Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 10 Chapter 53: Things in the Lake

On the other side, Yan Que, who was fighting with the Demon Ape, was thinking about fighting, but he was also paying attention to the situation on Xie Chen's side. After seeing Xie Chen's war trampling, he was slightly surprised, but he didn't care too much. He had seen similar moves like this, but it was amazing to be able to exert such an effect at the level of Xie Chen's strength.

When Xie Chen was over, there was still a demon ape left in Yanque. Xie Chen did not step forward to help, but walked aside and looked at it.

Yan Que glanced at him and said nothing. But the speed of the attack on his hands has accelerated significantly.

Looking at the corpses of the six demon apes, Xie Chen looked down for a while, then raised his head and asked Yan Que: "Can the demon apes eat it?"

Yan Que moved his gaze to Xie Chen's face when he heard the words, and found that he was actually asking this question seriously, and the corners of his mouth twitched. How could he think that this person and General Qingyu are the same type of person?

"No." He only said two words. Then he stepped forward and peeled off all the teeth and fur of the devil ape, as well as his claws. Xie Chen watched his movements and asked, "What are you doing?"

"Can change money." It's still a few simple words. But the meaning is very clear.

Xie Chen looked at the corpse of the demon ape on the ground, then thought about the money in his wallet, and then about the prices of the demon world. According to his understanding, the price of the high-end Dongzi was beyond imagination. So no matter how small a mosquito is, it is meat. With such thoughts in mind, Xie Chen also learned Yanque's movements to collect all the valuable places in the magic ape.

After collecting it, he asked: "I don't know how much money can be exchanged for this?"

He thought he knew it, but he didn't expect that he would just frown and say, "I don't know." He actually saw some people in the team collect these things during his previous experience, but he could change them. He doesn't know how much it is. But thinking about the expressions of those people at the time, there should be a lot of them.

However, Yan Que overlooked a problem. The people with him at the time were not of the same level at all. He had lived in an affluent environment since he was a child, and he has never lacked various resources. But those people rely on themselves to make a living, so the huge sums in their eyes, in the eyes of Yan Que, are probably just the price of a jar of wine.

Putting away the collected things, when the two were planning to leave, Xie Chen frowned and flew back and retreated to the bushes furthest from the lake.

Yan Que looked at Xie Chen's expression, and he was shocked. Then immediately after Xie Chen, he also noticed that something happened!

As soon as the two retreated, they saw violent fluctuations in the lake.

"Something is coming out." Xie Chen said.

Yan Que nodded: "It was the movement of the battle just now that shocked something, but I don't know what strength it will be..."

"Just look at it." Xie Chen said lightly.

When they talked, what was originally hidden under the lake water showed its true appearance. It was a pure white or even crystal white snake, and its scales even faintly gleamed with golden light. The eyes are pure red, but they are not dirty. They don't have the cold feeling shown by ordinary snakes, but are full of aura.

Because of this, Xie Chen and Yan Que did not act rashly when it first appeared.

The white snake is already ten meters long just above the surface of the water. It can be imagined how long the entire body will be if the underwater part is added. Although the white snake is huge, it does not appear bloated, but rather slender.

"This is?" Yan Que asked Xie Chen without seeing a creature like a white snake.

But Xie Chen didn't know the details of the white snake. He just shook his head and said, "I don't know. Although there is no malice in looking at it, it is better to be careful."

"Well, it doesn't look like a mortal thing, and its strength must be extraordinary. Have you noticed it on top of its head?" Yan Que said with slightly narrowed eyes.

Xie Chen nodded, he naturally saw the two shallow little drums above the white snake's head. If you don't pay attention, you will easily ignore it, but Xie Chen and Yan Que will not ignore these two little drum kits. This is clearly a sign that they are beginning to evolve towards the dragon. In this way, the strength of this white snake should be almost the same as the lieutenant in the Qingyu Army.

It was much higher than their current strength, which meant that White Snake could easily kill both of them. Therefore, Yan Que's face couldn't help becoming dignified. He was cautious, and even used the sound transmission method to say to Xie Chen: "We are leaving now. If we really let this white snake meet, we have no chance of winning."

Xie Chen's eyes sank, he hid his strength, so it is impossible to fight this white snake at the level of his exposure, so he is ready to understand Kaifeng. Although he didn't feel the white snake's malice, he still couldn't relax his guard.

Of course, the best way to survive is safe, Xie Chen thought in his heart.

"Slowly hind your legs, don't disturb it." Xie Chen also said through voice.

After speaking, the two began to back away slowly, watching the white snake's every move vigilantly, for fear of alarming the white snake. But things went counterproductive. The white snake, who had been watching them, saw their movements. When his head tilted, he stretched out directly. A lot of the body hidden under the water was also exposed. The large amount of water brought out completely covered the open area by the lake. Soaked.

Watching the giant snake head stop not far in front of them. Yan Que and Xie Chen couldn't help holding their breath. They felt a little cold as they watched the scarlet inorganic substance and the cold snake pupils. No matter how aura and humane it looks, this is still a powerful snake, with red pupils faintly showing purple, indicating that this is a creature of pure blood in the demon world.

As for the demon world's monsters, unless the white snake really turns into a flood, it is impossible to communicate with them. But if they are facing the dragon, then there is really no hope. Even the current Xie Chen had to play all his cards. ..


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