Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 10 Chapter 19: Restaurant

The cracks continued to spread, spreading along the sickle toward the body of the bone hunter, and the advantages of the purple-red flame at this moment had been fully revealed. The flames that were originally hot and bursting are constantly exploding on its body at this moment, like a series of explosions. The body of tens of meters was completely turned into fragments in a moment, and only what fell on the ground was left. Some remaining bones are gone.

Xie Chen looked at his right hand, and his eyes were colorful: "Although I have overestimated the power of Yanquan, it still exceeded my expectations." The corner of Xie Chen's lips rose. Looking at the empty field at the moment, he said: "Imitate opponent..."

After defeating seven or eight opponents in a row, Xie Chen finally ended his battle. The team's newly developed moves were extremely satisfied. He touched his chin: "If there is a more powerful flame in the future, I will merge. If this is the case, it should be able to take the power of this trick to the next level. At that time, my physical fitness should also be stronger, and I hope to withstand the fusion of flames."

Xie Chen raised his hand, looked at the obvious burning marks on his right hand, and sighed. This was also caused by the high temperature of the flame fusion just now. In the final analysis, he had insufficient control over his own energy. Although both types of flames originated from him, they eventually hurt himself. Although Xie Chen has used magic power to warm up, there is still a lot of traces left. "It seems that he can only recover by himself." Xie Chen smiled and put the matter behind his head. . With his healing power, after removing the flame energy involved in the wound, the wound healing is a very fast thing, and as a man, he doesn't care too much about this matter.

Xie Chen stretched out, and just about to lie down again, he heard a knock on the door. He walked over to open the door and found that it was Ah Yan.

As soon as the door opened, Ah Yan was rushed back by the oncoming heat wave two steps, frowned and said, "What have you done, the room is so hot?"

Xie Chen opened his eyes for a while. He didn't feel it when he was inside. Only now did he realize that the temperature in his room was very different from the outside temperature. The temperature difference was almost the same as the highest temperature in summer and the lowest temperature in winter.

Fortunately, the temperature dissipated quickly after the door was opened, and Xie Chen could clearly feel the temperature drop. Xie Chen touched his nose and said to A Yan: "I was studying the spell just now, I didn't pay attention."

A Yan looked at Xie Chen helplessly, and said, "Don't look at where this is. Don't you worry about burning the room if you play with fire?"

Xie Chen looked back at the various furnishings in the room and realized that part of the curtain beside the bed had become different from the original, the color became a little brown, and some places were even a little black.

Xie Chen opened his mouth, smiled helplessly, and looked at A Yan: "The things in this inn are too unburnt."

A Yan is speechless, the inn is expensive and there are expensive truths, the various furnishings in the room are not just looking good, like the curtain, even if it is burned with magic flames for a few hours, nothing will happen, and I don’t know what’s in front of me. What kind of thing does this person use to bake, and that's how it became when it was so long.

"It has become like this and there is no other way, I can only give money." A Yan shrugged and said.

Xie Chen had no objection, nodded, and at the same time looked at the quiet room over there, thinking that it might be better to go there when studying spells in the future, but the stones will definitely not burn.

"By the way, you come to see me, what's the matter?" Xie Chen asked A Yan.

A Yan waited until the temperature in Xie Chen’s room dissipated, and then walked a few steps forward, but still didn’t go in. He just stood at the door and said to Xie Chen, "I called you to eat. I don’t know what you are knocking on I knocked it several times before I heard it."

Xie Chen noticed that from the window here, the sky outside had completely darkened. Then I knew how long it took me just now, it's been a whole half day. Converting part of this time into things in the virtual space is really not short.

"Are you eating at the inn?" Xie Chen put away the wooden sign, closed them at will, and then walked out with A Yan, while asking. Because of A Yan's personality, Xie Chen felt that she would not honestly eat below and then return to the room.

Sure enough, A Yan shook his finger at Xie Chen and said, "How is it possible, after a trip to the capital, wouldn't it be too bad to eat a family meal? I'll take you to a good place this time."

Xie Chen raised his eyebrows: "Where is it this time?"

"It's a very famous restaurant. I visited it once before, and I still remember it again. If you don't eat it once, you will come to the capital for nothing." A Yan said happily, and stretched out his tongue to lick his lips. , Looks like the clothes aftertaste.

Xie Chen looked at her expression and couldn't help but be a little interested in what A Yan said. I just don’t know the food here and there is better than the one he ate before? Xie Chen unexpectedly remembered the food that he would have almost every meal every day, and a look of nostalgia appeared in his eyes.

It's just that Xie Chen is still a little helpless. Generally speaking, shouldn't the most famous places like the capital city be weapons shops, herbal shops and the like? Or there will be an underground trading market and auctions.

But looking at Ah Yan's appearance, it seems that all his thoughts are on eating. It seems that there is no hope of expecting A Yan to take him there, Xie Chen smiled helplessly.

Under the leadership of A Yan, Xie Chen and the others finally stood in front of a luxuriously decorated store. It is said to be luxurious, compared to other buildings that Xie Chen has seen in the devil world. In fact, the style here is rough and majestic compared to the architectural style of the human world, no matter where it is, there is a bit of pride in the materials. In terms of selection, there is also a kind of, um...the original feeling. Xie Chen looked at the plaque on the entrance of this store and thought to himself. ..


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