Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 10 Chapter 51: Duo

After a hard battle, Yan Que ran out of the woods along the road a little staggeringly. Then he saw a person, a person who seemed to be completely out of place like this.

He looked at Xie Chen's fresh and clean appearance, and then looked at his **** wounds and various stains. Then look at Xie Chen's black clothes and boots with delicate red patterns, and then look at his clothes are in tatters. What made him most unacceptable was that he had not eaten jelly for three days. Although he was not hungry, he was still a little uncomfortable. But what did he see, this man was actually eating a barbecue! The fragrance has drifted to him, the fragrance is very attractive.

Then the Xie Chen, who doesn't even speak much, waved to him and asked if he could eat?

This must be an illusion in the formation! Yan Que had such an idea for the first time. No, if the illusion deteriorates, this would be too despising of his IQ!

After seeing Yanque’s expression, Xie Chen realized that in the last few days he was too relaxed because he was alone, and because the fish was unexpectedly delicious, he was in a good mood. Even the previous depression has disappeared, so for a while Forgetfulness, even forgot his usual image.

Xie Chen stroked his nose blankly, and then said, "Well, it's delicious, do you want to eat it?"

Yan Que walked forward slowly, looking at his wary expression, Xie Chen said: "I am not an illusion, you can rest assured."

"How do you prove?" Yan Que stopped when he walked a hundred meters away from Xie Chen, and asked vigilantly.

Xie Chen looked at him, silent for a while without saying anything. He bit the fish in his hand, swallowed it and said, "It's gone for a while."

Yan Que looked at Xie Chen, licked his lips, looked at him without explaining how he was eating, and couldn't help but black lines. Then he walked over slowly.

Seeing Yanque coming, Xie Chen cut off a piece of fish that was still roasting on the fire, handed him the dagger directly, and said, "Try it."

Yan Que hesitated for a while, then walked over and sat on the stone beside Xie Chen, took the dagger and looked at it, found nothing unusual, and bit it down.

Yanque simmered for a while, and then increased the speed of chewing, and a piece of fish was quickly eaten. Before Xie Chen could speak, he consciously cut a piece and started eating again.

Xie Chen raised his eyebrows and said, "How is it?"

Yan Que glanced at him as he ate, then turned his eyes to the bones on the ground, and said, "The taste of nine beard fish is naturally good."

Xie Chen looked at the bones of a fish head on the ground. It turned out that this strange fish was called a nine-beard fish.

However, Yan Que thought while gnawing at the fish. The rumor that this nine-beard fish is extremely rare in the Demon Realm, because it has extremely high requirements for the living environment, and it is as famous as its rarity for its delicious meat. Unexpectedly, nine beards would be found in such places, but this cooking method is a pity.

Yan Que looked at the discarded taro on the ground with a pity. The fish head that could make a very famous soup was discarded like this. It was a violent thing. Naturally, Xie Chen didn't know what Yan Que was thinking in his heart. He didn't even know the name of the nine beard fish until today. Ranzi didn't know that this very rare delicacy was eaten after he sprinkled a little seasoning on the fire so casually.

The two of them ate fish on this road, but the others did not have such a leisurely mood. After Xie Chen and Yan Que, the people who successfully cleared the customs also met two people, forming a two-by-one team.

"It was a single player just now, but now it has become a double player. I think the difficulty will increase again." Xie Chen finished cleaning up and put out the fire on the ground, then stood up and said.

"Yes." Yan Que only said two words. Then he turned and walked towards the road ahead. Xie Chen came from the left, and Yan Que came from the right. There is a lake in front, so the passable road is behind.

Xie Chen and Yan Que walked on one side, watching the surrounding environment vigilantly. The things they encountered along the way were too strange, and they didn't know if a small flower next to them would become a piranha in the next second, they could only focus on it for twelve minutes.

But until the end of this road, there was nothing unusual. This could not help but make them frown, there is no abnormality, it is the biggest abnormality.

"Did you find anything?" Xie Chen said in a deep voice.

Yan Que shook his head: "Not yet."

Xie Chen frowned slightly. It seemed too quiet here.

"But the environment here is too quiet, even there is no wind, it is suspicious." Yan Que said, he also discovered this.

"You're right, here..." Xie Chen didn't finish her words, and was shocked, he felt the unusual breath behind him. The long sword in his hand blocked directly backwards, the sound of Jin Ming sounded, sparks flew everywhere!

"What!" Yan Que shouted, rushing toward the thing that attacked Xie Chen.

After the fight, Xie Chen saw clearly what the thing he was fighting against was a bit like a human, but he was very tall, covered in fur, and was a magic ape!

The hands of the red-eyed demon ape were covered with sharp scale armor. It was its fist that made the sound of golden scream when it was handed over with Xie Chen's long sword.

Xie Chen turned around and avoided the other iron fist, went around behind him and stabbed in. Consort has learned a lot of spells, but what he is best at is swordsmanship.

On the other side, Yan Que didn't have the energy to take care of Xie Chen's affairs, because another demon ape appeared from all directions and was fighting with him.

Although the demons know all spells, no matter their cultivation methods or their nature, they are all body-oriented, and they are almost all of the melee type when fighting.

Yan Que's weapon was a fiery red knife. With the infusion of his fire attribute magic power, the blade seemed to be ignited with raging fire. The air became hot, and the hair on the demon ape who fought with him became a little curly. ..


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