Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 10 Chapter 8: Run off?

Xie Chen nodded: "So it's like this, what do you do in your house?"

"Well, I can't tell you the details." A Yan looked at Xie Chen with a smile.

Xie Chen raised his eyebrows, it seemed that the little girl's house was not easy. "I can't really say it? Is Ah Yan somebody?" He said deliberately.

A Yan frowned, then let it go, and said while smiling, "Of course it's not a big shot, otherwise I won't have to go to such a place."

Xie Chen walked slowly behind A Yan. Just after walking a street, A Yan who was walking in front of him stopped, and then pulled him to the side of the alley.

Just as Xie Chen wanted to ask her if something happened, A Yan put a finger up in the front, and anxiously motioned him not to make a sound. Xie Chen understood what he meant, nodded gently, and then asked what happened with his eyes.

A Yan pursed her mouth and looked out of the alley secretly. Following her gaze, Xie Chen saw a few tall demons walking by, wearing similar styles of clothing, with a fierce expression that seemed to be looking for someone. , The pedestrians on the road where they passed unconsciously avoided.

It seemed that A Yan was hiding from them, Xie Chen thought in his heart.

"Avoiding them?" Xie Chen whispered behind A Yan after watching the few people walk away.

"Ah!" A Yan was startled by the sound that suddenly appeared in her ears. He patted his chest after seeing Xie Chen, and said with a sigh of relief: "You really scared me when you speak so close suddenly." I touched my ears unconsciously, always feeling a tingling sensation.

Xie Chen stood back for a moment, and pointed to the direction where the demons had left and said to A Yan, "What do they do?"

"It's just a few annoying pets, don't care about them." A Yan's mouth muttered, and he walked out of the alley after looking at his head for a while, then put his hands on his waist and looked at Xie Chen and said: " Xie Chen, right?"

Xie Chen nodded: "Well, that's right."

"You have nothing to do here, right?" A Yan looked at Xie Chen with bright eyes.

"There should be nothing to do..." Xie Chen touched his chin and said. He has nothing to do now, and O'olas has not given him a task.

Then he heard A Yan’s excited voice: "Since we both have nothing to do, and we are going to the capital, how about one? I don’t think you know anything about this, and it’s still a good idea to join me. How about a guide?" Xie Chen raised his eyebrows. He didn't expect A Yan to make such a request. He thought of the demons just now, combined with A Yan's words and deeds, and he probably had it in his heart. Count, it should be the eldest lady who came out of the house for fun. Moreover, A Yan's personality is quite good, and he really needs a thought, so Xie Chen agreed to A Yan's request.

"In that case, let's be together." Xie Chen smiled and said to A Yan.

A Yan slapped his hands happily, and looked at Xie Chen with his head tilted and his eyes crooked. He stretched out a hand and said: "That's it, you want to go to the capital with me. I will be your guide and you will be responsible for helping me deal with the chase. Followers here."

Xie Chen was dumb, she didn't say this request just now. But after Xie Chen told A Yan about his doubts, A Yan straightened his eyes, holding his hands and said to him, "Ah, isn't this what it should be? I'll be your guide and you will help me solve the trouble. , Equivalent exchange."

The corners of Xie Chen's mouth twitched, thinking of the few demons who seemed to be troublesome just now, there was an urge to leave immediately. Although he would not be afraid of those demons, they were obviously not ordinary demons. If his calculation is correct, they should be the demon soldiers of a certain demon general, and Ah Yan in front of them obviously ran out of the house. If there is any conflict between her and those people, there will be no problem, but if he is mixed in, it is not necessarily.

Xie Chen held his forehead helplessly. A Yan looked at Xie Chen with a distressed look, and the outstretched hand swayed in front of his eyes, and said, "Aren't you afraid?"

Xie Chen looked at her and nodded: "No, I just think there will be a lot of trouble, and I don't like trouble."

A Yan glared at him, pursing her mouth and exploring slowly, and after walking around him for a while, she said, "Really, I helped you just now, but now I don’t want you to do anything. It’s a mistake. You are now a coward.” Then he stood aside, looked disappointed and angry, and looked at Xie Chen from the side of the eye. After seeing him for a long time, he didn’t respond, and he couldn’t help being a little secretly anxious. Yes, why didn't you speak? Generally speaking, shouldn't he immediately deny her words and vowed to guarantee that he is not a coward or something.

Xie Chen pursed his lips and chuckled, A Yan thought carefully, he could see clearly at a glance, so he would not care or be angry, let alone make any promises. But she was right in one point. She did want to help him just now, although it was of no use.

Xie Chen sighed, took two steps forward with a twitch of the corner of his mouth, and said to A Yan: "Well, I accept your love, let's go to the capital together."

A Yan turned around happily when he heard it, and stretched out a hand to Xie Chen like just now and said, "Then, happy cooperation!"

Xie Chen raised his eyebrows, stretched out his right hand, and slapped A Yan.

"Then from now on, we are companions, and it is not too early, let's find a place to eat something." After Ah Yan finished speaking, he turned and walked out of the alley.

Xie Chen stood there and rubbed his fingers. When he was high-fiving with A Yan just now, the soft and soft touch seemed to remain on his hands. Although his name is A Yan, the temperature of his hands is unexpectedly cool.

A Yan walked for a while, then looked back at Xie Chen strangely: "Why don't you leave?"

Xie Chen smiled: "Here it comes."


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