Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 10 Chapter 9: Good luck

A Yan took Xie Chen and found a shop to eat something, and then left the city. Before leaving, he bought a lot of things and all kinds of gadgets for eating. According to her, there won't be any big towns along the way, so be prepared.

After seeing A Yan received the things and didn't know where, Xie Chen didn't avoid suspicion and put the things in his system inventory, but Ah Yan was a little surprised to see his eyes.

This incident also surprised Xie Chen, who had thought that A Yan would not have much money when he ran out. The amount of money A Yan was carrying was really a lot.

When he asked inadvertently, Ah Yan looked at him, looked at him with a ridiculous look, and said, "Hahaha, why do you think that? How can you go out without money? Bring everything you can Can you stay outside for longer with the things you bring?"

"It turns out that's the way it is." Xie Chen nodded stiffly. It turns out that he saw the episodes of the TV series and so on are deceptive.

And Xie Chen, who was with Ah Yan, also got rid of the situation of walking. When Ah Yan was about to go on the road but learned that Xie Chen could not fly nor had a flying magic weapon, Ah Yan looked at him like Looking at something special, he circled him several times, and didn't stop until Xie Chen stopped it.

"What's the matter? You are so strange." Xie Chen frowned slightly and looked at A Yan.

"It's weird for you like this, okay!" A Yan's expression was very excited. She grabbed Xie Chen's sleeves, blinked her big eyes and asked: "How did you come here from such a far place? It's impossible. It's not a safe area on this road. You came here alone?" When A Yan said this, he emphasized the words "a person".

It’s no wonder that A Yan had such a reaction. During the chat, Xie Chen knew from Xie Chen’s words that he was from the border area. She didn’t care about it, but she knew that Xie Chen would not After flying spells, I was very surprised.

Because in her cognition, being able to traverse such a long distance alone and full of cruel monsters along the way, how could she be safe?

Although those monsters are not considered to be anything on the table, but there are several kinds that are very dangerous. It is incredible that Xie Chen came here safely. If he has the strength to secure these areas, how can he not even the most basic spells? Although some people will sharpen themselves in this way, it doesn't need to be one thing, it won't be another thing!

When Xie Chen saw A Yan's expression, he knew that he had failed. After telling himself that he should pay more attention to his words in the future, he looked at A Yan with a puzzled look: "What's weird?"

"You are so strong, you can only walk?" Ah Yan still felt incredible.

Xie Chen touched his hair helplessly, and said, "I don't want to, but I can't do it without flying skills. But I won't be anymore."


"I bought this." Xie Chen brought out the book that he bought today, the one that recorded flying skills.

But after seeing it, Ah Yan turned it over and threw it to Xie Chen: "How can you buy such rubbish? It seems that you really don't have common sense. What remote place did you practice in before? It's really strange? "The attitude of contempt for the book and clothes.

"Trash? I think it's okay. The words on it are very useful." Xie Chen caught the book that was thrown over, but was not angry, but turned it over with interest.

A Yan rolled his eyes, walked to Xie Chen, took out the book directly, and said to him: "What is said in this book, if you follow the above, it hasn't been in a few years. After studying the Fa, this kind of thing was sold to deceive people. I thought it was gone a long time ago, but I didn’t expect to see it.” As he said, a purple-red flame appeared in A Yan’s hand, and the book touched. The bottom quickly turned into ashes.

Before Xie Chen could stop him, he watched the book he bought turned into gray in a blink of an eye, opened his mouth, and said silently: "How do I learn flying?"

"It's all said that it's junk, you won't be able to learn it even for a few years." A Yan was eloquent.

"But it's better than nothing. No matter how flying is, there are other things." Xie Chen looked depressed. Originally, he didn't want to learn from the above, but to study some of the above. Small spells are used for reference. Originally, his energy system is not the same as the one here, so he bought the book for reference.

Seeing Xie Chen's somewhat depressed and disappointed eyes, A Yan pursed his mouth, walked over and poked his shoulder, and said, "Isn't it just a few small spells, I can do it too, why would you ask me directly?"

"All right?" Xie Chen turned his head and asked immediately.

After Ah Yan said this, she remembered that what she had learned was taught to her by her father, so it was said that she could not spread it out. But these are just a few small spells, there should be no problem.

A Yan thought for a while, and said directly to Xie Chen: "Why not, it's just a few small spells that everyone knows, I'll just teach you."

A smile appeared on Xie Chen's face: "Thank you very much, then."

A Yan touched her ears: "No, nothing. Now I will teach you some body techniques, otherwise you don't know when you walk to the capital like you."

"Okay, please give me more advice." Xie Chen raised his eyebrows and curled his lips. What a surprise, what Ah Yan can teach him is definitely not comparable to that written in that book. Xie Chen is in a very good mood now.

"Are you in a good mood?" O'olas' voice suddenly remembered.

"Yeah, surprise, I seem to have good luck." Xie Chen replied, "It will be much easier since I came here. Why didn't I see you send me tasks this time?"..


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