouth hooked: "Nothing." It was really nothing to him. Whether it was the grasp of the timing or the precise attack on the vital points, it had almost become an instinct for him.

But Tiabello didn’t think so. He didn’t direct the actions of this black-haired and red-eyed man just now when he was commanding the battle, because he was there when he was needed, or Covering or attacking, the timing is perfect.

Tiabeilu didn't say anything, just smiled and said: "Then look forward to the cooperation for a while, and hope to pass the customs once."

Xie Chen nodded: "Yes." He is there after all.

A group of people walked out and finally came outside a huge door. Tiabello turned around, looked at everyone seriously, and said: "Now, the last stop, this time I will pass the customs once, are you confident?"


"One pass!"

"Full of confidence!"

Listening to the powerful response below, Tiaberu nodded. Then he turned around and pushed open this huge ornate door.

The door slowly opened, and everyone followed Tiabello slowly in.

The dark hall suddenly lit up centered on the gate, revealing the guarding BOSS, LlfangTheKoboldLord, sitting on the throne with his head bowed.

The sitting Minotaur slowly raised his head, showing cold eyes. Then he grabbed a huge axe on one side, and his legs fell in front of the crowd with force.

LlfangTheKoboldLord's body is huge, the dark red skin is naked, the chest and abdomen are silver-gray totems, an angry roar up to the sky, staring at these foreign invaders.

There was a flash of light around him, and three guards appeared on both sides. Following the Minotaur rushed over.

Tiabeilu waved his sword: "Now, the battle begins!"

As soon as the voice fell, the a and b teams rushed away to meet the BOSS and the guards. The first encounter with them was the BOSS's guard team. One team member withstood the attack, and the other took the opportunity to cut down with a sword from the side.

"Team A, Team C! Switch!"

"Team B! Block the BOSS's attack! Take advantage of this now! Team D sneaks forward from the side! Quick!"

Following the command of Tiabelu, the battle was fierce but methodical. The three guards were resolved one by one and could concentrate on dealing with the BOSS.

At this time, there was a gap. The BOSS turned and broke away from the resistance of Team E. Team C has not adjusted its attack state at this time. Seeing that the BOSS has rushed over, it will soon rush into the crowd to get rid of its restraint.

Tiabeilu’s pupils shrunk slightly, and when he was about to call Xie Chen, he found a figure leaping over from above and greeted the huge axe swinging over. Xie Chen’s eyes were slightly narrowed at this time, and his strength was strengthened. The axe swung away, and while the BOSS was staggering, he raised the sword and turned around, the dark green long sword cut deeply between his chest and abdomen, and instantly opened. ..


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