Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 10 Chapter 4: Turned out to be here

"This world is the world of the Legend of the Sword and the Fairy, but because of the mistakes in the journey, it is not certain what time it is now." O'Olas thought for a moment and replied.

Xie Chen sat up straight, and said with some excitement: "It turns out that it is here!" He has long admired the name of this world, and he can tell it without asking for plot information from O'olas. No reason, just because he was very interested in this back then and played the game more than two or three times.

So now after hearing what O'olas said, I couldn’t help but feel a little excited, and thought to myself, “I don’t know when is this time? Is it one or two or three? Or is it already five? I’ll recover now and go out to watch Look, what the world is like!"

Xie Chen suppressed the excitement in his heart and sat on the stone platform to stabilize his state of mind, the magic power in his body circulated and condensed continuously. Although the amplitude is small and not conspicuous, it will always be effective when accumulated.

O'olas did not speak quietly, just watching Xie Chen sitting there quietly. I was very relieved in my heart, it seems that he has someone to succeed. O'Oulas realized Xie Chen's potential, so he finally chose this world. In such a world, Xie Chen's strength can be increased to the greatest extent, but the extent to which it can be achieved depends on Xie Chen's own abilities.

Time passed day by day, and three days later, Xie Chen stood at the door of the cave, looking at the sky still shrouded in clouds, smiled faintly, and said, "This world, I Xie Chen is here."

Because Xie Chen hadn't learned the ability to fly in the previous world, so in this huge world, he could only rely on himself to walk step by step. But what makes him feel a little relieved is that the road he walks all the way is not boring, there will always be various monsters running out to swallow him, but it may be because it is relatively remote and barren, so thank you so far Chen didn't encounter a very powerful monster. The most powerful one fought with Xie Chen for a long time, but after all, he was defeated by Xie Chen.

Looking at the fallen corpse, Xie Chen's eyes were thoughtful, and asked O'Oulas: "Should I change my image?"

What he just defeated, no, it was that the monster that he killed was already able to speak. In his words, Xie Chen was a human being, and a monk who was still a human being. Because Xie Chen doesn’t have the breath of creatures in this world’s demon world, and he doesn’t feel any power. In addition, his hair is short, and only monks among human beings can shave, so...

The corners of Xie Chen's mouth twitched, so he asked O'olas such words.

O'olas was speechless for a moment, and then slowly said: "It's better to change it. But now there is no suitable..."

Xie Chen clicked the corner of his mouth and said, "In fact, there are still some."

Saying that he didn't know where he took out a set of clothes, seeing that the style was exactly what he wore in the game of the previous world, Xie Chen found a place to change it, and then nodded in satisfaction.

Black is dominated by red embellished clothing, shoulder armor, chest armor, waist armor and leg armor are complete, looks very majestic. Although the style is still not in line with this world, after all, this is a game-based world and it is not much different. In short, it is much better than the shirt and trousers he was wearing before.

As for the hair problem, Xie Chen didn't care, and so on.

O'Oulas said to Xie Chen: "I forgot that you brought this here. What can I use in it?"

After the previous world ended, Xie Chen discovered that the game system and his own mission system had somehow merged. The specific manifestation was that the system had an additional inventory and a map. There are not many things in the inventory, except for some of the higher quality, which are almost gone, and the inventory in the inventory has shrunk a lot. But Xie Chen is also quite satisfied, so it is much more convenient to bring things. As for the map, it hasn't shown how useful it is, because except for a small area he walked through, the other areas are gray unknown areas.

Xie Chen's strength has improved a lot along the way, and there have been occasions when he was injured, but it was not very heavy. Because the creatures in this world are all kinds and weird, Xie Chen will inevitably suffer when he is caught off guard.

However, after experiencing this, Xie Chen became more vigilant. He once again deeply realized that this world was bigger than he thought, and it was also more dangerous.

However, Xie Chen is not afraid of danger. The greater the risk, the greater the reward? If you want to get a strong power, it is impossible not to pay anything.

After a long journey, Xie Chen finally saw the existence of a village similar to the human world. Only when he approached there, he was stopped.

Two people with blue-gray skin and long horns on their heads with long spears might be better called demons. They looked at him vigilantly and asked, "Who are you?"

Xie Chen said: "My name is Xie Chen."

"What did you do?" the other asked.

"I don't know how I came here, I don't know what place it is?" Xie Chen smiled slightly, and then said.

It may be that Xie Chen is quite young and looks very similar to people. They are not ordinary in wearing and looking. So the two people on the opposite side looked at each other and said to Xie Chen: "You are waiting here, I will ask the village chief ."

Xie Chen nodded and said, "Okay, I'll just wait here."

One person left, and the other person was still looking at Xie Chen. Xie Chen didn't care, but looked at the things in front of him with interest. It's not much different from the human world, except for the material and color tones, it's no different from the villages he had seen before. Of course the biggest difference is the residents inside.

And Xie Chen discovered a very interesting thing. With his eyesight, he could see the people, or demons, who appeared occasionally in the village not far away. These monsters are more human-like than Xie Chen saw before. ..


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