Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 212: reaction

Xie Chen squinted his eyes and looked at Heathcliff, and then said after a while: "Since Heathcliff thought so, and it sounds reasonable, then do what you said. . I just hope that this time tomorrow can start the strategy smoothly.” After finishing speaking, Xie Chen nodded to Heathcliff and left with someone.

Asuna looked behind and frowned slightly, wanted to say something but still did not say it, and then left with Xie Chen. When the members of the Demon Knights followed Xie Chen, some people left one after another. Heathcliff's eyes were deep and he stood there for a while, then I waved and said, "Let's go."

It didn't take long before the crowd that had originally gathered was almost all gone. And the people who were waiting for the result of today's strategy war saw them coming out so soon, they couldn't help feeling strange in their hearts, so they started the lobby news.

The incident of the army's intervention in the attacking warfare also spread. People who knew about it had different attitudes, and most of them were waiting and watching.

And those people who have been living at the lower level have also learned about this time under the propaganda of the newspapers. Unlike the people at the higher level, they are living under the jurisdiction of the army. They know the current style of the army very well. , So more of them are a little worried and doubtful about this matter.

Can the army that did such a thing to them really successfully complete the attack?

In any case, the army was proud of this matter. After they came back, they began to draw up a new combat plan based on the plan that Heathcliff gave them.

Now the leader of the army is missing, and it is the previous senior personnel who are in charge of the previous high-level personnel. They are sitting in a conference room and discussing in full swing. They are very excited about the upcoming attack, and seem to ignore the danger of this attack. same.

The one sitting on the left is thinner with a smile at the corner of his mouth, but there is a hint of malicious light in his eyes. He looks at the person on the opposite side with a plan in his heart. Putting away the look in his eyes, he said: "Then you two will lead the team for this Raiders battle. It's a big matter. You must work hard."

The person sitting opposite him nodded, smiled, and said: "Yes, this is an opportunity for us to return to the front line, so we can't make mistakes. After the strategy war is successfully over, we can slowly rely on them. The power has come to find Sinka, I don't know where he is now."

When he said Xinka's name, he didn't see the strange look of the people around him, not worried, but a little cold. Another person who was named and led the team looked at each other with the thin man, smiled and said, "I will definitely complete the task."

The people in the army here are making plans for tomorrow’s attack, and the others have no time. Xie Chen and the others started discussing what to do tomorrow as soon as they returned, but Heathcliff only explained a few words to his subordinates. When he was the only one left, he slowly said: "It's really a good thing. It seems that my plan can go smoothly.

Time passed quickly, but there were especially many people who had insomnia that night, but no matter what, they still gathered in the same place the next day.

Heathcliff nodded to Xie Chen, who had just arrived, and said, "It seems a bit late today."

Xie Chen glanced at the time. It happened to be 2:30 in the afternoon, so he smiled and said, "But I'm not late, right?"

Heathcliff only moved the corners of his mouth slightly, and did not speak.

After seeing Xie Chen's arrival, the two men led by the army stepped forward, and one of them smiled slightly and made people look at it without any ill feelings and said: "Your Excellency, you are finally here. So are we? Can you start the strategy war?"

Xie Chen glanced at this man, his expression slowed down a bit, then nodded to him, and said: "I hope you can do the same as this plan says, and it would be best if you don't make any mistakes."

The man smiled and replied: "You can rest assured that our soldiers are the most disciplined and will not make mistakes."

Xie Chen raised his eyebrows, and his gaze flicked over the person behind him intentionally or unintentionally, before slowly saying, "If this is the case, it would be best."

Before the start of the attack, they received the plan from the army early this morning. To Xie Chen and the others’ surprise, the plan was feasible, and it could be seen that it was thoughtful. , And there was no such thing as rushing to resist as they thought. After carefully analyzing the plan, Xie Chen put his hand on the table and said: "Since this is the case, then we can only go and see what they want to do by the way."

Asuna frowned and said, "Are they really going to do anything?"

Xie Chen nodded: "This is inevitable. Did you forget that I was almost transferred?" Xie Chen said that he was almost introduced into a trap when he was in the labyrinth area. It takes a long time to get stuck in it. Time to come out.

Thinking of this, Asuna’s Tiaberu's face was not good, and Tiaberu sighed: "Since this kind of thing has been done, it would be wrong if nothing happens this time."

Xie Chen nodded and said, "So this time you should all be more vigilant. Also, since there are some more people, then leave the few people in the team. They were not allowed to go. The situation is a bit complicated, it's better to let them stay outside."

Xie Chen was talking about a few people who were not on the Raiders team, but their level is estimated to be an official member soon, so Xie Chen sent them to bring them before. But now something has happened, for their safety, I want to keep them in the headquarters.

Asuna and Tiabelu had no objections to this matter, but they didn't go so well when they talked to several parties. The attitude of several of them is strongly opposed to the matter of excluding them. ..


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