Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 10 Chapter 6: Two books

Xie Chen felt that the top priority now was to quickly learn the cultivation methods of this world, such as sword flying and so on. Otherwise, with such a long distance, he really didn't know when he could reach the area where the capital was located.

So while he is walking now, he is searching for any suitable opportunities to obtain this type of legal decision.

Finally, after about a week, Xie Chen came to a small city. Seeing the hustle and bustle of people, Xie Chen wandered in.

He found that the people walking on the street and the people in the shops on both sides were all demons, more or less cultivated, and light or air currents of various colors flowed across the head from time to time.

He couldn't help but cast his gaze on the streamer that quickly escaped from above, his eyes narrowed slightly, is it still faster to fly?

In order to keep a low profile, Xie Chen has removed the armor and other equipment on his body, and replaced it with a thin protective layer formed by magic weapons, which looks like a black suit.

He wandered inside, watching with interest the things sold by the shops on both sides. Probably because it is relatively close to the capital city, many people who go to the capital city or come out of the capital city will choose to renovate here or take a walk around, which leads to the hotels and shops here. Many.

Xie Chen walked into a shop that seemed to sell books. There were not many people in this shop, only one or two. When Xie Chen walked in, he felt that the atmosphere of this store seemed extraordinarily quiet. The shopkeeper was just standing behind the counter and looking down at something like a book in front of him. He didn't say a word, only when Xie Chen walked in. Just raised his eyes slightly when

Xie Chen didn't feel strange in his heart, the people of the Demon Race were always weird. Looking at the appearance of the two, it seemed that this was very common. So Xie Chen looked through the bookshelf on his own.

Xie Chen walked over at will, and found that they were all books of Qi Wen's genre, and he couldn't help feeling funny in his heart. Are there such books in the Mozu? Then he flipped a look. Although the text was different, it was basically the same as what he knew, so it might be harder for him to write it out, but there is still no problem in reading it out.

After rolling two eyes, Xie Chen put it down. There were some anecdotal things in it. At first glance, it was mostly fabricated, which did not help him much. Continue to move forward, Xie Chen's footsteps stopped. He saw a book that seemed a little different. The name of this book is very common, that is, "Human World Knowledge" is still placed in the corner, and a thin layer of dust has fallen on it, and it looks like it should be all year round. People ask for this.

Xie Chen stretched out his hand and picked up the book. As soon as the magic power ran, the dust on it disappeared. Then Xie Chen opened it. Just after reading a few pages, Xie Chen decided to buy it, because the things mentioned in it are very common and plain. It may be things that people here already know or don’t care about, but they are suitable for Xie Chen now. This book talks about some basic information about the human world, such as the difference between the human world and the devil world, and the basic situation of some cultivating sects such as Shushan, and things like the dynasty of the world.

Xie Chen took the book in his hand and continued to walk inside. The books on the row of bookshelves inside are a little different from the ones just now. Xie Chen's gaze swept across the name of each book, and he already had a number in his heart, and there was something about cultivation. , It’s just that they are all very shallow, so they are here. Xie Chen didn't look good at these now, so he continued to walk inside.

The other two were also rummaging in the front of the bookshelf. One of them turned around and went to the other side after a few glances. After picking up a few books, he paid the bill and left. The other one glanced at Xie Chen. , Looked around for a while and then looked away coldly.

Xie Chen raised his eyebrows and didn't pay attention to it. He just focused on the book in front of him. The book is written on some basic law decisions and the like. There are specific formulas, but some more detailed things are missing. One of them is what Xie Chen is interested in now, which is flying skills. .

Xie Chen probably looked through it. This kind of flying technique is actually the lowest-end kind of technique. Compared with specialized spells such as Shushan Imperial Sword Art, the speed is a lot worse, and the flying height is not high enough. , But the strength required to practice flying is not very low. Generally speaking, people with that kind of strength will practice better spells. Even if someone does it, it is only a temporary emergency, but the most important point is that the difficulty of practicing is very low, and there is almost no need for special conditions. , There is no need for arduous practice, and there is no complicated route of magic power. So although this spell was looked down upon by many people, it was indeed just right for Xie Chen now!

In addition to flying skills, Xie Chen, who is also interested in some small spells such as Liang Wai, is also quite interested in basic spells such as water and fire. After learning it, life should be much easier.

A smile flashed in Xie Chen's eyes, and he picked up this book and put it on the counter with the other book in his hand. Then he asked, "The shopkeeper, how do you sell these two books?"

The shopkeeper raised his head, took a look at him, and then turned his gaze to the two books he had placed there. It seemed that he was a little surprised why he chose these two books, and then quickly restored his previous expression with his hands. After comparing, three fingers flashed out.

Xie Chen blinked and didn't understand what he meant. Then after thinking about it, he took out three round coins with some crystal texture and asked, "Is these enough?"

The shopkeeper glanced at him, then looked at the three coins on the counter, set his eyes back to Xie Chen's body after a while, and began to look at it. ..


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