Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 10 Chapter 23: Black Flame Demon Lord

But now Xie Chen doesn’t know anything. He is immersed in cultivation practice. Xie Chen, whose magic power is almost evenly distributed throughout his body, has also slowly undergone some changes. The part of the heart gradually gathers magic power, except The heart part, the original Dantian part has also changed. However, Xie Chen compared to Ah Yan, the most special thing is that the same change happened on his forehead.

Xie Chen hasn't noticed this kind of change yet, because it just started, so this defense is very small. If you don't follow the magic power, you won't find it, but depending on the speed of the magic power, you want to be discovered. It won't be long.

"A Yan is still in the capital?" In a city far away from the capital, in a hall in the city lord's mansion at the center of the city, a man sat high and asked the person below, his voice was steady, but there was no What feelings.

The person below replied in a deep voice: "Yes, the young master is still in the capital, and the man named Xie Chen is still walking with the young master. This is the latest situation of the young master just received."

The man sitting at the top is Ah Yan's father, and he can know his identity by his name. He is one of the few demon kings in the demon world, the Black Flame Demon Lord.

This person took out a piece of stone slip, the Black Flame Demon Lord sitting high on it moved his hand slightly, and the stone slipped out of his hand and was held firmly by the man. After quickly browsing the information in the stone slip, his expression changed a little, his eyes were a little helpless and a headache: "A Yan was really taken badly, and he drank so much Qingyan wine. However, the man unexpectedly Father is somewhat similar, which is interesting."

"Master, what are we going to do?" the person below asked.

Black Flame Demon Lord waved his hand and said, "No, it's better to watch. Anyway, it hasn't been long since I wanted to come to meet A Yan." He thought of something, and a trace of sadness crossed his eyes.

At this time, a demon standing beside the black flame demon waved his hand, motioned to the people below to go down, and asked, "Should I go to see the demon lord again?" He is a member of the black flame demon. Being like a counselor is highly regarded.

Black Flame Demon Lord nodded and said, "Yes, Lord Demon Lord is going out more frequently recently. I'm really worried about this. If this continues..."

"But it is so. If this continues, we will always be noticed by the heavenly court. At that time, even if we are not afraid of the heavenly court, we will inevitably have trouble." The counselor received.

Black Flame Demon Lord nodded and said: "That's why I have to go to the capital once."

"Do you want to persuade Lord Demon? But with the temper of Lord Demon..." The counselor stopped talking, and the temper of Demon Respect Building was as famous as his strength. It was really a piece of cake for him to accept his subordinates' dissuasion. It's not easy.

"But this is the end of the matter, there is nothing wrong with trying it." Black Flame Demon Lord said, "Leave to go to the capital in seven days, you order to go down and prepare."

"Yes, Lord." The counselor responded.

There is a faint melancholy in the look of the Black Flame Demon Lord. He is one of the few demon Lords in the Demon Realm who has a better relationship with the Demon Respect Building. In addition to surrendering to the heavy building like him, he has a better relationship. There were people who were dissatisfied with the Demon Sovereign, and always wanted to leave the rule of the heavy building, but because of the high strength of the heavy building, they were suppressed to death, so there was no storm in such a long time. However, the fact that Zhonglou often went out to fight with the generals of the heavens is no secret among them, because this matter is even less important for the devil. My heart, and there are some omissions in the guarding of the Well of Gods and Demons, so those people who were originally honest are a little bit ready to move.

He knew this situation well, so he wanted to see the Chonglou side, let him converge somehow, and focus more on things in the devil world. Although they knew that even if they had any plans under the repression of Chonglou's strength, they did not dare to implement it easily, but this was under the current situation. If Heaven really intervenes one day, involving the Demon Lord and even the entire Demon Realm, it will give them a chance. So Black Flame Demon Lord had to remind the rebuilding, I hope he can really hear it.

Capital, early morning.

Compared to the night, the sky is only brighter, and there is no sense of brightness. Looking at the gloomy sky that has hardly changed, Xie Chen already misses the blue sky and white clouds in his memory. If he can break through to the middle demon, Just try if you can go to the human world. Although the passage between the Demon Realm and the Human Realm, the Well of Gods and Demons, is generally not easy to pass under the guard of the Demon Respect Building, isn't he fighting with Fei Peng recently, so it is not without a chance.

Thinking of this, Xie Chen stepped back the door of the room, and then happened to see A Yan who had just come out with the same feeling.

A Yan stretched out and saw Xie Chen, his face was filled with a bright smile: "Xie Chen, morning."

"A Yan early." Xie Chen smiled slightly.

"It was great to sleep yesterday, is it really the effect of Qingyan Wine? You must buy more before you leave." A Yan blinked, "Or go now?"

"What are you doing in such a hurry?" Xie Chen raised his eyebrows and walked outside with A Yan.

"Because I don't know when I will leave here." A Yan shrugged.

"Why, did you find the person you were looking for?" he asked, he remembered that A Yan had said that she was here to find someone.

A Yan shook his head: "Not yet, so I don't know when. If I can't find it in a few days, I should leave. Do you want to go together?"

Xie Chen thought for a while and said, "Not necessarily, it depends on the situation."

A Yan widened his eyes in surprise, and asked, "Aren't you doing nothing? What are you doing in the capital?"

Xie Chen touched his chin and said, "Maybe you think the capital is more suitable?"

A Yan was speechless and patted Xie Chen on the shoulder: "You..."..


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