Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 211: put off

The captain looked at the people around him and asked in a deep voice; "So what do you guys here think? Can you tell us?"

The others looked at each other. In fact, they had always followed Xie Chen or Heathcliff. Xie Chen's attitude was obvious, not accepting the sudden influx of the army, but Heathcliff's attitude was ambiguous. Obviously it is the contention between the two people, how can they express their attitude casually, dare not and do not want to.

The captain’s words have been said for a while, but there is still no one to answer. He looked around for a week and said: "Since no one has raised any objections, I will announce that the army has formally intervened in the attack. Please ask the person in charge. Give me a copy of the plan. We will work out a new plan based on the new situation. Since we can't do the strategy today, we can only see you at another time. It should not be too late. At this time tomorrow, please come here. , Start the official strategy."

The captain’s words were very awkward to the ears of the people present. It was clearly a group of people who had just arrived and did not know why they appeared. Suddenly they spoke to them as managers, and looked at the attitude, it was like They are treated as subordinates, which makes many people feel uncomfortable. Not to mention that their appearance suddenly interrupted the progress of the strategy war, so they are even more unfavorable.

They listened to Xie Chen and Heathcliff to comfort that these two men are the leaders of the top guilds. Their strength is convincing, but they are only part of a self-proclaimed army organization that has been nestled in the town of Beginning for a long time. The little captain also came to shout three and four to them, which made them feel very upset. What they say is that they are members of the Raiders team who have been on the front line all the year round. Among the thousands, there are only a few hundred people. Therefore, as the arrogance of the Raiders team, they are not lacking. Even if they are not members of the Raiders team, they are the high-level core personnel of the Demon Knights and the Blood Alliance Knights. They are superb, and they will not listen to the captain.

But the reason they didn't speak now was that Xie Chen and Heathcliff hadn't spoken yet, and their specific attitude was not clear, so they didn't want to speak rashly.

The faces of the people present were not good, their eyes all focused on Xie Chen and Heathcliff who were standing in the middle, to see what they said.

Xie Chen just squinted at the captain, then gave a cold smile and said nothing. Heathcliff didn’t know what he was thinking. He actually gave today’s battle plan to the captain who was staring at him. Although the general plan was not final when he was discussing it, his actions also made Many of the people present were puzzled and didn't understand why he did this. In their opinion, Xie Chen's behavior was normal.

Heathcliff’s expression was calm, and the meaning in his eyes was unclear. He said, “Since your Excellency wants a battle plan, I have a copy here and I can give it to you. But I hope that your new plan can give you a plan before the battle begins tomorrow. We have one. This request is always okay. Otherwise, it would be a little late to know the battle plan before the battle."

After Heathcliff had finished speaking, the captain nodded, glanced at the plan in his hand, then put it away, and said, "Okay, I agree with your words. Come here first today. We will leave first, hope tomorrow All of you here can cooperate happily with us."

After speaking, he turned around, shouted slogans, and finally left with someone. When he was negotiating with Xie Chen and Heathcliff before, the group of people in the back were like stone sculptures, standing motionless, looking like real soldiers, but they had the grace and expression on them. There are many differences, it seems that everyone has a tired look on their faces, but they still insist on standing there even if their feet are already shaking.

Looking at the back of them leaving, Xie Chen said: "The unrelated people are gone, can we start the strategy war?"

His words made the eyes of the people present brighten, yes, they have already left, so they can start the strategy war. At this time, they ignored the previous conversation between Heathcliff and the captain, but thought that the head of Heathcliff was really witty, first get the people away, and then it was not their final say.

Just before they got excited, they saw Heathcliff stretch out his right hand and press down. Seeing his movements, some people subconsciously quieted down. Even the people behind Xie Chen would not be there. Against him at this time.

Then Heathcliff said, "I think you have all heard what you just said."

As soon as his words came out, Xie Chen knew in his heart what he wanted to do, and then raised his voice and asked: "Does the Heathcliff Commander mean to listen to those few people handing over the dominance of this attack? Can't you go out? You know how difficult the strategy is this time. Can you just give the lives of those present to those who have been brainwashed?"

Xie Chen's cross-examination was actually thought in the hearts of many people present, but they didn't dare to ask it out. Seeing Xie Chen's question came out, they all turned their eyes to Heathcliff to see how he answered.

Heathcliff's face sank slightly, and he said, "Naturally not. I just said to take a look. Naturally, it is impossible to give them the specific station, but the Dato's in this attack are very big. Just now You said that too, so I think it’s good to have more people. If it doesn’t work, it’s not too late to let them quit."

Heathcliff’s words gave the people present an explanation. Some people thought about it and accepted it. After all, if those people are really more reliable and join the strategy war, it will be good for them. The risk shared by each person is smaller. So in addition to being surrounded by Heathcliff, many people also agreed, but the reason why they didn't say it was that Xie Chen's face was not good. ..


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