Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 210: episode

Asuna just wanted to answer, she heard Xie Chen continue to say: "They will go directly to the strategy, and there will be no other results."

Hearing Xie Chen's answer, Asuna was silent for a while, thinking about what they might do in her head, and then had to admit that things would indeed develop as Xie Chen said.

"I don't know why the army has become like this now, it looks so strange." Asuna said with some distress.

Xie Chen smiled and said: "Who knows? Let's talk about this later, let's go back and discuss this matter with everyone."

Asuna's attention immediately turned back, and she nodded and said, "Well, let's go back soon, this time the strategy and strategy should be discussed."

Before Xie Chen left, he glanced at the direction of those in the army, his eyes dropped slightly, and he was a little confused. He had already reminded the leader of the army to be careful of those around him. Why is this still the case? Xie Chen narrowed his eyes and decided to investigate after going back.

The news that the guarding BOSS on the seventy-fourth floor was discovered quickly spread to the entire Raiders team. At the same time, the fact that the BOSS's room was transferred to the neutralization area also spread.

None of the people who knew about this frowned, and the transfer crystal was invalidated, which meant that they had no chance to escape and could only succeed once. One can imagine the probability of casualties in this battle.

Therefore, when organizing this attack, there was some difficulty, and the participants were a little hesitant. After all, a person can only die once, and it’s not easy to lose one’s life in battle. , Coupled with their description of this BOSS, you can see that this is an extremely powerful BOSS, so the danger has increased a lot.

But no matter what, the personnel who participated in the Raiders were successfully formed. This time, more than half of the people in the frontline raiders team participated. Although the danger is high, there is no shortage of courageous people here. Thinking that they sacrificed to liberate everyone in SAO, many people still Willing to pay for it.

However, before the start of the Raiders, there was an episode that delayed the planned Raiders, and this is how things happened.

After Xie Chen and the others gathered outside the BOSS room, just when they were about to open the door and start the strategy, a group of people came from behind and listened to the back with neat steps.

The eyes of those standing in the front couldn't help but focus on them. Xie Chen raised his eyebrows, and they would come over. Heathcliff standing on the other side said: "Excuse me, what are you here for?" The person who came here was the same captain Xie Chen met before, and he stepped forward and said, "Hello everyone, this time we are here for a strategy war."

"Strategic war?" Heathcliff's expression changed slightly, and then squinted his eyes and said to him: "Strategic wars have always been ours. I don't know when the low-level troops are also interested in wars. Up?"

"This is our duty as a soldier." The captain said with a solemn expression, then turned his gaze to Xie Chen, and continued, "Your Excellency, although I deliberately gave us wrong information last time, as long as you can help We carry out the strategy this time, and the last deception can be wiped out."

When Xie Chen heard this, he raised his eyebrows in surprise in reality, then smiled. He slowly said, "What if I don't listen to you?"

"If that's the case, unfortunately, you will receive accusations from the army." The captain's face sank and he said to Xie Chen, his voice full of threats.

Xie Chen said indifferently: "Is the accusation? I have never received it." Then he glanced at the captain with a smile, and continued without waiting for him to speak, "Also, who is in charge here? Yes, you should understand it in your heart. We have already planned the strategy for this time, but there is no place for you in the plan. Do you understand? So you'd better go home."

Xie Chen's unceremonious words made the captain's complexion extremely ugly. He flushed and said, "Does your excellency put our army in the eyes of you?"

Xie Chen smiled lightly, did not speak, shifted his eyes to another place, looked at the wrist armor of his hand and began to study. Obviously, this attitude is to ignore them. The captain's complexion worsened. He stared at Xie Chen for a while, obviously suppressing his anger, and then approved the target, to Shizick Lief said, "His Excellency Heathcliff, is this attitude of your any luck?"

Heathcliff did not answer his words directly, but said with a somewhat unclear meaning: "Your Excellency, the leader of the Knights of the Master Demon Order, is not under the jurisdiction of anyone. Anyway, you are here today to participate. Raiders, if so, we are welcome."

"His Excellency Heathcliff, you still have a broad-mindedness." The captain began to talk about the subject when he said something meaningful. "Yes, we are here this time to participate in the strategy war. This time the battle is difficult. We have also heard about **** and danger, but we are an army. It is our true color to face difficulties and not fear difficulties, so we are here."

"But..." Heathcliff glanced at the people around him, and said, "We are ready for today's Raiders, and we have already conducted tactical rehearsals. It might not be great if we join people now. If you guys If you really want to sit down and press something, you can wait until next time."

As Heathcliff's words were spoken, the captain's face that had just improved a little worsened again: "Your excellency means, do you disagree with our home-cleaning strategy this time?"

Heathcliff shook his head and said, "No, if you just want to participate in a strategy war, you always have to have a battle plan. If you suddenly participate like this, the plan will have to be re-adjusted anyway. Yes, it’s not what I say here, but I have to ask everyone what they think."..


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