Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 10 Chapter 30: Black Flame Arrives

In front of Xie Chen, purple beads were floating, a demon energy connected to Xie Chen's body, continuously injected into his body to help him cultivate. Because these energy temporarily exceeded Xie Chen's absorption capacity, but it was too wasteful to let them escape, so Xie Chen came up with a way. Directly remove these excess magic energy from the body to create a circulation, so that it can slowly absorb too much energy to break the meridians, and there is no need to watch them lose in vain.

Time slowly passed. On the seventh day, Xie Chen's devilish energy became stronger and stronger, almost covering his entire body, vaguely seeing his figure. Even the pearl that originally exuded white light seemed to be infected, and the light in the entire stone room turned into a light purple.

And in another cave at the top of the mountain, A Yan opened his eyes, holding his chin in boredom, "How long will it take? It's so boring."

At the entrance of the capital, a man in a cloak strode into the gate, followed by several people. Although a few people didn't have any expressions, the aura on their bodies was daunting, and they couldn't help avoiding the places they had walked.

The person headed was the Black Flame Demon Lord, beside him, a Demon Race whispered something, and his appearance was exactly one of those Demon Races who followed Xie Chen and A Yan.

"Lord, the Young Lord is now in retreat on Luohua Mountain outside the city, and the teenagers following the Young Lord are the same." The demon said in a low voice.

The Black Flame Demon's expression did not change, but he nodded slightly, paused under his feet, and said, "Just keep watching, and I will deal with it when I come back."

The demons nodded and said, "Really, Lord."

Black Flame Demon Lord flashed, and then disappeared into the street, as did the people behind him.

In a building in the north of the capital, the Demon Respect Building walked out of the main hall and was about to leave when he heard the report from his subordinates. A demon bowed and said, "My lord, Black Flame Demon Lord, please see me."

"Hei Yan?" Zhonglou was a little surprised, how could he come over at this time? After estimating the time in my mind, Zhonglou turned back and returned to the main hall, saying, "Let him come over."

"Yes, my lord."

Seeing Chonglou, the Black Flame Demon bowed and saluted: "My lord."

"Hei Yan, why are you here?" Although Zhonglou's expression at this time still didn't fluctuate, a smile could be seen in his eyes.

"I have important things to report." Hei Yan replied.

"What's the matter?" Zhonglou asked, leaning forward slightly. Hei Yan's answer made his heart move. What could make him an important matter would not be a trivial matter, but he hadn't heard of anything in the Demon World recently.

Hei Yan stepped forward, pressed his lips together, then looked up at the heavy building and asked: "I heard that the lord has found an opponent. Is this true?"

Chonglou heard his question, raised his eyebrows, then laughed, and replied, "Yes, it seems that you all know it? I always feel bored in the Demon Realm, and there is no opponent. This time it is very healthy. ."

Hei Yan saw that Chonglou was very happy, he sighed, frowned and said worriedly: "The subordinates are very happy that the adults can find a close opponent, but the current situation makes the subordinates have to worry. ."

Chonglou frowned: "Oh? What do you say?"

Hei Yan stepped forward and said: "Although the battle between the adults and General Feipeng is only the previous fight between the two, whether it is you or General Feipeng are people with important positions. You must guard the well of the gods and demons, and General Feipeng will It is to guard the heaven."

"That's right, but I didn't see what was wrong there?" Chonglou said with some discomfort.

"There is no problem now, but think about it, can those people in the heavens just watch and do nothing? In case," Black Flame Demon Lord raised his head, "I mean in case, you two are caused by fighting. If there are any consequences, I am afraid that the heavens will not let it go."

After hearing Lord Black Flame Demon's words, Chonglou's brows wrinkled deeper. After thinking about it carefully, he found that what the Lord Black Flame Demon said is not impossible. He slowly said: "The group of respectable things in the heavens, I'm afraid I will really do something." Then after a while, Chonglou waved his hand and said proudly: "But so what? Is my Chonglou Tangtang Demon Lord afraid of him? Hei Yan, this matter you Don't worry, what's to worry about."

The Black Flame Demon frowned and smiled bitterly. He knew that Yimozun's temper would definitely be like this, but even if he knew it, he still had to say it. He continued to persuade: "My lord, I still think it's better not to have a fight between the two. Even if it is, the frequency should not be so high. After all..."

Heiyan was interrupted by Zhonglou before he finished speaking. Zhonglou frowned and said displeasedly: "Okay, you don't need to talk about it anymore. I know what to do about this matter, so you don't have to worry too much. Now that you are here, I just made a new batch of wine here, and I will drink with you when I come back."

Hei Yan looked at the expression in Chonglou who clearly didn't want to listen anymore, sighed slightly, and said, "Yes."

Chonglou left, Hei Yan sighed there, helplessly said: "Sure enough, I hope what I said can make a difference."

They all knew exactly where the Chonglou left to ensure. After leaving the Demon Venerable Hall of the Chonglou, several of the Black Flame Demon Lord’s men waited outside, and they bowed and saluted after seeing him coming out.

Hei Yan waved them to get up. After getting up, the staff officer knew that the result of this negotiation was definitely not good by looking at Hei Yan's expression, and he asked: "Master, Lord Demon, he..."

Black Flame Demon Lord shook his head: "Master Demon Venerable has just left. It is good that he can hear what I said."

The staff member pursed his lips, and it was true, but Master Demon Lord's temper had always been this way, and they were already prepared for such a result.

After a while, Lord Black Flame Demon's expression became more relieved, and he said: "I have done everything I can do. I can only see what Lord Demon Lord thinks. I can't do anything more. "..


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