Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 10 Chapter 3: restore

The clouds and mist outside were still rolling, and suddenly it was black, but it looked like a deep red to the extreme when it looked closely. The cave where Xie Chen was located was halfway up the mountain. From here, it seemed that the whole world was enveloped by such clouds and mist, the air was full of depressive atmosphere, and the sky was dim and without light.

In the distance stood large and small mountain peaks, and farther away, it seemed that tall pavilions could be faintly seen.

Xie Chen sat cross-legged on the stone platform in the cave. After reading his own attributes, he nodded and smiled with satisfaction: "It seems that the last world is not without any gains. At least the combat power and magic power levels have risen. A skill and weapon."

"Also, your current level is about to be upgraded after re-honed, and it is estimated that it will not be long." O'Olas also said with satisfaction.

"What am I doing now?" Xie Chen asked.

O'Olas said: "Now you first restore your own state to the best here, and then practice your skills again. Think about how long you haven't used your skills? It's impossible to go out like this."

Xie Chen believed that because of special reasons in the previous world, almost all of his skills were backlogged. Now, if you want to protect yourself or seek something in this world, you have to improve your own strength. The first step is to re-familiarize yourself with your previous skills, and then learn some from this world.

The world of Xianxia, ​​there should be a lot of various exercises and treasures. Xie Chen narrowed his eyes, and a trace of ambition flashed through it.

Familiar with his skills, Xie Chen didn't have to go out to fight, but went directly into the virtual space. Looking at the long-lost environment, Xie Chen smiled: "Really, it's been a long time since I came here."

He first chose some opponents who were not particularly high in strength, and passed through his own skills. Feeling his own strength, Xie Chen felt that he still had some ideas. Then he thought for a while and said directly: "Imitate opponents, shine magic eyes."

"Shining Magic Eye" is a relatively powerful BOSS that Xie Chen met. At that time, he was a little bit fattened to deal with it, but now there are no restrictions. Xie Chen's scales appeared behind him and directly entangled the opponent. The Shining Demon Eye was restrained by Xie Chen's move. When he broke away, he faced the flame fist from Xie Chen's hormone.

Under the powerful destructive power of the Flame Fist, it utterly dissipated with an unwilling roar. The opponent who had abolished Xie Chen's strength before was solved by him with only two tricks. Xie Chen nodded in satisfaction and said, "It really feels better like this."

The next opponent, Xie Chen squinted his eyes, and said directly: "Bone Hunter." He was trying to try the more powerful opponents he met one by one.

The "Bone Hunter" still didn't hold on under Xie Chen's hand for long, and was defeated after three attempts. Xie Chen raised his eyebrows: "So how bad is it?"

One opponent after another passed, and the one who finally appeared in front of Xie Chen was Kayaba Akihiko. Xie Chen clicked the corner of his mouth and said softly: "I don't know how long you can hold on under my hand this time?"

Xie Chen's eyes dazzled, and he rushed out with a light step under his feet. The opposite Kaochang Jingyan stabbed him with his sword, also at an extremely fast speed. Although Xie Chen was bare-handed, he didn't have the slightest scruples. With all the status bonuses enabled, his current strength could not be compared with before. A thin layer of black mist surrounded Xie Chen's hands, and then gradually solidified, forming a delicate hand armor.

Then he directly grabbed the long sword that was stabbed in the opposite direction with his hand, and then turned and elbowed backward. On his elbow, I don't know when a black spike appeared. This spike penetrated deeply into Kayaba's waist and abdomen, causing the blood bar on his head to drop by half.

Although this is a simulated opponent, it still obeys the rules of the previous world. Unless the amount of damage can directly kill the last spike, no amount of injury will die immediately.

The corner of Xie Chen's mouth hooked, and after an elbow, he did not continue to attack, but stepped aside, watching the opponent's health bar slowly rise.

"If you have any tricks, just use it, I'm just waiting." Xie Chen smiled faintly. What he wanted to experiment was how he coped when facing someone with strong sword skills. Since this world is the world of Xianxia, ​​sword repair must be indispensable. So it is not too early to prepare from now on.

The battle with Kayaba Akihiko has been going on for a long time, not because of Xie Chen’s ability, but because he did it deliberately. Whenever the blood volume on the other side is insufficient, Xie Chen will slowly wait for him to recover. , Practice various footwork by the way. Then continue to experiment after it's almost done.

Until the end, Lin He pierced Xie Chen's back and ended his life. Then he took a long breath, a smile appeared on his face, and said, "Huh, this fight is refreshing."

Then Xie Chen exited the virtual space and asked O'Oulas: "How long has it been?"

O'Oulas replied: "It didn't take long, why is this time so short?"

Xie Chen raised his brows slightly, and his expression was a little helpless: "Because there is no suitable opponent. The previous levels are not enough." That's why he has been on the bar with Kaaba Jingyan, only as the final boss. His strength is still able to fight with him now.

O'Olas laughed twice and said, "It turned out to be so, but your troubles will disappear soon, don't worry. There are many opponents in this world, take your time."

Xie Chen smiled with interest and said: "By the way, why didn't I see you sending me a task this time?"

"This time because of some things, it hasn't officially started yet. When you can leave here, it will naturally begin."

"It turned out to be like this." Xie Chen nodded clearly, then remembered something, and continued to ask, "You haven't told me the name of this world yet, O'Olas."..


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