Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 10 Chapter 55: Decide

It turned out that these two people had hidden their strengths. The reason for Xie Chen was that his original strength would be too noticeable because he didn't know what Yan Que was hiding his strength for.

Just as Xie Chen thought, Yan Que’s strength was not what he showed. Measured by Xie Chen’s own level, he was probably weaker than the demon warrior but much stronger than the demon. grade. And his true strength is at the level of a demon warrior, and is almost stronger than when Xie Chen was a demon warrior.

In Yan Que's thoughts, even if he knew that Xie Chen had hidden strength, he did not guess how much strength he had hidden. He thought that Xie Chen's true strength was at most three steps higher than what he showed now, but he would definitely not have thought that Xie Chen had sealed most of his strength.

Knowing that the opponent on the other side is not as difficult to deal with as I thought, the confidence in the two of them has increased. The Tianyin Snake who was staring at them was the underage Tianyin Snake. His strength was not as powerful as his own phenomenon, and his body was treasured. The two looked at each other and had a certain number in their hearts.

Since it's not an opponent that can't compete, then there is no need to adopt the previous strategy. The chance of them leaving safely now is not small, and if they want more, it is not impossible to fight.

"The whole body of the Tianyin Snake is a treasure, and it is of great value, which is of great benefit to our cultivation. Moreover, the Tianyin Snake has long been extinct in the Devil Realm. No one can find where they are, if I don't think of it in a book If you have seen their records, you won’t know. Although Tianyin Snake is not strong in its youth, once it is transformed into a flood, it cannot be contended by ordinary demons. After it is transformed into a flood, its strength will increase by leaps and bounds. You must resist the wind." Yan Que explained to Xie Chen.

Xie Chen heard the hidden meaning in his words, smiled and said: "So this young Tianyin snake that appeared alone in front of us is simply a treasure delivered to the door, right?"

"That's what it means."

"It has been so long since I saw General Aoyagi, so he must have left here now. If Brother Xie Chen and I are the same mind, we must do it as soon as possible. It is best not to save our strength. Time is quick to fight." Yan Que said quickly. If Aoyagi or General Aoyue knows that there is a minor Tianyin snake in the formation, they will definitely not let people stay here, and will control it for the first time. So the current situation is that they accidentally discovered this minor Tianyin Snake, no one knows its existence except for the two of them.

Therefore, if they want to take this Tianyin Snake as their own, they must solve the Tianyin Snake in the shortest time. Then erase the traces and leave as soon as possible.

In fact, Xie Chen's idea of ​​getting Tianyin Snake was not as strong as Yan Que, because his situation was different from the native demons. But he had to stay, because he received a task, the content of the task is to defeat the Tianyin snake, the reward is a map, because of the special situation here, the map that comes with Xie Chen's system is not too good for the current situation. The great use is simply to show the location of the road and people. With this map, he can do more detailed things, such as the surrounding monsters are there. So what was not originally a must have now become a must.

After deciding what to do, they did not first say how to allocate it in the end. Instead, they used the thunder method to make the first move. When the matter was finished, they could not say anything.

Tianyin Snake was still thinking about what these two little creatures were, but before he could react, he saw these two little creatures rushing out. Originally thought they were trying to escape, only to find that these two little things were coming towards its head, and the hot breath on his body was what it hated most. The other person is holding a sharp weapon in his hand and heading for its vitals! So it immediately rose with anger, these two little things dared to attack itself, and then watching this scene, it also remembered that when it was a little snake very early, it was almost followed by them They have caught a little thing that looks the same, and they even want to eat it!

As it is called hitting a snake and hitting a seven-inch, the place Xie Chen attacked when he rushed over was exactly its seven-inch. But it was avoided by a quick swing. The entangled body stretched out, and the tail drew directly towards the two men, bringing up a piece of gravel. Xie Chen and Yan Que immediately adjusted their body shape and continued to attack.

After all, Tianyin Snake's strength is limited. Although he is higher than the two people present, he spent almost all of his time growing up at the bottom of the lake. His combat experience is extremely limited. He can only rely on instinct, and he has no elders to teach it. Therefore, compared with Xie Chen and Yanque in the battle, they are basically at the same level. This alone has narrowed the gap between the two sides. So within a few rounds, the Tianyin Snake was injured. There was a hideous sword mark on the original pure white crystal, and the light red blood inside stretched out. Xie Chen felt a little distressed: "That can It's all a baby." Then he said, "You will be lighter in a while, or you won't be able to use the snake skin until the end.

Yan Que glanced at Xie Chen without speaking. Those black and red burn marks on Tianyin Snake's body are exactly the masterpiece of Yanque. However, Tianyin Snake was injured, and the two of them are not in good condition now. Tianyin Snakes are called Tianyin Snakes because of their unique talent, Sound Wave.

Whether it is to confuse the enemy to create an environment, or use sound waves to directly attack, they are very good at it. Although Xie Chen and Yan Que took precautions, they still didn't expect that Tianyin Snake's talent skills were so powerful, and both of them were confused before they knew it. The illusion is based on the memories and obsessions in everyone's heart, so it is extremely confusing. ..


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