Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 10 Chapter 20: Green Flame Wine

This plaque is made of a whole piece of stone, and a little golden light shines through the black round stone. On it are two rough characters, "Fan Zhuang". Xie Chen looked at the name and the plaque that was probably rectangular but didn't seem to be carved, and said in a low voice, "This name is straightforward."

A Yan glanced at Xie Chen and said, "It's okay."

Xie Chen raised his eyebrows, as he was a member of the Demon Realm, and he didn't care much about it. But this is also normal. Xie Chen would be surprised if the name here was a literary "Rumengju" or "Jueweiju" or something.

After walking in, the space inside was very wide, and the people who came to receive them were much more enthusiastic than those in the inn where Xie Chen lived. It is a young demon, but it looks very delicate if you ignore the black scales on both sides of his face.

"Please, what do you want to eat today?" Xiao Er asked with a smile on his face. Then led the two of them to go inside.

It was the first time Xie Chen came, so he didn't prepare to speak, but directly looked at A Yan: "I haven't been here, just tell me."

Xiao Er's eyes moved from Xie Chen's body to A Yan's body.

A Yan nodded her lips with her finger, thinking as she walked in, her eyes rolled from time to time, as if she was thinking about what is better.

Followed Xiao Er to the back of the hall, a place that seemed to be quiet, with some unknown stones and the like placed next to it, which faintly separated the work here from the surroundings.

After taking a glance, A Yan nodded in satisfaction and sat down. Then he said to Xiao Er: "There are ten kinds of signature dishes here, right?"

"Yes, guest officer." Xiao Er nodded and said.

"Then the first five, let's have one plate. Then another pot of wine will require Qingyan Wine." A Yan said.

Xiao Er heard that, he should: "Okay, wait a while, it will be done in a while."

Xiao Er left, Xie Chen looked at A Yan in surprise and asked, "You want to drink?"

A Yan blinked: "How can you come here to eat without drinking? Or you can't drink?"

Seeing A Yan's teasing gaze, Xie Chen raised his eyebrows: "Of course it's impossible."

"It seems to be quite confident." A Yan smiled, and then rolled his eyes, "But there are some famous customers of Qingyan Wine here, so it's best not to drink a little and just pour it."

"Why is it famous?" Xie Chen was somewhat curious.

"You can tell by the name. This wine is named Qingyan. It is not named after the raw material or the brewer, but because the wine is clear and has a light blue color, but after the entrance, it looks like a flame. It burned people's hearts, so it was named Qing Yan. Jiu Jin is among the top wines I know. How about it, are you interested?"

Xie Chen nodded: "I want to give it a try after hearing what you said, but..." Xie Chen looked at A Yan. A Yan asked strangely: "What's the matter?"

"Are you sure you won't get drunk? I won't be responsible for carrying you back then." Xie Chen said with a corner of his mouth.

When A Yan heard the words, he didn't care about it and "cut": "Come on, maybe who will fall first?"

Xie Chen looked at A Yan's appearance and smiled.

After a short while, Xiao Er came back. The tray he was holding was a pot of wine, two glasses, and a dish. As he put these things on the table, he said, "You two will eat and drink first, and the rest will be fine for a while."

"Okay." A Yan looked at the talent on the table, couldn't wait to take a bite, and then showed a satisfied look: "Sure enough, it's as delicious as I remember, you should try it soon."

Xie Chen looked at the brightly colored red and green dishes on the plate. Although he didn't recognize what it was, he picked up the chopsticks and put it in his mouth to taste. Then slowly nodded: "Well, it tastes good."

"What is good, is it good?" A Yan said to Xie Chen unconvinced, and then continued to eat.

Xie Chen ate a little more wine and put the chopsticks aside. Now he is more interested in the Qingyan wine on one side. The wine was placed in a white jug, but I couldn't tell what the wine was inside.

Xie Chen picked up the flask and poured himself a glass of wine. The glass in front of him was quite in line with the style of the demon world. Although it was a white glass, it was not small.

A cyan clear liquor flowed from the thin spout and poured into the white wine glass. A faint scent of freshness came out, Xie Chen's eyes lit up, but this scent could tell the quality of the wine.

Seeing that Xie Chen had reached a glass of wine, A Yan hurriedly swallowed the contents of her mouth, then pushed her wine glass over: "I want to drink too."

Xie Chen glanced at A Yan, and then there was a glass of wine in the glass that she pushed over. A Yan looked expectantly as her wine glass was getting full, and finally held it in her hand, looking at Xie Chen with a smile.

Xie Chen watched his movements and smiled, the two wine glasses collided with a crisp sound. "This glass of wine can be regarded as a toast for the meeting of the two of us, you are good, we will be friends in the future." A Yan said with a smile.

"Why, didn't you count as a friend before?" Xie Chen said with a smile.

"Now the relationship between friends is officially established, understand?" A Yan explained.

"It's fine if you are happy." Xie Chen smiled and looked at Ah Yan, but this smile looked strange in Ah Yan's eyes. Ah Yan shook his head, tossed this feeling aside, then raised the wine glass and drank it in one go.

The same goes for Xie Chen, placing the wine glass under the tip of his nose, smelling the clear aroma of wine, then looking up, drank the entire glass of wine.

Put the glass on the table, Xie Chen and A Yan looked at each other, smiled and said, "Good wine!"

Xie Chen lifted the jug immediately and poured another glass without forgetting to pour it on Ah Yan. He leaned over and said, "How do you feel, do you feel dizzy?"..


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