Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 10 Chapter 7: Ayan

Xie Chen raised his eyebrows and said to his heart, it seems to be too much. When he came all the way, he fought all the way and collected some of these things by the way. After his inference, it should be something like coins, but he did not try the specific purchasing power. It seems that this thing should be more valuable than he thought. .

At this time, Xie Chen felt a person appearing behind him. He looked to the side and found that there was a girl with a beautiful and lively appearance, and his big eyes were full of surprise.

She came up and shouted: "The shopkeeper, are you cheating? You are so cheating for two broken books to sell three white crystal coins!"

It turned out that this thing was called Baijing Coin. Xie Chen touched his chin, then looked at the shopkeeper's face that seemed to be darkening, and wanted to say something. But he was blocked by the next move of the shopkeeper.

In the meantime, he put away one of the white crystal coins, then he did not know where to take out seven gray coins, and threw the other two white crystal coins to Xie Chen.

Xie Chen took the thrown coin calmly, and understood in his heart, it seems that this gray coin is the basic unit of currency, equivalent to one yuan, and then Xie Chen remembered that he had collected the big coins. Some purple coins and a few black coins. I don't know how many purple and black coins are. Is it equivalent to one hundred?

Xie Chen seemed to hear a low "hum" from the shopkeeper, and then turned his body to one side and ignored the two of them.

The girl who came over later seemed to realize that she had misunderstood something, looked at the shopkeeper a little embarrassed, and then turned her gaze to Xie Chen.

Only after Xie Chen turned around did he see the girl's entire appearance.

The lips are red, the teeth are white, the teeth are bright, and the smooth hair is pulled up, and on it is a delicate colorful jade butterfly. The lower part is scattered. The color of the hair is not black, but a very deep purple.

They are not wearing skirts or the like, but some styles similar to riding clothes, with a pair of small boots on their feet. It is colorful from top to bottom, but it doesn't look messy, but the girl who sets off is especially bright and vivid.

From Xie Chen's point of view, this is an eccentric little girl who looks like she is only fourteen or five years old. In addition to the eyebrows and the corners of the eyes, there are silver-gray scales on the back of the hand with a faint light, and the two delicate jade-like horns on the forehead are no different from the various girls that Xie Chen had seen before. And even though this girl is a demon, from the outside, she looks more like the dragon that Xie Chen knows.

At this time, the girl put her hands on her chest, squinted at Xie Chen, and then her cheeks swelled slightly, her clothes "I'm angry" and said, "Why didn't you tell me just now? It made me stared by the shopkeeper."

Xie Chen touched his nose: "The shopkeeper only gestured, and I don't know how much it was, so I just estimated it and gave it."

The girl leaned her upper body back at this time, as if observing Xie Chen. Xie Chen was a little strange, looking down at himself, nothing strange, a little confused: "What are you... doing?" The girl shook her head and sighed: "Have you never bought anything? It doesn't look like a character like Master Shaojun." After looking at it for a while, the girl also has some I couldn't help it, and asked directly, "Hey, where did I say you came from?"

Xie Chen smiled and said, "Where did you care about me coming out?"

The girl was blocked and went back, and said with a bit of anger: "You guy, I was still helping you just now, what are you doing to me?"

Xie Chen paused, thinking that she was speaking righteously just now, so he closed her forehead, smiled gently at her, and said: "I know, so thank you just now. My name is Xie Chen."

Seeing Xie Chen's smile, the girl was taken aback for a moment, and a sentence whirled in her mind, "How come someone smiles so beautifully?"

To say that Xie Chen's current appearance can really be called the handsomeness of the Zhilan Yushu abundant god, and it looks quite like a cultivator. It is very conspicuous here in the Demon Realm. After all, people in the Demon Realm are always more or less peculiar in appearance, even if they have a good temper, they are mostly straightforward and violent. Therefore, A Yan, a gentle person who smiles like Xie Chen, really has never seen him.

Then the girl came back to her senses, lowered her head, her voice was much quieter, and said, "I, my name is A Yan."

Xie Chen smiled and said: "A Yan."

"Um..." A Yan responded, then lowered his head and closed his eyes. Various thoughts poured out in his heart, "Really, how did I become the whole thing", "Is the person just me? ", "It's so weird if it doesn't work," things like that.

Then she raised her head, opened her eyes, and said to Xie Chen: "Anyway, you have finished buying, then go out as soon as possible, otherwise it will be blocked."

Xie Chen followed her gaze and saw that the young man who was choosing books by his side just looked at them both facelessly. It seemed that it should have taken up for a while. When looking back, the shopkeeper was equally calm. Xie Chen's gaze looked at them, the corner of Xie Chen's mouth twitched, and then he walked out with A Yan. If it weren't for the two people who look different, Xie Chen really thought there was a blood relationship between the two people, and the look in his eyes was too similar.

"A Yan, where is your home?" Xie Chen asked as he walked.

"No, my house isn't here, it's very far away." A Yan answered casually, then looked at Xie Chen, and asked with some confusion, "What do you buy this kind of book for? A book like this one? Almost no one watched it, so fortunately, I can still find it in this shop."

Naturally, Xie Chen couldn't say that he bought it to understand the situation here. He could only say: "Nothing, just buy it." Then he stuffed it into the clothes, but actually received it in the inventory. Then he continued: "Then you are here to play?"

"Forget it, I have to go to the capital for something at home, and I will follow along when I am free." A Yan replied, looking at the various small things on the street stalls, picking it up from time to time. Two eyes. ..


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