Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 10 Chapter 31: breakthrough!

The staff did not speak, but quietly followed the Black Flame Demon to the outside. Every time the battle between Demon Respect Building and General Fei Peng lasted for a long time, in this period of time, they were enough to finish their affairs.

"Luo Huashan is it?" Black Flame Demon Lord asked faintly.

"Yes, Lord." The staff officer replied. When his Lord and Demon were talking inside just now, he had already passed through all the information submitted by the person who secretly protected Ah Yan, and he knew it well.

The Black Flame Demon Lord and his party rushed towards Luohua Mountain outside the city, but A Yan who was sleeping and Xie Chen who were still in retreat had no idea.

Xie Chen is at an extremely important moment at this time, he is breaking through.

In the stone room, Xie Chen sits on the stone platform. The devil qi that was lingering in the room has disappeared. The devil qi from the purple bead is directly instilled into Xie Chen’s body, and it merges with his magic power to finally transform As one.

The magic power in Xie Chen's body now runs at almost three times his normal speed, and has reached an extremely fast speed. It is also because of this that all the magic energy instilled by Zizhu can be roughly digested by him.

Earth-shaking changes are taking place in Xie Chen’s body. According to neglect, massive amounts of energy churn in his body, and magic power whizzes forward in his meridians. In the pubic area, the heart and forehead hover, forming three sizes. The vortex of different. With the infusion of a lot of magic power, the color of the vortex gradually became deep, from purple to deep purple, and finally condensed into almost black color. The size of the whirlpool is completely opposite to when it was getting bigger at first, and it is gradually getting smaller, but the amount of magic contained in this small whirlpool is amazing.

After undergoing such violent changes in his body, Xie Chen naturally couldn't feel nothing at all. Under his seemingly calm expression, he was actually enduring it. It can be seen from the fact that the thin beads of sweat leaking from his forehead were endless, and his clenched teeth, his whole body trembling slightly.

The width of the meridians was originally only that small, and the magic power that was almost two or three times that of the normal period was circling rapidly in it, and it had almost reached the limit. The width of the meridians widened a little under the rough scouring of the magic. Xie Chen only felt that the meridians in his body were being torn a little bit by someone, and the sharp pain was coming in layers like waves. If it weren't for Xie Chen's endurance far beyond ordinary people, he would have endured it. Not anymore.

But this is just a question of laughter, and the greater torture is still to come. When Xie Chen didn’t know, the purple beads floating in front of him that were pouring magic energy into him had become dimmed. The final magic energy was completely different from the previous ones. It was a tiny blood-red magic energy. Xie Chen's eyebrows drilled in.

After releasing this wisp of devilish energy, Zizhu seemed to have lost its energy support, and fell to the ground with a click, and rolled into the corner.

And Xie Chen trembled after the red demon energy entered the center of his eyebrows, like a lightning strike, and the whole person trembled violently.

After the wisp of demon energy entered the center of his eyebrows, it hovered in the vortex at the center of his eyebrows for a while, but it was distinct from the demon energy in Xie Chen's body, and there was no sign of fusion. After a while, this wisp of magic energy left the vortex directly and rushed into Xie Chen's meridians. Under its lead, the magic power in Xie Chen's body speeded up again, if it was just like this, it would be fine. But in the meridians, the devil qi was running rampant, and at a bifurcation point, the devil qi burrowed into a meridian that was almost closed.

In fact, no matter whether it is a human being or a god, a demon or a demon, there are meridians in their bodies, and the meridians are actually the route of energy movement in their bodies. In Xie Chen’s body, the original energy operation route was very simple. After coming to this world, by chance, I saw A Yan’s exercise route, and then improved his energy operation route, but in fact, this is still far not enough.

Just like Ayan, her body contains much more meridians that can hold energy and allow energy to run through than Xie Chen’s. This is due to the level of her practice. It was originally a top-level practice. Cultivation is provided with good resources, so those small meridians in the body are gradually opened up.

But Xie Chen’s current situation is completely different. It was originally a different energy system, and Xie Chen chose to combine the two energy systems to break through. In fact, before this red magic energy appeared, only Xie Chen’s body circulation Maintaining this situation, he will be able to make a smooth breakthrough soon, but he would not have thought that such an accident would occur when the devil energy of Zizhu was exhausted!

The red magical energy rushes against you under Xie Chen, like a drill bit to drill through the small untrained meridians, as if to use strong means to make them a route that can make the magic power run. But under such a brutal method, Xie Chen's meridians...unexpectedly, they split.

Feeling the fragmentation of the tiny meridians in his body, Xie Chen bit his lip, leaving a ray of bright red blood at the corner of his mouth, his expression was extremely painful, and he snorted twice.

"What the **** is this?!" Xie Chen was frightened. Although he was prepared to endure the pain, it was not the situation at hand! Now he was able to feel the situation inside his body exactly, and when he was about to succeed, suddenly he didn't know where a ray of red magic energy came out of him, and he almost gave up all his previous work! The devil energy in the body was kept working hard, but under the severe pain, Xie Chen could hardly maintain it, and the magic vortex that was almost condensed in his body almost collapsed.

Stop! Stop it! Xie Chen roared in his heart, but his thoughts did not affect that ray of devil energy in the slightest. It still traveled through the small meridians, with an extremely tough attitude. With its actions, Xie Chen's body surface also changed. ..


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