Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 10 Chapter 32: Familiar breath!

Xie Chen’s upper body was already covered with tiny cracks, and the tiny blood beads leaking out of it were densely connected and merged together. From a distance, Xie Chen’s upper body seemed to be coated with blood. And this range is still gradually expanding.

Watching his meridians being destroyed and devastated, Xie Chen was anxious, and finally his heart froze. Xie Chen guided a small magical power to the incomplete meridian. As soon as he touched his own magical power, Xie Chen was all over his body. There was a twitch, leaving another trail of blood at the corner of his mouth. This feeling is like putting salt water on the wound, but in reality, this feeling is far inferior to Xie Chen's current feeling.

Xie Chen just bit his lip, and the ninja's huge pain extended this magical power along the meridian that had been drilled. He must do this if he doesn't want his meridians to continue like this. Xie Chen must do the same for his own future cultivation path.

But when he divided part of his mind on this, the vortex that had been maintained was immediately unstable. Xie Chen was shocked and tried his best to ignore the pain in the body and focus on the focus.

While controlling the operation of the magic vortex so that the magic in one's body will not get out of control, while controlling the magic to enter the damaged meridian and slowly repair. Xie Chen only feels that the time now passes extremely slowly, and it is not an exaggeration to say that every second is like a year.

After being led by Xie Chen, his magic power gradually entered these destroyed meridians, and under the constant warmth of his magic power, the cracks on the body surface that were still a little bleeding gradually stopped bleeding beads. Xie Chen relaxed a little in his heart, it seems that his method is right. But then immediately became nervous again.

The meridians that Xie Chen's magic power extends to are only less than one-third of the destroyed, and the red magical energy is still moving forward. Now Xie Chen's calf has become red, and the body underneath Shitai has also been stained with blood.

It's just that Xie Chen doesn't care at all. Now he is only thinking about repairing these damaged meridians. He doesn't want to be as good as before, or it is already very good as it is now. Xie Chen thinks like this, although he is unwilling, but What he can do now is the only thing he can do now. When he has enough time in the future, he can always find a way to repair them all.

In a blink of an eye, the small meridians that were originally closed on Xie Chen's body have now been completely opened up, but all that is left is full of devastation, which is terrible.

The red demon energy stopped its rampage, and slowly reached the position of Xie Chen's heart following the movement of the magic power in Xie Chen's body. Xie Chen's heart palpitations for a while, for fear that this ray of devilish energy will continue to do something, but fortunately, it just stayed there quietly, without any movement.

Taking a breath, without the sharp pain, Xie Chen felt a lot more relaxed. Although the pain of all the small veins all over his body is still not tolerable by ordinary people, it is already a lot easier than just before. Up.

He stabilized his mind and began to speed up the extension of the magical power. The meridians where the magical power passed were all protected and temporarily stabilized.

Gradually, as time passed, the pain Xie Chen could feel gradually decreased. Finally, all the damaged meridians were stabilized.

These small meridians are connected with the large and small meridians of the whole body, forming a complicated circuit. Xie Chen frowned and exhausted all his mind to reduce the speed of the magic power in the body to the lowest level. Under the magic power, the destroyed meridians were like being rubbed with sandpaper, and the pain that could not be ignored spread all over the body. But he had no choice but to endure it silently. The only thing that gave him some comfort was that the damaged meridians did show signs of improvement.

Then when Xie Chen just breathed a sigh of relief and was not completely relaxed, the red magical energy moved again, and his heart instantly lifted up. Xie Chen looked at this wisp of devil energy nervously, trying to control it, but it didn't work. This wisp of devilish energy was not under his control, and slowly moved out of the whirlpool.

Xie Chen's brows were frowning, and his thoughts were very mixed, and various thoughts appeared one after another. He didn't know where the magical energy came from, but he couldn't watch it continue to rampage in his body like this.

Must find a way to control him! Xie Chen thought in his heart.

Xie Chen did not give up, re-contacted this ray of devilish energy, and still showed no sign of being able to control it. But after such a short period of relief, Xie Chen had a surprise to him, and there was a breath of him and familiarity in this wisp of devilish energy!

That kind of breath clearly comes from himself! Xie Chen's expression on Cotton Rope changed drastically. He couldn't understand what was going on. Could it be that this ray of devilish energy had been lurking in his body before? Xie Chen couldn't help but think of it, but immediately denied his own thoughts, because in addition to his own aura, the remaining devilish energy can not be wrong with this world, which means that this devilish energy is at least in him. It only appeared after coming to this world. When will it be? Xie Chen thought quickly in his heart, trying to find out the origin of this magical energy, but he didn't get any results.

At this moment when Xie Chen thought, the wisp of magic energy had moved into Xie Chen’s meridians. The tiny red silk seemed to be slow and fast, like a tiny lightning moving in Xie Chen’s body, as if it was only used In an instant, a cycle was completed in Xie Chen's body. With the cycle of this magical energy, Xie Chen's body also undergone tremendous changes. The red particles that are so subtle that they are imperceptible come from this. Separated from the wisp of demon energy, a trace of red appeared in the originally purple magic power.

With the ray of red magic energy as fast as lightning, a huge energy burst out from the meridians of Xie Chen's body, and a faint red light appeared in Xie Chen's body. ..


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