Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 10 Chapter 52: Magic Ape

The two magic apes, with their strength, are not difficult to solve, it just takes some effort, but since it is training, how can they make it so easy?

Both of them understood this in their hearts, so they didn't forget to separate a little bit of mind and pay attention to the surrounding movement when fighting.

Sure enough, when they were fighting, two more magic apes appeared from the forest!

Xie Chen's eyes dazzled, and flames appeared on his left hand. The high temperature for a moment made the leaves on the surrounding trees dry. Yan Que looked at the purple-red flame in Xie Chen’s hand in amazement. As a fire member, he was very sensitive to flames. The high temperature contained in the purple-red flame made him tremble a bit, not afraid, but seeing The excitement of a powerful flame.

Xie Chen raised the corner of his mouth. Although he has always used swordsmanship, don't forget that he knows more than swordsmanship!

A fist knocked the demon ape into the air, and the tall demon ape fell to the ground and wailed, a shocking big hole in the chest and abdomen was sunken, blood flowed out quickly, and the wound was blackened.

Yan Que was a little surprised by this power, and with the same big move that he wanted to ask, he brought the Demon Ape down, and then flew out with Xie Chen.

The two of them were shaped like electricity, moving at an extremely fast speed in the forest, followed by a group of magic apes. This was originally their territory, so although they were tall, they were not slow at all.

"What happens next?" Yan Que asked.

Xie Chen glanced back, and then said, "Bring them to the lake, which is empty."

"it is good."

A road that had been walked for more than ten minutes now passed in less than a minute.

Xie Chen and Yan Que stopped abruptly. The fire was not completely extinguished just now, and there was a faint spark flashing. There are a lot of rocks by the lake, which are weird. Among them is a huge boulder with a height of six or seven meters.

The two stood up, and then smashed the surrounding rocks that could go up. In Jianqi and Daomang caves, the hard stones were broken into slag.

Xie Chen narrowed his eyes as he looked at the demon ape that flew up. In fact, he didn't even feel the slightest panic in his heart. After all, he had hidden his strength. With his true cultivation base, these magic apes were just enemies of One He.

He glanced at Yanque and found that this person also had the same calm eyes, without a trace of panic.

"There are six in total, three of you and three of me." Yan Que said.

"No problem." Xie Chen responded.

The two of them tapped their toes on the ground at the same time, leaped high, and appeared directly above the magic ape.

Stomping directly on the head of the demon ape, his whole body drunk downward with great strength. The huge body of the demon ape fell to the ground with a sudden. There was a roar of anger from the soup bucket. The surrounding woods trembled, and many birds were shocked.

Xie Chen jumped back, avoiding the attack of another demon ape. The long sword was retracted, and the fist and Jiahe combined, resulting in greater momentum. When facing multiple opponents like this, this method is more useful.

The two circled their opponents around them, which all showed that they still had enough power to face the three demon apes. The clearing by the lake was originally a rocky beach, but now it has been made pits and bumps, and the terrain has been changed due to the fighting.

Jiahe stabbed at the demon ape, but was avoided by it. It directly pierced the stone behind, and because of the huge force, the stone broke apart.

Many stones fell into the lake, arousing water spray. The originally calm lake water became intense, and some creatures under the water seemed to be alarmed by the movement, watching the situation here quietly from a distance.

"One." Xie Chen hooked the corner of his mouth. Following his words, a demon ape was punched out by him. Because it directly attacked the head, he died. There was no time to even whine.

On the other hand, Yan Que’s progress was not bad. After Xie Chen, he also solved a demon ape, but he looked a little more embarrassed than Xie Chen. After all, Xie Chen’s Jiahe can be offensive and defensive, and can be used as a Dunjia. As a sword.

In terms of Que, I don’t know the reason. There is no protective armor or the like on his body. In addition, his fighting style is that he doesn’t care about using small injuries in exchange for more damage to the opponent, so this situation is caused. .

Xie Chen looked at the demon apes roaring from both sides, jumping up first before they landed, and then landed back. When the devil ape landed, his eyes drenched, and he said softly, "Huh, let you see the stakes of the war trampled."

As Xie Chen landed on the ground, a circle of ripples appeared on the ground around him centered on him. The ripples caused layers of cracks to appear on the ground. One blow fainted. While they were dizzy, Xie Chen unceremoniously flew forward and directly aimed at their vitals and stabbed them.

The weakness of the magic ape is not special, it is the heart and the head. It's just that they are physically tyrannical, and few people can break the defense with a single blow, so they don't have special protection for these two places.

But for Xie Chen, it would be impossible to attack when the demon ape was already dizzy if he couldn't succeed in one blow.

A flame fist moved towards the head of the demon ape. Because it was not completely stunned, the demon ape was still struggling to resist, but their current movements were like paddling, which did not pose any threat to Xie Chen. This magic ape was solved by two tricks.

Because of the physical tyranny, the trampling of the war only made them dizzy for three seconds.

But this is enough. Three seconds is not long, but short words are not short. Enough Xie Chen took the lead when dealing with the other after solving one of them.

Xie Chen took advantage of the other demon ape that hadn't fully recovered, and began a ruthless attack like a storm. Even after the demon ape woke up, he could only resist under this airtight attack, but there was no way to reverse the situation. ..


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