Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 10 Chapter 22: Energy change

To be precise, he is staring at Ah Yan, so, is this the reason why he has been a little upset for a while? Xie Chen scratched his head in distress.

Xie Chen felt uncomfortable when he thought of someone around him staring at his every move. Taking a breath, Xie Chen turned and walked out of Ah Yan’s room, then closed the door, turned and opened his own door, and walked in to watch the week. Xie Chen did not lie down to rest, but walked to the other side of Jing. Inside the room, I sat cross-legged on the black stone platform and started practicing.

The Qingyan wine that he just drank was not only an infinite aftertaste, but also contained wisps of magical energy. This energy originally contained in the brewing ingredients was further purified after a long period of brewing. Contained in the liquor, this was another reason why Xie Chen couldn't put it down at that time.

Sitting on the stone platform, Xie Chen slowly digested the magic energy in his body and gradually merged with the magic power in his body. The stone platform below him is also playing a role, and the energy in Xie Chen's body is purified by the threads. The cultivation method he is using now can be regarded as stealing the teacher from Ah Yan. When he used the magic eye to look far away, he inadvertently turned his eyes to Ah Yan's body. Then Xie Chen saw a magical scene.

In his eyes, Ah Yan’s entire body is gone. The only thing that can be seen is the magic power running in her body. These magic powers continue to run along the established route. After Mei walks a big week, the magic power will be There are some small to barely noticeable increases. In addition to the pinky-wide magic power running route, Xie Chen also saw the power center of the demon. It was not the energy core of the immortal cultivator that Xie Chen knew was in the pubic area. Instead, the energy core of the demon was in the heart. Go to the pubic area. There are a lot of magic gatherings in both places, and the richness is almost in substance.

Seeing the trajectory of the mysterious magic power, Xie Chen was a little fascinated, but before he watched it more carefully, the scene before him disappeared when he looked again. Xie Chen frowned, feeling a little disappointed in his heart, if he could see more clearly...

Xie Chen sighed slightly, and felt a little more guilty and thankful to Ah Yan. What he saw just now should be a secret that is not known to outsiders. Although he saw a little by accident, it is also helpful. He was very busy.

If you have the opportunity, you will definitely pay back. Xie Chen made a decision silently in his heart. As soon as Xie Chen's eyes turned, he found that his magic eyes hadn't failed, but when he looked at A Yan, there was nothing more than shouting the pattern on her clothes a little bit more clearly.

Is it invalid? Xie Chen thought, it seems that these skills in his body are not easy to use everywhere. Although Xie Chen didn't know why he saw that scene in the moment just now, it was a coincidence. There must be some reason for it, but Xie Chen still can't figure it out.

Withdrawing his thoughts, Xie Chen's expression is peaceful, experiencing the energy movement in his body, and feeling the slight changes in the magic in his body. Xie Chen feels that this feeling is very beautiful, and he can almost understand why immortals, monsters and the like can move. It was closed.

This feeling of really feeling the energy in one's body is really good. The corners of Xie Chen's lips curled up slightly, and it seemed that the day of breakthrough should not be far away.

Xie Chen opened his eyes, his eyes drooping, and there seemed to be a halo of ink flowing in it, which disappeared after a short while. Even if he breaks through to the middle demon, his energy level is still far behind that of the heavy building. Above the middle demon is the upper demon, and then the demon lord, demon general, demon king, and demon god.

This is the level within his own system. Although it is not the same as that of this world, it should be the level of the demon king no matter how he wants to come to Chonglou, if the power of this world is set according to the game. So thinking about those demon kings and demon generals, the energy level should be between the upper demon and the demon lord. It is not excluded that there are particularly powerful demon kings that can reach the level of the demon general.

If this is the case, Xie Chen's eyes drifted slightly. He wants to reach the peak of deterioration in this world, doesn't he want to reach the level of a demon king? Frown slightly, then gradually relieved. Even so, there is nothing wrong with it. If he really wants to stay here for a thousand years, nothing is impossible.

However, his current task is to break through to the middle demon, and then to complete the task while trying to increase his own strength, to the present point, it is no longer possible to rely on the system and O'olas. See Ayan's practice for a hundred years now Still far from the level of the magic commander, you know how difficult it is to practice.

However, Xie Chen has O'olas to help. As the saying goes, there is a cheat device, so he is not too worried. The current thing is to practice quickly and break through quickly. Let's not talk about his strength issues, just recently collected before Xie Chen. The money that came is almost spent on this thing, and it can stimulate him to complete the task.

Closing his eyes again, Xie Chen sat there quietly, a peaceful room, with only a little light on, illuminating Xie Chen's profile. In the other room, Zhengxiang, who was lying on the bed with Ah Yan, muttered softly: "Grandfather, you are back..."

And only a wall away from Xie Chen, a Demon Race was sitting on the stone platform with his eyes closed, but his ears moved from time to time. Hearing the sound of the next door disappear, he frowned slightly, then opened his eyes, glanced at the wall beside him, his expression was unclear, and finally closed his eyes again. And right above Ah Yan's room, there are people who look similar to him sitting cross-legged, with the tail swaying gently behind him, closely watching the movement downstairs and the surroundings.

These two people were just as Xie Chen guessed, they were secretly following them. It's just that when Xie Chen arrived, someone would follow them, but he didn't expect to be so close to him, just separated by a wall. This means that the opponent can even break through the wall directly under any circumstances. ..


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