Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 10 Chapter 33: Regenerative change

This ray of light expanded rapidly, from the inside to the outside, from weak to strong, and finally from the outside, you could see Xie's red light penetrating Xie Chen's body.

Along with the light of the knife came the pain that was difficult to express in words. The small wounds on Xie Chen's body that had been hemostatic all cracked with this light, and the thin blood spewed out from the body surface with the light, making the red light brighter and brighter, showing a blood color that was almost monster.

After the light disappeared, Xie Chen had completely transformed into a blood man, and the black clothes he was wearing had been soaked. But in the blood flowing out this time, there are still some black substances, exuding a fishy smell, mixed with the smell of blood, forming a kind of dizzy smell.

But Xie Chen didn't know what happened to his body, and there was chaos in his body now. With the burst of light just now, his magic power surged, and he was out of his control for a moment. Xie Chen quickly regained control of these magical powers, but because most of his mind was concentrated in the meridians before, the magical vortex that had been barely stabilized began to become unstable, especially at the pubic area. The whirlpool immediately collapsed after spinning quickly.

Xie Chen was shocked and wanted to regroup it, but found that it had no effect. I can only watch the huge amount of magic power of the vortex collapse value rushing into the meridians, and even with it, the magic power of the whole body becomes faster and faster, and the speed originally suppressed by Xie Chen has returned to its original appearance. Far more than the.

Feeling the friction in the meridians, Xie Chen was so painful that he could only do his best to protect his meridians, so much magic power suddenly rushed into the meridians, a bad one would cause a big problem, and even cause It is not impossible that the meridians all over his body burst.

In addition to protecting his meridians and suppressing the movement of magic power, Xie Chen now concentrates all his energy on the red magic energy. The chief culprit of all this is also carrying his own. The breath caused a mess in his body, and he must be resolved, otherwise his current situation would not be resolved.

Xie Chen had been staring at the movement of this devilish energy, and then he discovered that after the movement of this devilish energy had caused the movement just now, it had temporarily stagnated, still staying in the center of the whirlpool of the heart.

Because he has been staring at it closely, Xie Chen keenly perceives that this ray of devilish energy seems to have become more? The volume seems to continue to grow. No, not an increase, Xie Chen frowned.

The volume of that wisp of devil energy is increasing, and its color is also changing, and it fades a little bit. So, this demonic energy is not increasing, but dissipating?

The red magic energy slowly changed, gradually turning from a strand of filament into a cloud of mist. Then it spread out slowly, and it seemed that he was about to touch the magic vortex at Xie Chen's heart.

Xie Chen was taken aback and separated a magical power to limit it there, but as soon as his magical power touched this red mist, it became somewhat out of his control.

The central part of the red devilish energy is the darkest, still bloody, and the lighter the more outward. The faint mist began to touch Xie Chen's magic, and then melted in.

Xie Chen wanted to stop it, but he didn't have any spare energy now. By suppressing the magic power in his body, his mind was almost exhausted. But to his surprise, the red mist did not cause any movement this time, and the thin mist seemed to disappear after it was absorbed into the magic.

And Xie Chen suddenly had an intuition in his heart that he didn't seem to have to stop the change of this red mist. Xie Chen couldn't help but frowned. Why did he feel this way? Is it because there is his own aura in that red devil qi?

Since it couldn't be stopped, Xie Chen could only divert all his attention to his meridians. After his suppression, the large amount of magic power that had originally escaped due to the collapse of the magic vortex was now restricted by Xie Chen in his dantian. Although it did not return to its original form, it also avoided allowing all of these magic power to rush into the meridians. Which caused serious consequences.

Under his control, these magical powers are added to it point by point with each magical power cycle, so as to gradually let them enter the cycle.

Xie Chen calmed down now, he didn't seem to feel the pain caused by the wounds on his body at all, and the condition of the meridians in his body was improving. Every time the magic power cycle, a small part of the red mist in the heart part will always merge into the circulating flow, gradually making Xie Chen's magic power dyed red.

Xie Chen was still worried about whether there would be any problems, but he discovered that not only his magic power, but even his meridians had changed. The original meridians seemed to have become a little more transparent, and Xie Chen could feel that his original meridians seemed to have become tougher, so just now, when the magic vortex collapsed, a lot of magic power rushed into the meridians. To damage.

Even the small, damaged meridians have also changed, and the feeling of being rubbed by sandpaper disappears when there is no magic power through these meridians. Xie Chen now feels that his whole body is relaxed, and these broken meridians are being repaired. It is not the other ones that play a role, but the formal red magic energy.

Xie Chen was surprised, because this change was something he was willing to see, so he didn't stop it.

Xie Chen didn't know the reason for this situation, but he already had a guess in his mind that this situation must be inseparable from the red light just now.

Xie Chen's mind was immersed in the meridians, and he repaired the broken place wholeheartedly. After he hurriedly recovered, he noticed that the width of the meridians that were originally narrow and magical power would not pass through had changed drastically. The widest place now is enough to compare with the end of his previous magical meridians. Although it is still a little bit worse, the change is already quite amazing. You must know that these meridians were narrow to almost occluded in the past, and they had to be opened up a little bit as the level of cultivation slowly increased. ..


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